Knife crime week of action turns spotlight on online retail

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Operation Sceptre to focus on impact of accessibility of knives online

Today (13 November 2023) marks the start of Operation Sceptre, an initiative to tackle knife crime across the UK which brings together all 43 police forces and British Transport Police in a week of intensified action.

Throughout the week of action, forces will coordinate activity which targets knife crime from the root cause right through to enforcement. This November, Op Sceptre will specifically focus on tackling and disrupting the importation and supply of knives, particularly the growing accessibility of dangerous knives which can be purchased online.  

Commander Stephen Clayman is National Police Chiefs’ Council knife crime lead. He explains:

“We have been growing increasingly concerned about the wide range of knives which can be purchased online and while age verification is required for purchases, there is little requirement for additional checks to be made.

“We know there have been several murders in recent years where the knives used have been purchased online and we are also aware that some individuals are buying large quantities and selling them on through social media sites like TikTok and Telegram.

“Op Sceptre will include all of the usual operational tactics including education and engagement activity, knife amnesty bins, weapons sweeps and hot spot patrols but we’re also looking to build a comprehensive picture of online retailers across the country which will help to inform our engagement moving forward.

“Our approach has also been significantly strengthened with the proposed legislative changes which are being progressed to reduce the availability of certain types of machetes and to increase policing powers to seize knives. These offer additional robust measures to deal with those who seek to use knives for violence. Ultimately, when used appropriately, they provide a greater means to protect the public and safeguard our communities. 

“Every day as police officers we see first-hand the devastating effects of these deadly weapons on the lives of individuals, particularly young people and we must always look at what action can be taken to restrict the supply chain and prevent access to knives that are used for violence, intimidation and harm.” 

Notes to editors

The proposed changes to knife crime legislation developed by The Home Office in consultation with the NPCC Knife Crime Working Group include:

  • A ban on certain types of machetes and knives which seem to have no practical use and seem to be designed to look menacing and suitable for combat.  
  • A new police power to seize, retain and destroy lawfully held bladed articles in private premises – this power can be applied only if the police are in the property lawfully already, and have reasonable grounds to believe that the article is to be used in serious crime or serious violence. 
  • Increasing the maximum penalty for the offences of importation, manufacture, sale and general supply of prohibited and dangerous weapons and sale of knives to persons under 18 years old, to 2 years. 
  • The Sentencing Council to consider amending the Sentencing Guidelines relating to possession of bladed articles and offensive weapons so that possession of a prohibited weapon is treated more seriously than possession of a non-prohibited weapon.  
  • The introduction of a new possession offence of bladed articles with the intention to endanger life or to cause fear of violence.  

Embargoed until Friday 10 November 00:01: Police attend 67 protests in four days as chiefs warn they will come after anyone intent on criminality

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Events playing out overseas have already had a significant impact on communities here in the UK, and concern will increase from all sides in the coming weeks, particularly as the Israeli military response continues.

We have previously seen how escalated tension in the same region (notably in 2014 and 2021) can impact on the UK domestically. A national policing response to the current conflict was quickly established by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), with support from the National Police Coordination Centre (NPoCC), as soon as the severity of the initial attacks by Hamas became clear. This work links with, and functions alongside, established Counter Terrorism Policing structures, which continue to lead on protective security.

The aim of NPCC and partners is to:

  • ensure that national structures are in place to support the policing response.
  • coordinate daily reporting on community tension and protest.
  • manage the policing approaches to public order incidents.
  • engage with our communities proactively.

A recent data return from forces (encapsulating the period from 2 November  – 5 November) reveals:

  • 67 protests occurred nationwide, requiring 622 officers to police.
  • These incidents led to eight protested-related arrests, across three forces.
  • Early estimates as to the policing cost of these events would suggest they amount to £140,346 for the reporting period, however and to note, not all forces have yet been able to provide a figure in the reporting period. The true cost is likely to be higher.

This does not include the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) or the events in London over the past weekend.

A huge amount of engagement and operational activity is already underway and having a clear and positive impact on our communities.

During the above reporting period, forces undertook:

  • 34 synagogues visits.
  • 39 mosque visits.
  • Total Jewish community engagement – 48 contacts.
  • Total Islamic community engagements – 58 contacts.

In the four weeks since the beginning of the conflict, forces have made hundreds of visits to places of worship, schools, universities and community groups to listen to concerns.

National Police Chiefs’ Council Gold Lead Chief Constable Chris Haward said:

Most protest activity has taken place peacefully and without issue.  Where there have been outbreaks of disorder, these have been by smaller groups and have been addressed swiftly by our officers. Where chanting oversteps the line between freedom of expression and criminality we will continue to uphold the law within the strict legal framework that exists. 

“As emotive as this situation can be, let me be clear that there is absolutely no excuse for anybody to use it to engage in criminality. Hate crime will not be tolerated. Committing offences during protests will not be tolerated. We have made arrests and are well prepared to continue to do so. When we are alerted to crimes, particularly those which are inflammatory and fuelled by hate, we will take action either making the arrests at the time or conducting thorough investigations afterwards to bring offenders to justice.

“There is no doubt that as events abroad develop, we may see an escalation in tensions within our communities across our regions and forces. We have recorded spikes in hate crime, and seen a significant number of protests which have led to an increase in fear and anxiety in many communities.

“We join others across the world in condemning the terrorist attacks of Hamas. We remain mindful that there is a very real and tragic humanitarian crisis taking place. Our thoughts remain with all involved.”


National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Public Order, Chief Constable BJ Harrington said:

“We understand that people want to make their voices heard and the right to lawful protest is a key part of any democracy, which UK police uphold and facilitate. We have seen hundreds of thousands of people take the streets since the start of the conflict, with the majority of these occurring in London, and the majority occurring peacefully.

“Even if a protest is peaceful and non-violent, this doesn’t always mean the actions taken by those protestors are legal. We ask that people continue to work with officers at this challenging time to ensure peace in our communities is maintained. 

“The primary job of the police is to tackle crime and keep the peace. Where freedom of speech spills over into criminality, we will act where it is necessary and proportionate to maintain public order.”

We know that there is a lot of concern regarding the possibility of protest activity interfering with events surrounding Remembrance Day, and Remembrance Sunday this weekend. Nationally, forces are proactively reaching out to protest groups and working with them to mitigate the risk of any such incidents occurring, and the MPS have asked a coalition of organisers to consider postponing any demonstrations in London.

Collectively, we are constantly examining the intelligence ahead of the weekend to understand any issues, in order to refine policing plans and respond appropriately. We will seek to use the full range of legal powers available which includes the implementation of temporary road closures under various legal frameworks as part of the wider security plan.   

Officers also work under the guidance of the Public Order Act 1986, with Section 12 enabling conditions to be imposed on public processions and Section 14 on public assemblies to prevent serious public disorder, serious damage to property, and serious disruption to the life of the community.  Equally important in the current context are offences concerning hate crime and the use of Section 5, and Section 18 for inciting racial hatred.

Our priority is always to keep people safe and in every decision around policing public order and protests we must balance the right to freedom of expression and assembly along with our core responsibilities to prevent and detect crime, maintain order and protect life.  In addition, the  impact upon the wider community is also a key consideration. Officers work within a legal framework that has human rights as the overarching guide. We must act proportionately and impartially in upholding the law. 

Hate Crime

Policing takes all reports of hate crime seriously because we know that they have a devastating impact on individual victims and targeted communities. Everyone has a right to live their life, and practice their religion, without the fear of targeted abuse for who they are, either physically or verbally; and we will always seek to protect that right.

We have learnt much from monitoring tensions during times of previous conflict, notably in 2014 and 2021, and from the start of this conflict we were aware that there was likely to be an adverse reaction here in the UK, as well as the potential for individuals and extremist groups around the world to use the conflict to justify their own violence. In May 2021, we saw anti-religious hate crime rise from an average of 19 per-day nationally, to a peak of 47 as the conflict unfolded. We are seeing similar trends now.

During times of tension, we monitor regular returns from forces and, whilst these numbers are likely to increase with factors such as retrospective reporting.

So far, we note that the majority of offences notified have been targeting the Jewish Community. For example, from 20-26 October, 210 offences were recorded, a small (<1%) increase on the previous week’s reporting. Most antisemitic hate crimes nationally continue to be reported by the Metropolitan Police Service (71%).

In the same recording period, weekly anti-Islamic hate crime has decreased, with 69 offences reported compared to 74 offences the previous week. By comparison there were an average of 29 antisemitic hate crime and 65 anti-Muslim hate crimes recorded per week in 2022/23, meaning that recorded religious hate crime is significantly elevated above expected levels.

National Policing Advisor for Hate Crime-Paul Giannasi said:

“It is vital that we play an active and informed role to reassure affected communities and by responding robustly to any incidents that seek to increase tensions. We continue to encourage forces to reach out to affected communities and maintain effective communications to reassure them that we will not tolerate illegal activity, regardless of how distressing international events are to our communities.

“We are working closely with key partners, particularly the Community Security Trust and Tell MAMA, who are invaluable to our efforts to understand levels of threat and in seeking to reassure our affected communities. We are grateful to be able to work with such important partners, who reach across the divide and work together to support the human rights of all sections of our society.

“We will always pursue action against perpetrators of hate crime where there is the evidence to do so. We strongly encourage anyone who thinks they may have experienced any hate crime to report it to the police. Our officers are highly trained, will treat everyone with respect and dignity and handle cases sensitively. We ask that victims come to us as soon as possible after an offence has been committed so we can begin our investigation as early as possible. Victims can report hate crimes online through our True Vision website at ”.

 Community Engagement

Tensions are being monitored daily, and the UK policing response remains one of engagement, assurance and support through local neighbourhood policing teams, ensuring genuine community reassurance through direct local contact. The NPCC and the College of Policing are supporting this effort with coordinated communications and guidance in relation to best practice, legislation, policing powers, and previous learning.

We know that as this conflict continues that there is a chance for other parts of our communities to be targeted with abuse. We’re alive to this possibility, and forces are already engaging with people, businesses, and religious establishments where there may be risk.  

National Police Chief’s Council Lead for Neighbourhood Policing, Assistant Chief Constable Michelle Shooter, said:

“Neighbourhood Policing Teams are out on the ground every day, providing a visible police presence and engaging with people right in the heart of communities to understand local issues and concerns.

“The challenging, yet incredibly important, work undertaken by these dedicated officers and staff includes gathering intelligence, arresting offenders, tackling hate crime and anti-social behaviour, supporting victims and working with partners and communities to solve problems.

“The value and impact of this work should not be under estimated. Neighbourhood policing teams understand their communities and know that these are extremely difficult times for many who are directly, or indirectly, affected by events in Israel and Gaza”.

Forces have been working at a pace to respond to these events, and robustly implementing well-tested plans related to hate crime monitoring, community engagement, and policing public order. Collectively, this has already led to thousands of hours of work across the entire service.

Chief Constable Haward added:

“In responding to these incidents, our people have already worked long hours, frequently going above and beyond the call of duty, cancelling leave and rest days, in order to keep people safe, investigate crime that has occurred, bring offenders to justice, and proactively work with communities at risk. Our staff will continue to carry out this vital work for as long as necessary. My thanks go to everyone for this outstanding response, and no doubt, for the work that is still to come over the coming months.

Scrutiny of the Police Race Action Plan

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

The Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board (ISOB) has scrutinised the Police Race Action Plan (PRAP) and in August 2023 they published their report, giving seven thematic and seventeen workstream specific recommendations to improve its delivery.

All workstream specific recommendations were accepted in full.

All thematic recommendations were accepted in full with the exception of one which was accepted in part regarding the restructuring of PRAP. This is due to the following:

  • The hierarchical structure of PRAP, has potential to promote clarity, efficiency and collaboration. Given the hierarchical structures within policing we need to work within existing structures to get change implemented. This means using the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) structure of committees and sub groups to implement actions coming out of PRAP.
  • The NPCC Chair chairs a national Gold Group on standards, which is now being broadened to include the cultural reforms necessary for long term change. This will allow an opportunity for PRAP, through the Programme Director, to influence and advocate for anti-racism approaches across other projects and programmes, by being part of the national group.
  • Ongoing work is being undertaken to ensure those who are responsible for delivery of PRAP are genuinely dedicated to anti-racism work and are adequately supported and resourced in that work.
  • We will ensure every member of the team on the Programme is valued – looking at continuing professional development, routes to progression and wider development, ensuring there are clear lines of communication and methods to voice ideas and concerns.
  • Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

We have made progress since these recommendations were made and will continue to work closely with key stakeholders, ensure Black communities influence the next version of The Plan and fast track actions which will improve policing for Black communities.

National Week of Action to tackle Personal Robbery launched

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Operation Calibre, an initiative to tackle personal robbery, has launched today and will take place across the country during the month of November. The national operation, which will take place across England, Wales and Scotland, is part of intensified efforts to crack down on personal robbery.

Last year the operation saw 385 arrests made by forces, with 427 schools and 126 local community events talking about the dangers of personal robbery taking place.

Throughout the week of action forces will be looking to target habitual offenders and take them off the street, and the transport system. There will be focus on the different strands of education, engagement, prevention and enforcement, all of which are important in playing our part to reduce personal robbery.

National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Personal Robbery, Commander Richard Smith, said:

“Reducing robbery is a key element in tackling violence. Police officers across the country are working day and night to protect communities and our message to those who think it is ok to commit a robbery and inflict violence in our communities is clear: we will not tolerate this. You will end up facing significant consequences and we will catch you.

“Personal robbery has a devastating impact on victims, leaving them with trauma which can be lasting. We know criminals look for easy opportunities, often targeting some of the most vulnerable in society, such as children, with the threats that violence may be used, making robbery particularly traumatic. We continue to see this impact and it is why tackling personal robbery remains a national policing priority.

“We will target our activity in known hotspot areas, increasing our visibility and operational activity and arresting those intent on committing crime. Targeting those habitual criminals, who can be responsible for a large amount of offending, and using screening technology to detect weapons which we know are often used during robberies. Those that are found to be carrying a knife or any other weapon, can expect to be arrested and prosecuted.

“However, we know that we cannot arrest our way out of this problem. There is a need to deliver a multi-faceted response which is why this week of action sees engagement with charities, schools and many other partners.

“It is through engagement and working with partners that we can deliver long-lasting change and ensure young people can see the effects robbery can have.

“Throughout the week, we will see both an increase in operational policing activity as well as preventative work with schools and clubs, to deliver educational workshops to show young people the impact of robbery and how it effects the future of both the victim and offender.

“This operational activity is in addition to ongoing collaborative work that the NPCC and individual forces are undertaking to design out theft of devices and make robberies less attractive to would be offenders.

“Finally, there are several tips you can do to reduce the chances of you becoming a victim, included below. I encourage everyone to follow these and share them with family and friends. If in the unfortunate circumstances you are a victim of robbery, report it to the police or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.”

Personal Robbery Safety Tips

  • Anyone can become a victim of robbery, make sure you do all you can to protect yourself from becoming a victim.
  • You are less likely to be targeted if you look confident. Move with purpose and try to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Plan your route and think about what to take with you, especially if you’re going somewhere you haven’t been before. Keep to busy, well-lit streets, walkways and paths which are more likely to be covered by CCTV. Only take licensed taxis or minicabs booked by phone or a mobile phone app.
  • Keep your mobile phone and valuables out of sight. If you’re using your phone it’s more likely to be snatched from your hand as you’re not paying attention to your surroundings, so look around you.
  • And never leave a mobile, any other device, wallet or purse on the table of an outdoor café, pub or restaurant. Same goes for any jewellery you might be wearing – keep it covered when walking down the street.
  • Finally – and this is so important to remember – if you’re threatened with violence, don’t risk your personal safety. Property can be replaced, you can’t.
  • It’s a good idea to scan the area around ATMs before you use them. Be aware of anyone standing close by and always check the machine to see if it’s been tampered with before you use it.
  • Things to look out for are devices attached to the machine – some are more obvious than others. If you do see something suspicious contact the police and the bank.
  • Remember, if it doesn’t look or feel right then steer clear and, if possible, go inside the bank where it will be safer. And always keep a regular check on your transactions.
  • We know it’s not always easy, but try to be aware of anyone near you when you’re at an ATM. Being aware of your surroundings and not being distracted makes it harder for people to take advantage and less likely that they’ll try to.
  • Thieves will watch as you key in your PIN or distract you while you’re withdrawing cash. Be vigilant. Cover your PIN and keep an eye on your card at all times. If someone taps you on the shoulder or tries to speak to you, just ignore them.
  • When you’ve left the ATM, put your card away immediately.
  • You should also be careful with contactless cards. You can get a card holder to prevent your card details being inadvertently read.

NPCC response to anonymity decision on firearms officer

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Today, the court has decided that the anonymity for officer NX121 will be partially lifted, resulting in the name and date of birth of officer NX121 being in the public domain. Their address, image and any detailed description will continue to be protected.

National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Armed Policing, Chief Constable Simon Chesterman, said: “Whilst we respect the decision of the court, we also recognise the impact and concern this will have on all officers but in particular armed officers nationally. We will reflect upon the implications this has for policing.

“As an unarmed police service we rely on police officers to volunteer for these highly skilled, difficult and dangerous roles. Authorised Firearms Officers perform a uniquely challenging and important role, making life changing decisions in a split-second. There is the essential need for transparency and accountability which every officer accepts however, there is a clear need for sufficient protection to enable officers to do their job and keep the public safe, with confidence that such scrutiny will be applied consistently, clearly, and in a timely manner.

“We know for many police officers the balance presently does not feel right; therefore, it is vital for officers and the public alike to have the confidence that the processes by which police are held to account when carrying out their duties are fair, proportionate and timely. This is why we welcome the Home Office Accountability Review, and we will be working closely with the Home Office to help get this review concluded swiftly.

“Officers come to work every day and put the public’s safety first and foremost in anything they do. Keeping our policing colleagues and communities safe, across the UK, remains our priority.”


Partnership to crack down on shoplifting

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Policing, retailers and the Government have come together to set out further measures to tackle the rise in shoplifting, catch more prolific offenders and keep retail workers safe. 

The Policing Minister Chris Philp chaired a meeting with senior police leaders and 13 of the UK’s biggest retailers today to launch the Retail Crime Action Plan.

Commissioned by the Minister and published today, the plan includes a police commitment to prioritise urgently attending the scene of shoplifting instances involving violence against a shop worker, where security guards have detained an offender or where attendance is needed to secure evidence. Police attendance will be assessed based on risk, and prolific or juvenile offenders will be treated with elevated priority. 

Police have also reaffirmed their pledge to follow up on any evidence that could reasonably lead to catching a perpetrator. Forces will step up targeted hotspot patrols in badly affected areas. 

The plan sets out advice for retailers on how to provide the best possible evidence for police to pursue in any case, making clear they should send CCTV footage of the whole incident and an image of the shoplifter via the digital evidence management system as quickly as possible after an offence has been committed. 

Where CCTV or other digital images are secured, police will run this through the Police National Database using facial recognition technology to further aid efforts to identify and prosecute offenders – particularly prolific or potentially dangerous individuals.

A specialist new police team is also being created to build a comprehensive intelligence picture of the organised crime gangs that fuel many shoplifting incidents across the country, to help target and dismantle them.

The initiative, dubbed Pegasus, is a business and policing partnership that will radically improve the way retailers are able to share intelligence with policing, to better understand the tactics used by organised retail crime gangs and identify more offenders. This will include development of a new information sharing platform and training for retailers.

Spearheaded by Katy Bourne, the Business Crime lead for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), Pegasus is the first national partnership of its kind, and is backed by the Home Office, John Lewis, the Co-op, M&S, Boots, Primark and several more, who have collectively pledged to provide over £600,000 to get the initiative off the ground.

Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman is National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Acquisitive Crime. She said:

“Dealing with retail crime requires a multi-faceted approach and through the launch of Pegasus, plus the Retail Crime Action Plan, we have bolstered the policing response to tackling offenders and supporting retailers in reducing shoplifting and attacks on retail staff.

“We welcome the collaboration between retailers, police and crime commissioners and policing through Project Pegasus which centralises intelligence and enhances our ability to identify and tackle the groups involved.

“We continue to target those prolific and habitual offenders whose behaviour causes misery and takes profit from our communities and retailers. Local police forces assess each report through a threat, harm and risk model to determine their police response and will deploy resources where they can be most effective in catching offenders and keeping people safe.”

Crime and Policing Minister, Chris Philp said:

“I want a new zero-tolerance approach to tackling shoplifting. It is a blight on our highstreets and communities and puts the livelihoods of traders at risk. I am determined to drive forward change.

“While it is encouraging to see a 29% increase in charges for shoplifting in the past year, the rise in offending is unacceptable and there is much more to do to stop it happening in the first place.

“That’s why we’re taking action and bringing together government, policing and business  to commit to smarter, more joined up working when it comes to retail crime, which will help to drive down criminal behaviour and rebuild public confidence in the police response when it does occur.”

The majority of funding for Pegasus will go towards the creation of a dedicated team of specialist analysts and intelligence officers to work within OPAL – the national policing team that oversees intelligence on serious organised acquisitive crime, run by Detective Chief Superintendent Jim Taylor and overseen by North Wales Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman. Recruitment has already started, and the team will be operational later this month, delivering outcomes across the country by the New Year.

Pegasus will deliver a new digital interface to streamline information sharing between retailers and the police and also provide training for retailers on appropriate information and intelligence to share with policing.

Paul Gerrard, Campaigns, Public Affairs and Board Secretariat Director, The Co-op:

“The Co-op has long called for greater police prioritisation so they tackle the rampant rise in retail crime especially those involving violence or prolific offenders; this is now what happens at present as our colleagues see every day.

“We, therefore, welcome the commitments in the ‘Retail Crime Action Plan’ to attend incidents of violence, incidents where offenders have been detained and ensure all evidence is collected so every reasonable line of enquiry can be followed.

Alongside Operation Pegasus, which the Co-op is helping to fund, we are hopeful that this will mark the point at which the police will provide the support to protect shopworkers and shops so they can help the communities they serve thrive.

The Co-op stands ready to work with every police force to ensure our colleagues and the shops they work in can continue to serve their communities.’

PCC Katy Bourne and APCC National Lead for Business and Retail Crime said: 

“Pegasus will be game changer in the fight against retail crime providing for the first time an accurate national picture of the organised groups from local families to cross border criminals driving organised shop theft. 

“Retailers will agree ways to capture information that can be shared and analysed to create intelligence packages for police forces to target and track perpetrators. I am very grateful to all the contributors to Pegasus and to Mitie in particular for helping to get Pegasus airborne.”

Nicki Juniper, Head of Security for the John Lewis Partnership said

“While there’s no silver bullet for tackling retail crime, we welcome this significant step forward. Retail crime is not victimless, it has an impact on Partners, customers and on prices. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with police and others in the sector to keep our Partners and customers safe.”

County Lines Gangs smashed in national police operation

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Drug gangs across the UK were targeted in a national police operation last week, leading to 250 county lines being taken down and 1,613 arrests.

The County Lines Intensification Week, coordinated by the NPCC-led National County Lines Coordination Centre (NCLCC), also saw 103kg of cannabis seized, alongside 40kg of Class A drugs worth over £1.2 million, 33 firearms, 377 bladed weapons, and over £1.2m in cash, as forces made large gains against these gangs and the products that finance their exploitative criminality.

710 vulnerable people, including 58 children were also referred by police to safeguarding services through the national operation. Exploitation, coercion, and violence are cornerstones of the county lines trade, and cannabis is used by gangs to trap young people into debt, forcing them to transport their drugs and sell to other children to continue the cycle. By rescuing these vulnerable people from the grip of these gangs and helping them into support services such as the Home Office-funded Catch 22, this cycle of violence and abuse is being broken.

In one operation attended by the Home Secretary during the National Police Chiefs’ Councils (NPCC) Intensification Week in the West Midlands, £850,000 worth of cannabis was seized from cannabis factories, with more than 850 plants and nearly 6 kilos of dried cannabis recovered.

Last week’s enforcement successes come as new Home Office statistics show that since April 2022, 1,700 lines have been taken down though the government’s County Lines Programme, alongside 3,300 arrests and 4,100 vulnerable people referred to support services, highlighting the success law enforcement, government and support services are having in bringing down this heinous criminality.

National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for County Lines, Commander Paul Brogden, said:

“County Lines drug dealing destroys lives, and we are committed to tackling the supply of illegal drugs, and the exploitation and violence that is frequently associated with it.

“County Lines remains a top priority for policing and our latest intensification week figures show significant inroads policing has made into these criminal networks with 250 county lines closed during the week. Not only that, but we have continued to go after the line holders and arrested over 1,600 criminals involved in county lines and taken extremely dangerous weapons, including 33 firearms off the street.

“Our message is clear to anyone running county lines across the country; we will be relentless in our pursuit of you, we will shut down your county lines, we will take drugs off our streets and we will rescue those who are being exploited by you.”

Home Secretary Suella Braverman said:

“Vile thugs running county lines drug gangs blight our communities and groom the most vulnerable in society for their personal gain.

“Our police officers are working every day to break up these criminal networks pushing illegal drugs on our streets, and since April 2022 they have shut down over 1,700 county lines through the County Lines Programme.

“My message is clear. We will not tolerate illegal drugs of any kind, and we must rid our communities of these criminals.”

The intensification week, which ran from Monday 9 October to Sunday 15 October, saw:

  • 250 county lines taken down
  • 1,613 people arrested
  • 458 weapons seized, including 33 firearms, 377 bladed weapons, three crossbows, 21 batons and 28 knuckle dusters
  • Over £1.2m worth of Class A & Class B drugs seized
  • £437,000 worth of crack cocaine, £100,000 worth of heroin, 40kg of cocaine and 103kg of cannabis seized
  • £1,284,729.88 in cash seized

The government established the County Lines Programme in 2019 to tackle the abusive and violent county lines trade, providing forces and victim support services a clear strategy to end the terror these gangs inflict on our streets. Adopted by the four forces that face the majority of county lines criminality – Metropolitan Police, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and West Midlands Police – the County Lines Programme closed over 1,700 lines between April 2022 and June 2023, achieving in just over a year 85% of the three-year target set in the 2021 Drug Strategy.

Key to the Programme is victim support, and the government has put up to £5 million into services such as Catch 22 and Missing People’s SafeCall service to help young people and their families as they escape these gangs. To continue to help these victim support services and front-line workers, updated guidance has also been published by the Home Office today that will aid the identification of potential victims and appropriate safeguarding referral routes, and ensure those who are in need receive help.

James Simmonds-Read, National Programme Manager at The Children’s Society, said:

“Criminals groom young people in person or online and use terrifying threats and violence to force them into crimes such as carrying drugs and fraud or exploiting them sexually. 

“This Awareness Week we want to highlight how exploitation can happen to any young person, anywhere, and as the nights draw in, we especially urge people to spot the signs of exploitation in public places after dark. 

“Young people can be targeted at fast food outlets, forced to travel on trains and in taxis late at night, and are abused behind closed doors, in hotels and holiday lets.

“Whether you are on a night out, commuting home, staying overnight for a business trip, or working as a driver or in customer service, you could be the one that gets help.

“Call the police on 101 or 999 if there is an immediate risk. If on a train text British Transport Police on 61016. Alternatively, you can contact the NSPCC for advice on 0808 800 5000.”

Why Belief Matters

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

If what I say here means that even one more survivor of child sexual abuse feels able to come forward and talk to us, knowing they will be believed, then it will be a success.

A year since the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) published its final report, the national policing lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation, Ian Critchley QPM has been reflecting on the issue of belief.

Mr Critchley said: “Belief matters. Not just in a theoretical sense but in a way that changes people’s lives. I will never forget sitting with the Deputy Children’s Commissioner in 2013 listening to a female survivor who described the most appalling acts of abuse she had suffered over many years. In the next sentence she then described how the work of the specialist team made up of police, children’s social care, NHS safeguarding nurses and others saved her life. ‘If it wasn’t for the team, I would be dead’ she said. ‘Now I have my self-worth, my family, a degree and a job’. This team had believed her, and this act gave her hope.”

The IICSA shone a light on the way policing and other institutions had failed some of our most vulnerable children:

“Some children and young people have been given the impression that they were not believed to be worthy of protection, creating and perpetuating notions of ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ victims of child sexual abuse.”

(IICSA final report recommendation 4, October 2022).

The way policing approaches and investigates child sexual exploitation has come a long way in the past decade, and in recent years has made great strides forward with officers and staff ensuring that children and adult survivors are treated with care, compassion, and empathy so they feel believed, trusted and have hope.

J is a survivor of child sexual abuse; she shared her story to give victims the confidence to come forward. She said:

“The man who abused me hasn’t shown any sign of taking responsibility for what he did, but in 2021 he was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for the abuse he inflicted on me and two other vulnerable girls. This case wouldn’t have reached court without the support of many officers and police staff, and I am so grateful I made contact and succeeded in bringing this man to justice.”

Gabrielle Shaw, Chief Executive of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) said:

“This is a powerful statement of intent from UK policing’s national child protection lead. It acknowledges the past failures of the police and speaks to their evolving approach to supporting survivors. 

“Being believed is a fundamental right for all survivors. At NAPAC, we know from what we hear on our support service that a disbelieving reaction to a disclosure can have long-lasting negative consequences for the survivor. Those affected by abuse must be able to report to the police with confidence, safe in the knowledge that they will be believed and treated with respect and compassion.   

“I find Ian Critchley’s message on behalf of policing to be one of hope, and one of commitment to positive cultural change that will improve outcomes for survivors”.

Dr Elly Hanson, clinical psychologist and researcher whose work focuses on preventing abuse, harm, and injustice said:

“From research listening to survivors of abuse, we know that thousands do not report what they went through because they fear disbelief or blame.

“A believing stance involves taking what survivors report seriously and with care, and we know it flows into thorough investigation – we would expect such an approach with other crimes such as burglary or fraud, and it is all the more important with crimes of abuse. It counteracts messages from the perpetrators, that victims won’t be believed and that they don’t matter, and for some this provides a degree of justice in and of itself. And it of course means that more of the guilty will be apprehended, and their abuse prevented. 

“Ian Critchley’s leadership here is so heartening and my hope is that people throughout policing are empowered to lean into this approach which is both the most ethical and effective”

Mr Critchley concludes:

“Day in, day out, I see considerate acts of policing call centre staff, initial response officers or specialist child protection officers whose caring, compassionate, and dedicated actions ensure children or adult survivors feel believed, trusted, and cared for. Let’s be clear, this is not blind belief. At the point when a victim/survivor feels ready to report to police, they will be listened to, treated with empathy, and an evidence-led investigation will follow to establish the facts. This response allows survivors to start to move forward with their lives. We know they will never be able to undo the appalling abuse that they suffered, but it allows for hope as to their future ahead.

“If you are a survivor of child sexual abuse and feel ready to come forward to report, you will be treated with respect, and listened to in a place you feel safe.”

To read the complete blog visit the Hydrant Programme website

Notes to editors

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Victims and survivors urged to contact review panel

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

“I contacted the panel and got a response really quickly. It was such a relief to feel that someone was listening and taking my enquiry seriously.”

Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse are being urged to contact a scheme which helps to achieve the justice they deserve during a month-long campaign which launches today, Monday 18 September and concludes on Friday 13 October.

The Child Sexual Abuse Review Panel (CSARP), which is a joint enterprise between the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), looks again at cases where a victim or survivor feel the decision to take no further action (NFA) in an investigation was unjust and would like the result to be reconsidered.

The panel consider reported allegations of child sexual offences before 5 June 2013 and look at whether the approach taken by the police or CPS was wrong. They then advise whether the allegations should be reinvestigated and/ or reviewed.

To do this, they look at information requested of and provided by the relevant police force or CPS area, to decide whether to advise that the original decision was correct or if further action should be taken.

If the decision is made to reinvestigate or review the case, it will be referred back to the police force or CPS area from where the case originated for them to decide on the action to be taken.

If the panel agrees with the original decision to take no further action, the victim or survivor is informed by letter with specialist help and support provided or signposted. There is no appeal point beyond the panel.

Ian Critchley, National Police Chiefs’ Council – Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation said:

“If you are a victim of non-recent child sexual abuse who is unhappy with the decision made previously made by police or the Crown Prosecution Service, I urge you to contact the Child Sexual Abuse Review Panel.

“You will be treated with empathy and respect and listened too in a place you feel safe.  We know only too well the lifelong harm abuse has on a child, and it’s important you feel confident that you will be supported, heard and believed.

“Investigating non-recent child sexual abuse is one of the most complex and challenging areas of policing.  The approach today to tackling child sexual abuse has evolved and is much improved in many aspects.  However, there is still much for us to do, and making these improvements is a significant priority for national policing.

“We remain dedicated to our relentless pursuit of offenders and work determinedly to bring them to justice as we tackle this most abhorrent abuse. Every child has the right to thrive in our society, protected from harm and supported by the institutions trusted with their care.”

Nicola Haywood, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor and CPS Child Sex Abuse lead, said:

“Words can never fully describe the lifelong trauma of child sex abuse. Victims deserve the best possible chance to get justice for the actions of their abusers.

“Unfortunately, in some cases there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction, but the panel has demonstrated our collective determination with police and others to look once again at whether there are new avenues for investigation and prosecution.

“In the past 10 years, since the panel was established, we have reviewed more than 200 cases. If you are an abuse victim who has been unhappy your case never reached a court, please get in touch with the Child Sexual Abuse Review Panel, to have your case re-considered by our panel of experts.”


The CSARP was set up in June 2013 to look again at cases that were not covered by the Victims’ Right to Review (VRR) scheme. VRR was introduced to make it easier for victims to seek a review of a CPS decision not to bring charges or to terminate all proceedings; however, the VRR only applies to decisions made on or after 5 June 2013.

CSARP consists of a Chief Crown Prosecutor, a chief police officer, a specialist prosecutor, an experienced child abuse police investigator, and an appropriate independent representative who meet quarterly to consider whether the approach taken by the police or CPS was wrong and advises whether the allegations should be reinvestigated by the police, or the prosecution decision reviewed by the CPS.

Cases will be considered if:

  • The report is about an alleged sexual offence against the victim or survivor.
  • The victim or survivor is referring to a report previously made to the police about the sexual offence.
  • A decision to take no further action was taken by the police or by the CPS.
  • The alleged sexual offences was committed when the victim or survivor was under 18 years of age.
  • The alleged offender may still pose a risk.
  • The alleged offence was committed in England and Wales.
  • The case was investigated and marked no further action by police or CPS before 5 June 2013.
  • It is important to note that even if the victim or survivor has previously asked the police or the CPS to look at the decision they made, their case will still be considered.

Cases will not be considered if:

  • The victim or survivor hasn’t previously reported the matter to the police as this will therefore be a new complaint that the police will need to investigate.
  • New evidence has come to light prompting a fresh investigation by the police.
  • The case was investigated and marked no further action by police or CPS after 5 June 2013.

Notes to editors

To find out more about the campaign visit – Child Sexual Abuse Review Panel | The Hydrant Programme

Contact –

Tel: 07881727255

Police T/Deputy Assistant Commissioner joins Police Race Action Plan as Programme Director

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing today (5 September 2023) welcome, T/Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dr Alison Heydari, as the appointed Interim Programme Director for the Police Race Action Plan.

Previously serving as a Commander for the Metropolitan Police, Alison’s successful policing career began in 2000 as a student officer in Hampshire. Since then, Alison has progressed through the ranks to the most senior Black female police officer in the UK.

As the Interim Programme Director, Alison will lead the direction of the Police Race Action Plan, working with communities, the NPCC, national portfolio leads (including Stop and Search), College of Policing, Chief Constables and police officers and staff.

Her priority will be focusing on what will build trust, confidence and legitimacy, including:

  • A comprehensive community strategy and delivery plan
  • Ensuring meaningful engagement with stakeholders
  • Prioritising activity which will make the biggest positive difference to Black communities
  • Ensuring those carrying out this vital work have the necessary resources to do it well

Alison will also work in collaboration with the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board (ISOB), the National Black Policing Association (NBPA) and a range of organisations and stakeholders with roles and expertise in anti-racism.

The Plan was launched in 2020, following the murder of George Floyd and the resulting Black Lives Matter movement. The Plan sets out actions needed to build an anti-racist police service and address race disparities affecting Black people working within or interacting with policing.

T/Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dr Alison Heydari said:

“Policing has come a long way over my 23 year policing career, we are now more inclusive and diverse than we have ever been. However, there is still much to be done to remove all discrimination and gain the trust and confidence of our Black staff and members of the public.

“I am honoured to take on the role of Programme Director. It is vital, for the fundamental legitimacy of UK policing, that we achieve the commitments of the Police Race Action Plan.

 “At the core of the Plan, is the recognition that we need to involve Black people and to listen to their views at every stage of activity undertaken.

“The Plan is rightly ambitious and challenging. Inviting Black people, stakeholders, and ISOB to directly scrutinise pilots, evaluations, policies, practices and procedures is a new way of working for policing, and one I am proud to be part of delivering. It is only when we involve those who are most effected by our activity, to work with us on trialling new ways of working, that we can authentically achieve progress.

“Racism still exists in policing and that is unacceptable. Recent reports such as the Casey Review and media reports of racist incidents, highlight how important it is that we now work at pace to achieve change for Black people.”

Alison’s career began in 2000, policing with Hampshire Constabulary as a student officer. She was enrolled onto the Home Office Accelerated Promotion Scheme for Graduates, seeing her promoted to Sergeant with just over two years of service. 

Alison has a 22 year track record in driving change in equality, diversity and inclusion.  She has also worked in a wide range of specialist roles including, public protection, criminal investigations, hate crime, human trafficking and child abuse. Her operational experience has been complemented by secondments to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue and teaching at John Jay College of Criminal Justice New York.

Alison is also a trained Negotiator, and a Public Order and Public Safety Gold Commander. 

Most recently, Alison joined the Met in June 2020, serving as a Frontline Policing Commander, with additional responsibility for a number of portfolios including, as lead for neighbourhood policing. Her passion for the implementation of Procedural Justice is reflected in her commentaries, published papers and research.

Alison continued,

“There have been inspiring levels of determination and innovation on the Plan.


  • The creation of a new reporting system for vehicle stops
  • Utilising technology including augmented reality to support officer learning
  • Improving accessibility for members of the public to join Advisory and Scrutiny panels
  • Creating national guidance for a range of areas including pre record on body worn videos

“There is a wealth of activity currently being undertaken to achieve the commitments of the Plan, both nationally and at local policing levels.

“The next few months will be imperative, I will be working at pace with the NPCC, College of Policing, Black Stakeholders and Chief Constables to set the Plan’s next stage of delivery.

National Police Chiefs’ Council Chair, Gavin Stephens, said:

“I am delighted to welcome Alison as the Interim Programme Director of the Police Race Action Plan. The wide ranging and vast experience she brings to her role, is a real asset for the Plan.

“Removing discrimination in our service remains a key priority for myself and all Chief Constables.

“Whilst building an anti-racist policing service is a momentous undertaking, I am confident that with Alison taking a lead, the Plan will achieve our ambitions, and provide a policing service that can be trusted by everyone we serve.”

Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Chair, Abimbola Johnson, said:

“We welcome the appointment of Dr Alison Heydari as the new Interim Programme Director for the Race Action Plan.  This fills an important vacancy in the Programme structure where key leadership is required. We hope that Dr Heydari will provide a fresh perspective on the Plan that will incorporate the innovative thinking required to deliver its anti-racist goal.”

“As highlighted in our first annual report, there are key opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the Race Action Plan. We have outlined our key recommendations for the next stages of the Race Action Programme, including:

  • Restructuring the Race Action Programme to better reflect an anti-racism programme
  • Provision of adequate resourcing to the Plan
  • An increase in engagement with external stakeholders
  • The development and delivery of a clear communications strategy
  • Tangible and measurable performance metrics
  • Identification of clear areas of focus
  • Improvements to the flow of information to the Independent Scrutiny & Oversight Board.

“We hope that our feedback serves as a blueprint for how the Race Action Plan can become an actionable, robust, and genuinely anti-racist programme of work that the public deserves.”

“We look forward to working with Dr Heydari to ensure that the Race Action Plan achieves the aims it set out to accomplish three years ago.”