IAEA Mission Recognizes Canada’s Robust Regulatory Framework for Safety, Encourages Continued Improvements

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said Canada has a comprehensive and robust regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety. The team also encouraged continued efforts to further align regulatory policies with the IAEA safety standards.

The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) follow-up mission was conducted from 4 to 10 June at the request of the Government of Canada and hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). The team found that Canada has addressed most of the four recommendations and 16 suggestions made during the initial IRRS mission in 2019.

Using IAEA safety standards and international good practices, IRRS missions are designed to strengthen the effectiveness of the national legal and regulatory infrastructures while recognizing the responsibility of each country to ensure nuclear and radiation safety.

The IRRS team – comprised of 7 regulatory experts from 7 IAEA Member States, and three IAEA staff members – met with the CNSC and other representatives from Natural Resources Canada and Health Canada at CNSC headquarters in Ottawa during the seven-day follow-up mission.

Canada has a comprehensive nuclear safety regulatory framework covering facilities and activities. Its 19 operating nuclear power reactors – situated at four sites – generate about 13 per cent of Canada’s electricity. Canada also has uranium mines and mills, processing and fuel fabrication facilities, and waste storage sites. Canada also uses radiation sources in medical, industrial, scientific, and research applications, and has five research reactors.

The IRRS team said Canada strives to continuously upgrade its regulatory framework to address new challenges and upcoming technologies such as the development of small modular reactors and repositories for radioactive waste.

“The team recognizes the hard work and progress in strengthening the regulatory framework on nuclear, waste, and transport safety in Canada,” said Mission Team Leader, Ritva Bly, Principal Advisor, Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK. “The joint efforts of CNSC, Natural Resources Canada, and Health Canada have further enhanced radiation safety.”

The CNSC human resources plan was recognized as a good performance. The team said it clearly and transparently addresses challenges and risks and includes a wide range of diverse strategies and actions, as well as performance indicators to track and measure outcomes in line with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Of the 4 recommendations and 16 suggestions made in 2019, 2 recommendations and 10 suggestions have been closed. Notable achievements have been made in: 

  • The radioactive waste management framework through the publication of the Integrated Strategy for Radioactive Waste and the revision of Canada’s Policy for Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning.
  • The conduct and processes for inspections of facilities and activities through further formalization of the CNSC programme guidance.
  • The consolidation of CNSC’s safety policy elements and the development of a process for performing regulatory policy review and analysis.
  • The revision and publication of regulatory and guidance documents in the areas of the transport of nuclear and radioactive materials and fuel cycle facilities, so that they are consistent with IAEA safety standards.

The team highlighted the remaining areas identified by the initial mission for alignment with the IAEA safety standards. These areas include:

  • Explicit justification of facilities and activities whereby radiation risks must be considered in terms of the overall benefit, in line with IAEA safety standards;
  • Full alignment of Radiation Protection Regulations with IAEA safety standards;
  • Implementation of constraints on dose or on risk, to be used in the optimization of protection for members of the public for nuclear facilities.

Speaking at the closing session of the mission, Anna Hajduk Bradford, Director of the IAEA Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, emphasized the collaborative spirit of the mission. “This comprehensive review underscores the commitment of Canada to enhancing its nuclear and radiation safety measures,” she said. “I commend Canada for requesting the mission.”

“The comprehensive review conducted by the IAEA IRRS team during this follow up mission has validated the effectiveness of Canada’s regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety,” said Ramzi Jammal, acting Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. “More importantly, the resulting assessment from this diverse team of nuclear and radiation safety experts has provided us with different views and perspectives to help ensure our standards remain aligned with international best practices. The hard work we dedicated toward closing the mission’s recommendations and suggestions led to many enhancements, including the modernization of our radioactive waste management and decommission policy, a testament to our commitment to enhancing the safety, security and safeguard frameworks in Canada.”

The final mission report will be provided to the Government in about three months.

IAEA safety standards

The IAEA safety standards provide a robust framework of fundamental principles, requirements and guidance to ensure safety. They reflect an international consensus and serve as a global reference for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

IAEA Head Speaks to Insurance Companies: “There is a Global Consensus that Nuclear Should be Accelerated”

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi is in Switzerland this week to engage with insurance executives about the potential of nuclear power. 

As part of growing interest from non-traditional audiences about the potential of expanding nuclear energy to meet climate goals, the Director General travelled to Zurich on Tuesday to address the Nuclear Pools’ Forum.

The forum, a nuclear insurance conference, was organized by the Swiss Pool for the Insurance of Nuclear Risks and hosted by Swiss Re.

Mr Grossi spoke on how a secure, thriving and sustainable future requires the use of nuclear power, calling it our opportunity and responsibility. He described the clear consensus on the necessity of using nuclear energy for the world to reach net zero climate emissions, as was agreed at COP28, the first climate change conference ever to feature nuclear in the list of low emission technologies that need accelerating. 

“We see good perspectives for nuclear but need technology, finance and regulation to continue advancing, and the IAEA is working actively on this,” he added.

IAEA Head Grossi Speaks to Insurance Companies: “There is a Global Consensus that Nuclear Should be Accelerated”

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi is in Switzerland this week to engage with insurance executives about the potential of nuclear power. 

As part of growing interest from non-traditional audiences about the potential of expanding nuclear energy to meet climate goals, the Director General travelled to Zurich on Tuesday to address the Nuclear Pools’ Forum.

The forum, a nuclear insurance conference, was organized by the Swiss Pool for the Insurance of Nuclear Risks and hosted by Swiss Re.

Mr Grossi spoke on how a secure, thriving and sustainable future requires the use of nuclear power, calling it our opportunity and responsibility. He described the clear consensus on the necessity of using nuclear energy for the world to reach net zero climate emissions, as was agreed at COP28, the first climate change conference ever to feature nuclear in the list of low emission technologies that need accelerating. 

“We see good perspectives for nuclear but need technology, finance and regulation to continue advancing, and the IAEA is working actively on this,” he added.

International Conference on Spent Fuel Management Starts Today

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

“Spent nuclear fuel has been successfully managed for many decades, and while the established practices are safe and effective, it is important for the nuclear power community to be adaptive as the energy landscape evolves,” said Amparo Gonzalez Espartero, the IAEA’s Technical Lead for Spent Fuel Management and Co-Scientific Secretary of the conference.  

“It is vital that all countries with spent fuel management responsibilities, current and future, proactively meet the moment, and this conference represents a great opportunity to share lessons learned and discuss innovative techniques as well as their potential integration in the current programmes.” 

Across the world, considerable progress is being made in the areas of both recycling and disposal of nuclear fuel after it has been used to generate power. Spent fuel retains more than 90 per cent of its potential energy even after five years of use in a nuclear power reactor. Recycling spent fuel involves recovering fissile and fertile materials, through reprocessing the spent fuel, so that they can be used as new nuclear fuel.  

Russia is looking to expand its commercial reprocessing capacity from 400 tonnes per year to up to 1600 tonnes annually over the next 10-15 years, while France announced earlier in March that it plans to extend its existing recycling facilities beyond 2040 and construct additional facilities as well. 

Operations at Finland’s Onkalo spent fuel repository, the world’s first deep geological repository for final disposal of high level radioactive waste, are set to begin around 2025, while Sweden commenced construction of its own final repository facility earlier this year. In France, the construction licence application for the Centre Industriel de stockage Géologique (CIGEO) facility for high level waste disposal was submitted in 2023, with authorization expected by 2027. Canada is preparing to select a site for its deep geological repository by the end of 2024.    

“As with spent fuel from existing reactors, and taking into account the lessons of the past, early planning for the long-term safe management of spent fuel from new technologies is a national responsibility,” said Gerard Bruno, Head of the IAEA Radioactive Waste & Spent Fuel Management Unit and Co-Scientific Secretary of the conference. “The IAEA remains available to provide appropriate support for the safe management, including disposal, of spent fuel and all types of radioactive waste.” 

The conference will consist of panel sessions on national strategies, innovation including how new technologies can be integrated into current spent fuel management strategies, and stakeholder engagement as well as technical sessions on topics including storage, recycling (current and future technologies), transportation, the impacts of advanced energy systems and integrated management of spent fuel.  

Sterile Insect Technique Used to Supress Mosquito Disease Vectors in Florida

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The SIT pilot project, which was initiated n the coastal city of Fort Myers, has already been tested out on Captiva Island in Florida, around 30 miles away, during a successful pilot project between 2020 and 2022. Male mosquitoes were mass-reared and sterilized before being released to mate with wild females. At the peak of releases, approximately 400 000 sterile males were released per week in Captiva Island. The releases led to a significant reduction of the population in the first year, 2020, and complete suppression in 2021 and 2022. Scientists were able to compare ecological indexes between Sanibel Island (the control area) and Captiva Island, where the sterile mosquitoes were released. Rachel Morreale, Manager of the Applied Science and Technologies Department at LCMCD, stated “it was remarkable to see the impacts that our sterile male releases had on the population of Ae. aegypti on Captiva.” 

Hurricane Ian devastated both Captiva and Sanibel islands completely in September 2022, making it impossible to access by car, and putting an end to the pilot project.

The damage caused was so significant that LCMCD determined that the best course of action would be to move the release programme to a new area on the mainland. Using lessons learned from the pilot project on Captiva Island, LCMCD collected baseline data to better inform their releases of sterile male Ae. Aegypti in Fort Myers, which was initiated in February 2024. While the move to this new area was sooner than initially planned, the pilot project on Captiva Island allowed LCMCD to validate SIT as a component of an integrated mosquito management operation for the County. Using the knowledge gained from mass-rearing, releases, and fieldwork, LCMCD is hopeful to have similar successful outcomes in Fort Myers and provide relief and protection to local residents.

According to David Hoel, Executive Director of LCMCD, “the unique attributes of this programme and technical expertise provided to us by the IAEA is enabling LCMCD to gain a foothold in suppression of this mosquito which is difficult at best to control by conventional mosquito control techniques and shows great promise for future prevention of mosquito-borne disease threat in Lee County, Florida.”

Update 231 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The challenging nuclear safety and security situation in Ukraine was in the spotlight again this week at the International Atomic Energy Agency, with its Board of Governors discussing recent developments detailed in a new IAEA report and Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi meeting the country’s energy minister.

Director General Grossi and Energy Minister German Galushchenko discussed the IAEA’s ongoing efforts to support nuclear safety and security in Ukraine in their meeting today on the sidelines of the regularly scheduled June Board session at IAEA headquarters, where the Director General earlier in the week made clear his continued deep concerns about the situation.

Nuclear safety and security remains especially precarious at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), and is potentially also fragile elsewhere in Ukraine following attacks on its energy infrastructure in recent months, including on electricity sub-stations which are vital in providing off-site power to the operating nuclear power stations, as well as to the ZNPP, Director General Grossi said after his talks with Minister Galushchenko.

Nuclear power plants (NPPs) need reliable access to off-site power in order to cool their reactors and for other essential nuclear safety and security functions, as underlined in the Seven Pillars of Nuclear Safety and Security. However, Ukraine’s electricity grid has been severely impacted by the conflict, with the ZNPP repeatedly losing connections to all its power lines.

“For the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in particular, the external power situation remains extremely vulnerable, prone to frequent outages. But it is also a wider concern in the current circumstances, where a loss of off-site power event has the potential to be even more serious given the higher nuclear fuel temperatures for reactors in operation in Ukraine.  We are continuing to follow the situation very closely in this regard, as I also informed Minister Galushchenko in today’s meeting,” Director General Grossi said.

Director General Grossi, who had met with Rosatom head Alexey Likhachev in the Russian city of Kaliningrad last week, reiterated to Ukraine’s energy minister that there was an understanding that the ZNPP would not be re-started as long as nuclear safety and security remained in jeopardy due to the conflict.

“In these circumstances, operating this major nuclear plant would not be advisable,” he said.

Ahead of this week’s Board meeting, the Director General issued the 11th report on nuclear safety, security and safeguards in Ukraine since the conflict began in February 2022, covering developments in the three months to 24 May this year.

At the ZNPP this week, the IAEA team of experts stationed at the site has continued to conduct regular walkdowns to monitor nuclear safety and security at the plant.

At the same time, the team has continued to hear explosions some distance away from the site, a regular reminder of the ZNPP’s frontline location.

A year after the destruction of the downstream Kakhovka dam disrupted the ZNPP’s supplies of cooling water, the team visited the site’s cooling pond and observed that its height was almost 1.5 metres below the level before the dam was destroyed.

The plant, whose six reactors are all in cold shutdown, receives the cooling water it needs, for the reactors in the current shutdown state, from 11 groundwater wells that were built to supply about 250 m3 of water per hour to the site’s sprinkler ponds.

The IAEA team continues to closely monitor the maintenance activities at the plant, another area highlighted by the Director General as posing a potential risk to nuclear safety and security in his Board statement on Monday.

As part of these activities, the IAEA experts visited the 750 kilovolt (kV) open switchyard and discussed ongoing maintenance on the relay protections for the transformer of reactor unit 2, among other activities.  

They saw that some of the switchyard components, for one of the 750 kV lines, that were damaged in 2022 had been dismantled. However, the ZNPP is not currently planning to complete repairs, at this time, as the line itself remains unavailable due to damage sustained earlier in the conflict, away from the site. The ZNPP had four 750 kV lines available before the conflict, but only one is remaining.

The IAEA experts were informed that western-supplied switchyard equipment, installed before the conflict, remained in good condition. The ZNPP also stated that some spare parts remain available on site from western supplies and, if required, it can order similar equipment through suppliers from the Russian Federation. 

The IAEA team of experts also visited the two fresh fuel storage facilities and the turbine building of unit 6, once again without being granted access to the western side of the building.

In addition, the ZNPP informed the IAEA experts on the status of its on- and off-site radiation monitoring stations. The team was informed that all four on-site radiation monitoring stations are operational, but that three of the 14 off-site stations remain damaged as a result of military activities in 2022.

The ZNPP said that manual radiation monitoring measurements are also carried out, and that there are plans to purchase new radiation monitoring stations consistent with the regulations of the Russian Federation, and a mobile radiation measurement laboratory for use in case of a nuclear or radiological emergency.

The IAEA experts present at Ukraine’s other NPPs – Khelmnytskyy, Rivne and South Ukraine – and the Chornobyl site continue to perform routine walkdowns and assess nuclear safety and security. The teams reported that nuclear safety and security is being maintained despite the effects of the ongoing conflict, including air raid alarms on several days over the past week.

One reactor unit at each of the Rivne and the South Ukraine NPPs were in shutdown over the last week for planned maintenance and refuelling, while one other unit at the South Ukraine NPP is in planned outage. 

IAEA Mission Concludes Site and External Events Design Review for Nuclear Power Plant in Sri Lanka

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has concluded a seven-day safety review of Sri Lanka’s selection process to identify potential sites to build its first nuclear power plant. The South Asian country is pursuing the introduction of nuclear power to increase its low carbon power production to meet energy demand, tackle climate change and increase energy security.

The Site and External Events Design Review Service (SEED) mission, which took place from 30 May to 5 June, reviewed Sri Lanka’s adherence to IAEA guidance on site selection, including exclusion and screening criteria. Sri Lanka has completed the site survey stage and identified six candidate sites from three different regions. The next phase, which is ongoing, includes evaluation, comparison and ranking studies of the candidate sites.

The SEED mission was carried out at the request of the Government of Sri Lanka and hosted by the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board (SLAEB) under the purview of the Ministry of Power and Energy.

The team comprised of three experts from Canada, Pakistan and Türkiye, as well as one IAEA staff. They reviewed the site survey report, together with the siting process, siting criteria, data collection process and application of the management system for siting activities. The team also visited and observed one of the candidate sites in Pulmoddai, near the Trincomalee region.

“Sri Lanka is comprehensively screening site-specific external hazards in the site selection process, while following the IAEA safety standards and adopting best practices,” said mission team leader Ayhan Altinyollar, an IAEA Nuclear Safety Officer.

The team provided recommendations to optimize the site evaluation process to select the most favourable site. In particular, the IAEA team recommended that SLAEB:

As a good practice, the team noted that SLAEB has been conducting collaborative siting studies in an open and transparent manner with stakeholder organizations, such as the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, Central Environmental Authority and the Department of Geology of University of Peradeniya.

“Sri Lanka has identified nuclear as a clean and green energy source to fulfil the future electricity demand in Sri Lanka. In March 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers made a strategic and knowledgeable commitment towards the country’s nuclear power planning programme. Interpretation and application of IAEA safety standards within the context of site selection for a nuclear power plant is crucial for a strong nuclear power programme in Sri Lanka,” said Professor Rexy Denzil Rosa, Chairman of SLAEB.

The mission team briefed the Secretary of the Ministry of Power and Energy, Sulakshana Jayawardhana, and the Director General of the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, Ranjith Premasiri, about the review of Sri Lanka’s selection process and findings of the SEED mission.

Sri Lanka also hosted a national workshop on nuclear law in November 2023, as well as an IAEA Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) mission in April 2022, which reviewed the country’s infrastructure development for a nuclear power programme.

The final SEED mission report will be delivered to the Government of Sri Lanka within three months.

About Site and External Events Design Review Service (SEED) missions

SEED missions are expert review missions that assist countries going through different stages in the development of a nuclear power programme. The service offers a choice of modules on which to focus the review, such as site selection, site assessment and design of structures, systems and components, taking into consideration site specific external and internal hazards.

In the case of site selection review, SEED missions assess the appropriate consideration of the safety issues in the site selection process.

#WorldEnvironmentDay: Drought Resilience in Kenya

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

#WorldEnvironmentDay 2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience – areas where the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is already making a significant difference. The precision and power of nuclear science are helping countries meet their development challenges the world over. When it comes to drought resilience, nuclear science has a particularly helpful tool: isotope hydrology. This amazing science helps governments find and understand the source of their water supplies – so they can develop management systems to reduce the risks of conflict and build resilience to drought. This short film examines the case study of Kenya and the farmers and scientists working on drought resilience there. Watch the full version, including chapters on climate smart agriculture and plant evolution breeding and see how the IAEA is helping Kenyan experts get the food and water they need from a water-scarce land.

Long Night of Research 2024 Sees Most Attendees So Far

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The Vienna International Centre welcomed over 2,300 people to the recent Long Night of Research – an Austria-wide event promoting science to people of all ages. This year’s successful night saw the most VIC attendees so far, who enjoyed interactive displays at 19 different exhibits.

IAEA Director General Briefs Board of Governors on Ukraine, Iran, Atoms4Food, Rays of Hope and More

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

In his opening statement to the IAEA’s Board of Governors today, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi spoke of how the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) came under direct attack in April for the first time in one and a half years, describing the “precarious and very fragile situation” at the plant.  

“These attacks violated the first of the five concrete principles for protecting the Zaporizhzhya NPP that I laid out to the Board for the first time one year ago,” said Mr Grossi in his statement to the Board, which is meeting at the IAEA’s Vienna headquarters from 3-6 June. 

Mr Grossi explained he would be meeting with the Minister of Energy of Ukraine this week. He had met with Alexey Likhachev, head of Russian state nuclear company Rosatom, in Kaliningrad on May 28, to discuss factors the IAEA believes remain a challenge for nuclear safety. Although all six reactor units have been in cold shutdown since April, enhancing the overall safety of the facility, the IAEA Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhya (ISAMZ) has not received access to some areas of significance at the site, and has not been able to have open discussions with all relevant staff. 

The Director General presented his latest report on verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran, once more expressing his deepest condolences following the deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other delegation members. 

I was in Tehran and Isfahan in early May, discussing very concrete initiatives in the area of verification and monitoring with late Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and others in the government,” he said.  

“I want to tell you that our work has continued. I had the pleasure to have a good conversation with acting minister Ali Bagheri Kani just a few hours ago. And the spirit is to continue our work as discussed in Tehran and Isfahan, which is of course extremely important.” 

Mr Grossi also spoke of how the “nuclear non-proliferation regime requires our constant efforts and determination to make sure that legitimate nuclear activities are carried out in a peaceful manner.” 

He added: “In this spirit, I met President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on 19 March and agreed a new engagement between the Syrian Arab Republic and the Agency.  As a result of those consultations, the IAEA, in coordination with the Syrian government, will undertake a process of clarification of the pending issues related to past activities in Syria that require further inquiry in order to exclude any proliferation concern.” 

The Board will also be kept updated on the IAEA’s technical consultations on naval propulsion with Australia and with Brazil, Mr Grossi said. 

Mr Grossi then drew the attention of the Board to the Annual Report for 2023, as well as the 2023 report of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme. He highlighted the progress being achieved in the implementation of the flagship initiatives of the IAEA, such as NUTEC Plastics, which aims to reduce and mitigate the impact of plastic pollution and Atoms4Food, developed in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to tackle global food insecurity.  

Last week, the IAEA hosted an International Symposium on Food Safety and Control and this year’s annual Scientific Forum, to be held on the margins of the 68th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference, is entitled Atoms4Food: Better Agriculture for Better Life.  

“We are trying to deliver assistance on food security, in in many countries,” said Mr Grossi. In his written statement he elaborated: “We are stepping up our assistance to Member States through seven precise services that use nuclear technology, science and their applications to boost food security and tackle the growing hunger and malnutrition crisis.” 

More than 40 countries in Africa have already requested assistance under the IAEA’s Rays of Hope initiative, which aims to widen access to cancer care in countries with little or no access to treatments such as radiotherapy. Mr Grossi travelled to Nigeria last month to assist Nigeria and other African nations in enhancing their ability to bring cancer care to everyone who needs it. 

The Director General updated the board on how preparations for the IAEA’s Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme in November 2024 are progressing.  

Highlighting the impact that nuclear technology and science is having around the world, Mr Grossi spoke of the first Nuclear Energy Summit, jointly organized in March with the IAEA and the Government of Belgium. The IAEA has also begun a first-of-its-kind collaboration with the G20, under the Brazilian presidency.  

“I think it is very important to see how all these political platforms in the world are looking to nuclear with a focus and very concrete interest. And, of course, the work, of the IAEA is indispensable in that regard,” said Mr Grossi.  

Mr Grossi drew the attention of the Board to the World Fusion Energy Group, due to be held in the coming months with support from the government of Italy, which currently holds the G7 presidency. He also spoke of the upcoming International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management and Human Resources Development  and the International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications later this year. 

Last month, the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS) – Shaping the Future, was held in Vienna. Mr Grossi concluded his statement by thanking the ICONS Co-Presidents from Australia and Kazakhstan for their leadership. “The ministerial-level event assessed current priorities, prepared for new challenges, and engaged in scenario-based policy discussions,” he said in his statement.