MIT Rose Lecture: The IAEA at the Crossroads of History

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

It’s a pleasure to be with you today. Thank you, Professor (Anne) White, for the kind invitation, and Professor (Benoit) Forget, for your introduction. I’m honoured to give this year’s David J. Rose lecture and to have among my distinguished audience, members of Professor Rose’s family.[1]   Thank you, Reverend (Renate) Rose, for your inspiring words about your late husband.

Many people think international collaboration in fusion started in 1985 when General Secretary Gorbachev and President Reagan raised the idea at the Geneva Summit.

But that public proposal was long in the making and a key catalyst was this letter in my hand.

On August 4, 1977, an MIT professor named David J. Rose sent this letter to the IAEA’s second Director General, Sigvard Eklund.[2] The letter is written in Rose’s characteristically logical and down-to-earth manner laying out I. The Problem and II. The Resolution. Rose describes his proposal as “modest”. It is anything but! In his correspondence, he urges Eklund to help create a world coordinated programme in controlled fusion research. As the umbrella organization, Rose suggests the IAEA for its global reach and because it already had the most influential scientists gathered as members of its International Fusion Research Council.

He even opines about which country could host the world’s fusion centre. In a footnote he mentions Iceland because of its relative equidistance between the major fusion players, the US, Europe, Japan and the USSR.    

As we know, Iceland didn’t end up becoming the centre of international fusion. But Rose’s proposal came at just the right time. It supported the Agency’s like-minded scientists and influential Council members in making it happen.

I thought I would begin with this story because it shows that the cooperation between MIT and the IAEA goes back a long way and that together we can advance science and change the world. I will come back to our current and future collaboration in energy. But first, I would like to offer the broader international context of nuclear energy, peace and development through the eyes of the IAEA.

Seventy years ago, at the dawn of the nuclear arms race, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave his now-famous “Atoms for Peace” speech. He urged the international community gathered at the United Nations in New York to “find a way by which the miraculous inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to his death but consecrated to his life.” To that end, Eisenhower proposed the establishment of an atomic energy agency. This laid the foundation stone for what would become the International Atomic Energy Agency.

When the Agency was established in 1957, the scars of the second world war were still visible in the streets of its host city of Vienna and the memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki still fresh.

Leaders worried that soon dozens of countries would get the bomb. This did not come to pass thanks to a global non-proliferation regime that still serves us today. At its core is the Treaty for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It rests on a grand bargain: countries with nuclear weapons – the so-called nuclear weapon states – agree to work towards reducing their arsenals while the non-nuclear weapon states promise not to acquire them. And echoing Eisenhower’s words, the NPT urges the peaceful uses of nuclear energy to be enthusiastically promoted across the world for the benefit of everyone.   

The IAEA is where words turn to action, it is the operational instrument that brings the NPT to life. The Agency serves 177 Member States and has a mandate with two equally important sides: 1. to check that non-nuclear weapon states are keeping their promise and 2. to ensure that the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology are available to all, safely and securely.

That mandate is now more relevant than ever. Today, there is no single use of the atom more important to the survival of humankind and our planet as we know it, than nuclear power.

The world has reached an inflection point. In some ways it feels like we’re in the familiar territory of the 1970s oil shocks. But 2023 is not 1973. Today the scenario is different; the challenges are different; and the possibilities are different.

The moral case for nuclear energy is even stronger. Whereas the oil shocks of the 1970s hit mainly developed countries, today we are battling the first truly global energy crisis. Billions of people in countries on every continent are facing energy insecurity and the threat of political instability.

At the same time, increasingly extreme weather patterns and the UN’s recent stock-take make clear that humanity is losing the race against climate change. Each year 8 million people die because of the poisonous air they breathe. Air pollution in places like Boston has improved, but major cities in developing countries are choking on fumes so thick it’s difficult to see. Climate change and today’s energy price shocks are putting at risk decades of economic and societal gains made by developing countries. These countries are home to 8 out of every 10 people on the planet, many of whom face losing their homes and livelihoods, and being displaced.   

The challenge is clear and low-carbon nuclear power is now seen as part of its solution by an increasing number of people. We are no longer a bubble of scientists and experts who believe in nuclear. Opinion polls around the world are showing an increasing public acceptance of nuclear, both as a way to improve energy security and to meet climate goals. It’s getting harder to be an environmentalist who is against nuclear.  For a long time many people saw it as a paradox, but it’s not!

In every country that has introduced nuclear power there are communities that have felt its economic and social benefits.  A few weeks ago, I was in Sweden, together with people who still remember protests against nuclear waste transport in the early 1980s. Today, the public acceptance of the encapsulation plant at Oskarshamn and the high-level waste repository at Östhammar are above 85%.

Sweden’s nuclear waste projects will bring investment of 19 billion Kroner – about US $1.7bn – and create 1,500 jobs. They have been fully financed through the money nuclear power companies have been paying into the fund for decades.

Good planning, engineering, stakeholder engagement and the political will to get it done show that there is an answer to the important question of nuclear waste. In Finland, where I had the chance to travel down into the repository, Onkalo is built and expected to receive its final license next year. France is on its way too. These are gamechangers that are happening now.

A lot has been made of Germany closing its last nuclear power plants this year. But Europe still gets 50% of its low-carbon electricity from nuclear energy. France and Sweden show that it’s possible to decarbonize an entire national electricity grid by incorporating nuclear, hydro, solar and wind. Several countries across Europe are either expanding their nuclear power programmes or considering adding nuclear to their energy mix.

Even Green Party politics are changing: Finland’s Green Party has embraced nuclear. I don’t think we could have imagined a pro-nuclear Green Party five years ago, let alone in the 1970s and 80s.

When I became the IAEA’s Director General four years ago, I decided that one of my first official trips should be to the annual UN climate change conference, COP. Some colleagues counselled against it, warning that I risked embarrassment at what had long been seen as a renewables-only event. I went anyway. In the past 4 years, nuclear has gained a seat at the COP table and across the world at tables around which energy policy and climate policy are discussed.

There is a lot of wind in the sails of nuclear. Governments from the Americas to Asia have made available financial support and come up with new financing mechanisms that help overcome the upfront costs and risks of building a big nuclear power plant. The EU Taxonomy includes nuclear among industries designated as sustainable and therefore eligible for favorable financing and extra public and private investments. Private money is getting involved, especially in SMRs and fusion. It’s becoming increasingly clear that nuclear not only offers a low carbon source of energy but is also well placed to produce the large quantities of hydrogen it will take to decarbonize other parts of the economy.

The case for nuclear has changed, the acceptance of nuclear has changed, and so has nuclear power itself. Today’s nuclear field is not the same as the nuclear industry 50 years ago.

The steep rise in the number of nuclear power plants and countries becoming operators in the 1970s and 80s means we now have decades of experience in construction, operation, regulation, safety, security and safeguards. Today, more than 400 operational reactors are spread across 31 countries. 57 reactors are being built in 17 countries and the biggest expansion programme is happening in China, a country that connected its first reactor to the grid in 1991.  

In some countries, the lives of nuclear power plants are being extended. Meanwhile, numerous countries without nuclear power, including in Africa, are either planning or thinking about adding it to the mix. The IAEA supports them in their decision process and in building the foundational institutions nuclear energy requires.

Barakah is one of the world’s newest nuclear power plants, and it was built on ground rich in oil and natural gas. It’s the first nuclear power plant for the UAE and it’s the first overseas build for Korea Electric Power Corporation.

Today’s nuclear industry has advanced along all points on the fuel cycle.  For example, we know how to decommission nuclear plants in cost effective ways. In France, university buildings inhabit spaces where nuclear facilities once stood and in other countries past nuclear sites are being re-used for other industrial processes. All across the world decommissioning is being considered at the start of the process, decades before it will happen.  

In safety we have incorporated lessons from the accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. With the IAEA facilitating cross-border collaboration, we have built a robust international network that supports a safety and security-first culture, underpinned by international conventions, IAEA Safety Standards and Security Guidance, and international peer reviews.

Designs and experiments for safer and more efficient reactors have been around since before the 1970s. In many advanced countries investment and research have dwindled in the past decades. But Russia and China forged ahead. Russia operates two fast reactors and in 2021 China brought online the first of its two High Temperature Gas Cooled pebble-bed reactors.

These two new Chinese reactors not only have the advantage of not needing an ample water source, they are also the world’s first modern land-based small modular reactors. The very first modern SMRs were built on a barge in Russia and provide electricity and district heating to communities in the far east of the county.  

There are more than 80 Small Modular Reactor designs around the world, with promising projects from Argentina to South Korea. For countries looking to operate SMRs, these reactors will offer the chance of a more gradual and affordable way to scale up nuclear power. This opens a new vista for developing countries. The interest from energy ministers is notable and the IAEA is where they come for information.

The timely deployment of SMRs is not only a matter of engineering. It also has much to do with the regulatory and industrial process.  For the past year, the IAEA has been bringing together regulators and industry stakeholders. In separate groups they are working towards better harmonization of regulations and standardization of designs.  

There are other hurdles to the deployment of nuclear reactors. In some countries, nuclear has been a dead-end career choice for several generations, leaving a hole in the talent pipeline for everything from physicists to welders. Women are still underrepresented in the nuclear field, making up scarcely a fifth of the US nuclear engineering and science workforce. At the IAEA, we have a goal of gender parity by 2025. Meanwhile, our Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme has already helped hundreds of women afford a Master’s degree in a nuclear subject, while our Lise Meitner Programme is offering women early-career opportunities through professional visits.

In the construction of large nuclear power plants, the US, USSR, Sweden and France demonstrated the benefits of repetition and standardization in the 1970s and 80s; Japan and Korea into the 2000s; and China and Russia still today. In several countries, particularly in the west, first-of-a-kind construction projects or new builds after a long hiatus have suffered ballooning costs and lengthy time-delays because lessons and skills are being relearned. 

A reputation for cost overruns and deadlines missed; a dearth of talent; and fragile supply chains are challenges that need to be overcome.

But governments must act too. A legitimate question being asked today is whether nuclear power will ever be able to compete in markets that do not properly value its full contribution to the grid system and its low-carbon benefits. When one looks at the current picture of investment, the answer to that question is no.

After the oil shocks of the 1970s, the peak years for nuclear energy capacity additions were 1984 and 1985. Today, we are adding a quarter of the annual nuclear capacity added in the mid-1980s and half the annual average analysts say is needed to double current capacity so that we reach our climate goals by 2050. Most of today’s investment is happening outside the market economy.

The world has what it takes to get to net zero. Nuclear needs to be part of the solution. Whether we get there, depends on political will; the nuclear industry’s ability to deliver on its promises; and whether there is another major accident.

This is one of the reasons the IAEA is in Ukraine. We are doing everything possible to reduce the chance that the war causes a nuclear accident.

First and foremost, we are there to avoid an accident bringing even more misery to people who are already suffering so much. That is why I have crossed the frontlines of the war, sometimes under fire, to ensure we get our teams to Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

But nuclear accidents can stall investment in nuclear power – our safest energy source save for solar. The sorry fact is that fear of nuclear has killed far more people and caused far more environmental harm, than nuclear accidents. That is why transparency is so important.

In Fukushima, the IAEA is there to make sure that the ALPS-treated water from the Daiichi Nuclear Power Station does no harm to people or the environment. Our monitoring of the discharge over the coming decades offers the facts and science behind a process that has raised concerns in Japan and the region.

While some of our scientists are sampling seawater off the coast of Fukushima, others are working on peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology that go beyond nuclear energy.  I’d like to talk briefly about some less well-known ways nuclear science and technology directly help developing countries make progress towards half the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and indirectly towards all of them.

Let me give you 5 brief examples:

  1. The IAEA is the main international organization widening the global access to radiotherapy. For more than 60 years we have been helping countries fight cancer by providing know-how, equipment, and training. Often we work closely together with the World Health Organization. In Africa, seven out of every ten people have no access to life-saving radiotherapy. In Tanzania’s northern city of Mwanza patients regularly travelled more than 1,000km for treatment. That changed when Tanzania turned to the IAEA for assistance in setting up radiotherapy services, and to provide ongoing training for key staff. It is just one example of how we are helping to save lives and support the robust medical systems that underpin social and economic development.
  2. Agriculture and water are two big reasons Member States join the IAEA. Together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), we help farmers around the world make better use of their soil and water. This improves crop reliability and yields while reducing the need for fertilizers and irrigation. In our laboratories just outside Vienna, scientists are using gamma rays to speed up plant mutation. They are breeding hardier crops that can withstand increasingly difficult climactic conditions in many countries. Drought threatens many types of crops. To address this challenge, new varieties of rice have been developed in Bangladesh. In Zambia and Zimbabwe farmers are benefitting from new variants of cowpea and in Sudan new types of groundnut are improving harvests. For Pakistan, cotton textiles are valuable exports. New variants of cotton now make up 40% of production, many of them are better at tolerating heat. These are just a few examples of the more than 3,000 new varieties of plants that have been developed using nuclear science and applications.
  3. The ocean is the planet’s greatest natural resource and carbon sink. Three billion people rely on it for their livelihoods. In our Marine Environment laboratories in Monaco, scientists are using isotopic tracing to study the impact of microplastic pollution from the ocean ecosystem all the way to the seafood on our plates.
  4. Water scarcity affects billions of people. We train experts from across the world to use isotopic techniques to study the water in aquifers so they can better manage their most precious resource. Similar nuclear techniques are being used to study glaciers from the Antarctic to Tajikistan to understand how climate change is destroying them.
  5. When it comes to dealing with zoonotic diseases, nuclear techniques offer one of the most accurate ways to detect viruses. In response to COVID-19, the IAEA sent RT-PCR equipment, kits and know-how to more than 300 laboratories and institutions around the world. Since then, we have created a network of nearly 130 national veterinary laboratories to make sure they have what it takes to prevent the next outbreak from becoming a pandemic.

COVID-19 has shown that the future of humanity is inextricably linked. Climate change tells us the same.  

So, in closing, let me come back to energy. If fission plays the long game, fusion takes it to a whole new horizon.

The world is changing, that is made abundantly clear by the heat domes, polar vortex, wildfires, floods, and droughts we are experiencing. But the world will not end in 2030, or 2050, or 2070 just because those are the dates for many climate goals.

I believe fusion will be needed and that future generations will see fusion accelerators power their homes, industries, and transportation; and provide heat and desalination.

Some commentators quip that fusion will always be the energy of the distant future. I don’t agree. My optimism is fueled by meetings like this one and by appreciating how far the field of fusion has already come. 

We may not yet have the full picture. But, for the first time, all the pieces of the puzzle are there: the physics, the policy drivers and the investment.

The IAEA is helping to put the pieces together.

Even before Professor Rose’s letter to Eklund, the IAEA’s Fusion Energy Conference series had established itself as the most important stage on which scientists shared their progress.

The cooperation in fusion between China, Europe, India, Japan, South Korea, Russian, and the United State was born of those relationships.

Projects now span the globe, and the nature of collaboration and funding is evolving. Private sector investment just surpassed $6 billion dollars and public-private collaboration is growing. There are start-ups in 11 countries, with the most here in the US. MIT has notable alumni in the field. This week, I had the opportunity to visit SPARC to learn more about the high temperature superconducting magnets developed by Commonwealth Fusion Systems’[3]. We’ll also be featuring SPARC at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in London in a few weeks.

Here on campus, I was interested to see MIT’s research reactor, an important tool for the advancement of science and the shaping of some of the world’s brightest minds.

And I’m thrilled that the IAEA and MIT have agreed that MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) will become an IAEA Collaborating Centre on Artificial Intelligence for Fusion and Plasma Science*. All around the world, Collaboration Centres partner with us on research, development and training, while promoting the practical uses of nuclear science.  This will be the second IAEA Collaboration Centre in the US, the first on AI and the first in fusion.

It is an exciting time to be working together. We were pleased to be able to support PSFC’s proposal to the Department of Energy and to celebrate in Vienna when we heard the good news of its award. I have just come from New York where I signed Practical Arrangements with the International Telecommunications Union with whom I see the IAEA and the PSFC are running a crowdsourcing challenge. 

When I think about all these new forms of collaboration happening today, I imagine Professor Rose would have been delighted. It really is something to hold this letter and to know how much progress has been made since, in fusion, in computing and in global relations. I look forward to our collaboration going forward. But for now, I am most excited to discuss these important matters with you more informally and to answer any of your questions. Thank you.

[1] Prof Anne White is MIT Associate Vice President for Research and Former department Head. Prof Benoit Forget, Current Department Head and is presiding over the lecture. Other MIT people of note are: Prof Jacopo Buongiorno, Director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Studies (CANES) and Co-director of the Nuclear Reactor Lab at MIT. Prof Richard Lester, Vice Provost & Prof NSE

[2] The original letter will be made available to you by the IAEA archival department

[3] SPARC will be a tokamak that will feature high temperature superconducting magnets (unlike the conventional magnets used for example at ITER), a new technology being developed by Commonwealth Fusion Systems, an MIT spinoff.

* Agreement of MIT PSFC IAEA Collaborating Centre and PA with ITU are pending and to be confirmed.

The week ahead: IAEA hosts General Conference

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

In conjunction with the General Conference, the IAEA will host its annual Scientific Forum from 26–27 September with this year’s theme, Nuclear Innovations for Net Zero. This ties in with the IAEA initiative, Atoms4NetZero, which seeks to help countries to harness the power of nuclear energy in the clean energy transition to net zero. The forum will explore innovative ways of using nuclear power as the reliable backbone of clean, affordable, resilient and more secure energy transitions.  

The Forum, which is divided into five sessions, will explore new innovations in nuclear power, which can help to quickly replace fossil fuel-based energy production with safe and reliable low carbon nuclear power. Speakers will discuss new advanced nuclear reactors for energy production, such as small modular reactors, as well as how fast reactors and thorium reactors can provide novel fuel cycle solutions. Innovation through digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics and advanced manufacturing, will also be discussed. The Forum will also look at how nuclear power can be used in industrial processes, transport and building heating systems, as well as for electricity.  

Several high-level speakers from government, industry and international organizations will present during the two-day event. Mr Grossi will open the Forum and join a high-level panel during the last session to highlight the importance of knowledge sharing and international cooperation. 

The Forum will be livestreamed here, and the programme is available here

Follow the IAEA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for updates throughout the week: #IAEAGC for the General Conference and #ScientificForum for the Scientific Forum. The latest photographs from the event are also available here

Updates from the General Conference: IAEA’s Key Initiatives

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

ZODIAC was established in 2020 by the IAEA to help prevent future pandemics, by strengthening countries’ preparedness and capabilities to rapidly detect and respond to outbreaks of zoonotic diseases. At the side event, experts will highlight progress made in establishing  a network of almost 130 veterinary laboratories. This network is enhancing global capacity building, enabling countries to better control the spread of diseases, which pass from animals to humans such as Zika, Ebola, avian flu and Mpox.  

This event will be held on Monday, 25 September from 3.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. at ESPACE M01, M building, first floor. 

IAEA Sees Operational Safety Commitment at Penly Nuclear Power Plant in France, Encourages Continued Improvement

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said that the operator of Units 1 and 2 of the Penly Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in France has demonstrated a commitment to operational safety. The team also encouraged the operator to continue improvements in areas such as the implementation of maintenance work.

The Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) concluded an 18-day mission to the Penly NPP on 21 September. The mission, which focused on two of the plant’s units, was carried out at the request of the Government of France.

OSART missions aim to improve operational safety by independently assessing safety performance against the IAEA’s safety standards by proposing recommendations and, where appropriate, suggestions for improvement. Safety is an essential element during commissioning and the subsequent safe operation of a nuclear power plant.

The plant, owned by the Electricity de France (EDF), is located close to the city of Dieppe in Normandy, 255 kilometres from Paris. Unit 1 started commercial operation in 1990, and Unit 2 in 1992. The two 1300 megawatt electrical (MW(e)) pressurized water reactors are amongst 56 operating nuclear power reactors in France. Nuclear power currently contributes about 68 per cent of the country’s electricity. This figure is expected to rise as France is constructing an additional reactor and plans to construct at least six more.

The 13-member team comprised experts from Canada, China, Slovakia, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America, as well as two IAEA officials.

“We observed that the plant’s senior leadership team held safety as a priority and pushed for improvement in all areas,” said team leader John Duguid, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer at the IAEA. “The team also proposed areas in which improvements can be made to further elevate the plant’s safety performance.”

The team identified good practices to be shared with the nuclear industry globally, including:

  • The updated plant information project (CONNECT) installed at the plant provides real time access to information and effective support to different function groups. This assists in operator monitoring, remote requests for technical assistance and management of emergent work.
  • The plant installed a remote monitoring capability on safety critical seawater piping that helps in avoiding biofouling through optimising chemical treatment.
  • The plant developed and installed a system for monitoring sedimentation in the cooling water intake channel.

The mission also provided recommendations and suggestions to further improve operational safety, including that:

  • The plant should improve the implementation of processes related to the testing of the plants installed systems.
  • The plant should improve its preparation, control and implementation of maintenance activities to ensure equipment reliability and personnel safety.
  • The plant should consider improving the quality and planning of its periodic testing.

“The OSART mission enabled an in-depth assessment of the site and an enriching sharing of the best global practices thanks to the team’s combined expertise,” said François Valmage, Executive Site Manager of Unit 1 and 2 of Penly NPP. “The recommendations and suggestions will help us ensure a continuous improvement of the plant’s operational safety.”

The team provided a draft report of the mission to the plant management. They will have the opportunity to make factual comments on the draft. These comments will be reviewed by the IAEA and the final report will be submitted to the Government of France within three months. France intends to make the report public.


General information about OSART missions can be found on the IAEA website. An OSART mission is designed as a review of programmes and activities essential to operational safety. It is not a regulatory inspection, nor is it a design review or a substitute for an exhaustive assessment of the plant’s overall safety status.

Follow up missions are standard components of the OSART programme and are typically conducted within two years of the initial mission.

The IAEA Safety Standards provide a robust framework of fundamental principles, requirements, and guidance to ensure safety. They reflect an international consensus and serve as a global reference for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

IAEA Mission Says Greece Committed to Managing Radioactive Waste Safely, Sees Areas for Improvement

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission said that Greece has established a good basis to ensure and enhance the safety of radioactive waste management. The review identified areas for additional efforts, for example, improving stakeholder involvement and securing adequate human resources for the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.

The Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS) was carried out at the request of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) and the review team concluded the eight day mission to Greece on 18 September.

Greece has no nuclear power plants and the 5 MW Greek Research Reactor-1 (GRR-1) located at the National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR “D”) is currently licensed for extended shutdown.

Radioactive waste in the country stems from the past operation of the research reactor and from industrial, research and medical applications. Spent and irradiated fuel from GRR-1 was returned to the country of origin. No plans for future management of spent fuel are foreseen. Further waste will arise from the decommissioning of GRR-1 and other facilities such as cyclotrons and waste management facilities. There is no disposal facility in Greece and radioactive waste is currently stored at an interim storage facility operated by NCSR “D” and at other licensees’ sites. Based on the classification of radioactive waste, Greece is considering engineered near-surface and borehole disposal facilities.

The ARTEMIS review team comprised four senior experts from Denmark, France, Portugal, and Sweden as well as three IAEA staff members. An observer from the European Commission also attended the mission. During the mission, the review team engaged in a series of exchanges with representatives of the EEAE and NCSR “D” to evaluate the Greek national policy and programme for executing the country’s obligations for safe and sustainable radioactive waste management. The ARTEMIS review team considered the findings from a previous IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) in 2012 and the follow-up review in 2017. In addition, the ARTEMIS review team visited GRR-1 and the interim storage facility at the NCSR “D” site.

ARTEMIS reviews provide independent expert assessments using teams of international specialist peer reviewers convened by the IAEA. They can cover all aspects and topics related to managing radioactive waste and spent fuel, decommissioning and remediation. Reviews are based on the IAEA Safety Standards, technical guidance, and international good practices.

Greece has developed a national programme specifying central actions for the safe management of radioactive waste, in particular for safe predisposal management” said ARTEMIS team leader David Ulfbeck, Senior Advisor of the Danish Health Authority. “Implementation of planned actions in the National Programme will require extensive efforts, but we are confident that Greece is in a good position to undertake this task”.

The ARTEMIS review team identified recommendations and suggestions to improve the management of radioactive waste in Greece, including:

  • The Government should develop a process for the inclusion of interested parties in decision making for the site selection of disposal facilities outside the NCSR “D” site prior to the issuance of the feasibility license.
  • NCSR “D” should take measures to ensure the retention of knowledge and information and provide human resources with sufficient expertise, training and skills to implement actions in the national programme.
  • EEAE should consider strengthening the national inventory so that it covers all radioactive waste in Greece together with waste anticipated to arise in the future.

We are grateful that the review team recognized our persistent efforts and progress in building our national arrangements. We recognize that a number of challenges remain, and we are fully committed to addressing the recommendations and suggestions we received from the review team,” said Christos Housiadas, Chairman of the EEAE.

In spite of some of the challenges highlighted during the review mission I am confident that recommended improvements related to the safe management of radioactive waste will be considered and implemented,” added Hildegarde Vandenhove, Director of the IAEA Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety.

The final report from the review will be provided to the Government of Greece in two months.


ARTEMIS is an integrated expert review service for radioactive waste and spent fuel management, decommissioning and remediation programmes. This service is intended for facility operators and organizations responsible for radioactive waste management, as well as for regulators, national policymakers and other decision-makers.

The IAEA Safety Standards provide a robust framework of fundamental principles, requirements, and guidance to ensure safety. They reflect an international consensus and serve as a global reference for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. IAEA documents, such as Nuclear Energy Series publications, are also included in the review basis. They include practical examples to be used by owners and operators of utilities, implementing organizations, academia, and government officials in Member States, among others.

Press Arrangements for 67th IAEA General Conference, starting 25 September 2023

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The 67th Annual Regular Session of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference, #IAEAGC, will convene from 25 to 29 September at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) in Vienna, Austria.

High-ranking officials and representatives from IAEA Member States will consider and make decisions on a range of issues pertaining to the work and the budget of the Agency.

The main conference events will take place in the M-Building of the VIC.

All plenary sessions of the General Conference will be livestreamed in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on the IAEA website (no login required).

This year, for the first time, the opening session of the GC will also be streamed live on the lAEA YouTube channel in high definition and a download link will be made available afterwards.

Details of the General Conference, including the provisional agenda, are available on the IAEA website and social media (FacebookInstagramLinkedInXWeibo). Photos of the General Conference will also be available on Flickr.

The Press Room on the M-building’s ground floor will be available as a press working area from 08:30 CEST on 25 September.

Scientific Forum

This year’s Scientific Forum, organized on the sidelines of the General Conference on 26 and 27 September, is entitled Nuclear Innovations for Net Zero.  

In four sessions over two days, leading international experts will highlight the role of new nuclear reactors in future energy production and showcase the use of nuclear technology to avoid greenhouse gases in industrial applications and other areas. They will explore the importance of innovations, such as artificial intelligence, digitalization, robotics and advanced manufacturing, in supporting nuclear development.

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will open the Scientific Forum with high-level speakers. Nuclear energy influencer Isabelle Boemeke will deliver a keynote speech.

The Forum will take place in Boardroom D of the C-Building. All sessions will be livestreamed.


All journalists – including those with permanent accreditation – are requested to inform the IAEA Press Office of their plans to attend the General Conference by 12:00 CEST on Friday, 22 September.

We encourage those journalists who do not yet have permanent accreditation to request it at UNIS Vienna.

Access to the plenary sessions of the General Conference and the Scientific Forum for photographers and video camera operators must be requested in advance.

IAEA Launches ‘Atoms for Peace and Development’ Essay Competition

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

This year marks the 70th anniversary of US President Dwight D Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The speech inspired the creation of the IAEA, an organization founded in 1957 to promote the application of nuclear science and technology for peace and development around the world.

To commemorate Eisenhower’s vision, the IAEA is launching an essay competition for people between the ages of 18 and 24 years. The essay should identify current global challenges and posit ways the IAEA – as the world’s centre for cooperation in the nuclear field – can make an even greater impact. Essay entries in the form of a speech will also be accepted. The winner will be invited to visit Vienna for a behind the scenes tour of the IAEA headquarters.

Delivering his speech in 1953, Eisenhower envisaged a world in which, “Experts would be mobilized to apply atomic energy to the needs of agriculture, medicine and other peaceful activities,” and nuclear power would “provide abundant electrical energy”. The IAEA’s slogan – Atoms for Peace and Development – reflects the contribution of the Agency in accelerating and enlarging access to the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology for health, agriculture, ocean protection, energy, climate change and many more benefits.

Powerful words can shape public discourse and influence hearts and minds. Successful essayists will use clear, persuasive and concise language to explore complex issues such as key global challenges and their potential solutions as they pertain to the IAEA. Entries will be judged on relevance, accuracy, style, originality and the impact of new ideas.

Making a well-informed, clear and compelling argument is a crucial skill in international relations, and the work towards peace and development.

Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the IAEA

IAEA Mission Observes Commitment to Safety at Research Reactors in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Recommends Further Enhancement

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said the operator of two research reactors in the Islamic Republic of Iran has improved safety and implemented significant upgrades to modernize the reactor’s systems and components in recent years. The team also provided recommendations and suggestions for further enhancement of the operational organizational structure, safety documents and operational safety programmes.

The Integrated Safety Assessment for Research Reactors (INSARR) team concluded an eight-day mission today to assess the safety of the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) and Heavy Water Zero Power Reactor (HWZPR) research reactors in Iran against IAEA safety standards. The mission was conducted at the request of the government of Iran and hosted by the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Reactor and Nuclear Safety Research School, the operator of the two research reactors.

The five-member team comprised experts from Argentina, China and Jordan, as well as two IAEA officials. The team reviewed organizational and management aspects as well as technical areas including safety analysis, operation and maintenance programmes, radiation protection, and safety of modifications and experiments. The team visited the two reactors and associated facilities and met with NSTRI officials.

The MNSR and HWZPR research reactors are located in Esfahan, roughly 450 kilometres south of the capital Tehran. The 30 kilowatt (kW) MNSR was first commissioned in 1994 and is utilized mainly for education and training and neutron activation analysis – a method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of elements. Recently the facility was modified to include the installation of two vertical beam tubes for film-based neutron radiography – used to analyse the structure of a sample – as well as calibration of neutron detectors, and for prompt gamma activation analysis to measure elements.

The HWZPR was first commissioned in 1996, with a maximum rated power of 100 W and a normal operating power 10 W, and is utilized mainly for education and training programmes, research and development and applied nuclear science.

“NSTRI has shown a commitment to safety by requesting an IAEA INSARR mission”, said David Sears, INSARR team leader and senior safety officer of the IAEA’s Research Reactor Safety Section. “The recent facility modifications and safety enhancements should extend the service life and utilization of the reactors. The operating organization should continue improvements, including revision and updating of safety documents and operating procedures, to maintain continued safe operation of the facility in accordance with the IAEA safety standards”.

The IAEA team noted the effective implementation of refurbishment and upgrades to enhance operational safety performance, ageing management, and procedures for response to abnormal situations. It also observed improvement in the effectiveness of training and maintenance programmes.

The mission also made recommendations and suggestions for improvements, including:

  • Enhancing the operational organizational structure by better clarifying the roles and responsibilities for safety and ensuring the independence of the safety committee from the reactor management.
  • Reviewing and revising the procedures for modification of safety systems and components, as well as of implementation of new experiments.
  • Reviewing and revising the operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with research reactor manufacturer recommendations, design requirements and operating experience feedback.

“We made a lot of efforts to ensure a high level of safety. I am glad to see that noted in this mission” said Dr. Seyed Amir Hossein Feghhi, the head of NSTRI. “We are grateful to the mission experts for their professional and valuable support as we are strive for continual safety improvement”.

NSTRI has indicated that they will request a follow-up INSARR mission in 2027.

About INSARR Missions

INSARR missions are an IAEA peer review service, conducted at the request of a Member State, to assess and evaluate the safety of research reactors based on IAEA safety standards. Follow-up missions are standard components of the INSARR programme and are typically conducted within two years of the initial mission. General information about INSARR missions can be found on the IAEA Website.

The IAEA Safety Standards provide a robust framework of fundamental principles, requirements, and guidance to ensure safety. They reflect an international consensus and serve as a global reference for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

IAEA Joins Forces with GE HealthCare to Strengthen Cancer Care in Developing Countries

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) signed two collaboration agreements with GE HealthCare today as part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen cancer diagnosis and treatment capacity in low- and middle-income countries. GE HealthCare has agreed to contribute $50 000 of in-kind training as well as practical arrangements to further support the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative to combat a disease that kills millions of people every year.

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, who launched Rays of Hope in early 2022, signed an extension of an in-kind contribution for clinical education in developing countries with GE HealthCare President and CEO for Europe, Middle East and Africa Rob Walton. This agreement builds upon an existing successful collaboration launched in 2022. Director General Grossi also signed a three-year practical arrangement with GE HealthCare to strengthen cooperation in the area of cancer control in low-and middle-income countries in the framework of Rays of Hope.

The documents were signed at the IAEA office in New York on the side-lines of the seventy-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly, which Director General Grossi is attending

These collaborations are the latest in a series of IAEA agreements with key stakeholders – both in the public and private sector – to help amplify the Agency’s work on tackling a major cancer care gap in many countries, where people often die from the disease because they lack access to potentially life-saving diagnostic and therapeutic infrastructure.

“I’m very encouraged by the progress we are already seeing under the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative and the considerable interest it is attracting, with several leading companies such as GE HealthCare cooperating with us to address a growing cancer burden around the world,” Director General Grossi said. “I’m grateful for their support, which will help save lives.”

“The shortage of healthcare workers is an omnipresent concern. This is particularly true for oncology in developing countries, where access to care, innovation and know-how need to be urgently improved. We are very proud to support the IAEA in its Rays of Hope initiative, by making clinical training available to nuclear medicine and radiology practitioners from low- and middle-income countries,” said Rob Walton, President and CEO EMEA, GE HealthCare. “We are grateful for and excited about the launch of our broader collaboration on Rays of Hope today.”

Under the agreed practical arrangements, the IAEA and GE HealthCare will continue to work together on enhancing the capacities of developing countries to establish or strengthen safe and effective radiation medicine capabilities for cancer diagnosis and treatment. In particular, the parties intend to cooperate in awareness raising, education and training, and research and knowledge sharing.

Rays of Hope builds on the IAEA’s six decades of experience and expertise in nuclear science to diagnose and treat different types of tumours. It aims to mobilize financial resources and partners and to galvanize political will to step up the fight against a scourge killing many who could have been successfully treated with modern medical technology.

IAEA and Siemens Healthineers Work to Expand Global Access to Cancer Care

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has joined forces with Siemens Healthineers to strengthen cancer diagnosis and treatment capacity in low- and middle-income countries, harnessing each other’s technical expertise in new ways to combat the rising global burden of this disease that kills millions of people every year.  

On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi and Siemens Healthineers CEO Bernd Montag signed a practical arrangement agreement to support low- and middle-income countries in establishing and strengthening safe and effective radiation medicine for cancer diagnosis and therapy.

The agreement will be carried out under the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative and is part of the ambition of Siemens Healthineers and its Varian oncology business to increase access to quality healthcare for everyone, no matter where they live. Both initiatives seek to further the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3, whose aims include reducing by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 2030.

“I’m very encouraged by the progress we are already seeing under the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative and the considerable interest it is attracting, with leading companies such as Siemens Healthineers cooperating with us to address a growing global cancer burden,” Director General Grossi said. “I’m very grateful for their support, which will help save lives.”

Siemens Healthineers and its Varian oncology business have a decades-long history of cooperation with the IAEA, which works to tackle a cancer care gap in many countries where people often die of the disease because they lack access to potentially life-saving nuclear medicine, diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy infrastructure.

“With our product and service portfolio spanning screening, diagnosis and therapy, Siemens Healthineers is uniquely positioned to support along the entire cancer pathway. This makes us a strong partner in expanding quality healthcare for everyone, everywhere,” Siemens Healthineers CEO Bernd Montag said.

This cooperation represents a continued significant shift in how the IAEA works with key stakeholders in the public and private sectors. It goes beyond providing equipment and includes broader strategies on early detection and treatment of cancer.

Included in the scope of the agreement, the parties intend to cooperate in raising awareness about the importance of radiation medicine in diagnosing and treating cancer. It also calls for collaboration in the areas of education, training research and knowledge sharing.

Rays of Hope builds on the IAEA’s six decades of experience and expertise in nuclear science to diagnose and treat different types of tumours. It aims to mobilize financial resources and partners and to galvanize political will to step up the fight against a scourge killing many who could have been successfully treated with modern medical technology.