Director General’s Remarks at World Cancer Day

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

Headline: Director General’s Remarks at World Cancer Day

(As prepared for delivery)

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Colleagues.

I am very pleased to welcome you all to this IAEA World Cancer Day 2018 event.

I thank our speakers – Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired of Jordan, whom I am delighted to welcome back, and Her Excellency Minister Moeloek of the Republic of Indonesia.

Improving access to high-quality cancer treatment in developing countries has been a high priority for me since I became IAEA Director General eight years ago.

I have just returned from visits to three African countries. Cancer was an important focus of all three visits.

In Uganda, I attended the inauguration of a new Cobalt-60 radiotherapy machine at the Uganda Cancer Institute. This is the only radiotherapy machine in this country of more than 40 million people. The previous one broke down two years ago. The IAEA helped the Institute to acquire the new machine and to safely decommission the old radioactive source.

In Botswana, I learned about progress in establishing a new Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Facility at the University of Botswana, which the IAEA has actively supported.

I was particularly moved by my meeting with young cancer patients in Zambia, when I visited the Cancer Diseases Hospital in Lusaka.

I met a five-year-old girl who had cancer in both kidneys. The doctors told me that, had she come a year ago, she could not have been treated. Now, there is at least hope for her, and for the other children I met at the hospital.

The Agency has supported the Cancer Diseases Hospital right from the start of planning in 2002. Hospital staff told me that IAEA experts had stood “hand in hand” with them all the way, with training and expert advice. They could not have done it without us, they said. Now the staff are keen to share their expertise with other specialists, both in Zambia and in other countries.

I was heartened by the care, dedication and determination of staff at the hospital as they treat both children and adults, many in the late stages of cancer. It brought home to me again how vitally important the work of the IAEA is in helping countries to fight cancer.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Encouraging stories such as these should not blind us to the reality that many millions of cancer patients in developing countries still have no access to effective prevention, screening, early diagnosis and treatment services.

Twenty-eight African countries do not have a single radiotherapy machine. The IAEA will continue to work hard to change that, and to improve facilities in other regions of the world where the need is also great.

IAEA experts from all technical departments, and from many scientific disciplines, put together packages of services that help countries to improve access to modern cancer treatment.

We support individual hospitals. We offer expert missions, known as imPACT reviews, which assess a country’s cancer control capacities and needs and identify priority action. We help governments to plan and build nuclear medicine and radiotherapy facilities, and we advise on the most appropriate equipment.

We provide education and training for oncologists, radiologists, medical physicists and other specialists at our own nuclear applications laboratories near Vienna. We also arrange training in hospitals and research centres in more developed countries.

In Africa, the IAEA helped to establish the Africa Radiation Oncology Network (AFRONET). It enables professionals in radiotherapy centres in a number of countries to discuss individual cancer cases online and share views on treatment. This Virtual Tumour Board has helped to strengthen clinical decision-making in many countries.

The AFRONET model is being expanded to Francophone Africa and to other regions, including the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America. Radiation oncologists from Indonesia are involved in this exciting initiative.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is estimated that around 10 million people undergo diagnostic, therapeutic or interventional procedures involving medical radiation every day. Ensuring that such procedures are safe is an integral part of our work.

IAEA Fundamental Safety Principles and safety standards have established a strong framework for nuclear safety throughout the world.

Our Dosimetry Laboratory near Vienna is at the heart of a global network of dosimetry labs run by the IAEA and the World Health Organization. This helps to ensure that patients receive exactly the right dose of radiation – neither too much nor too little.

An exciting development for us since the last World Cancer Day is that a leading manufacturer of radiotherapy equipment has agreed to give us our first medical linear accelerator.

When operational at the IAEA Dosimetry Laboratory next year, this will significantly enhance the assistance we can provide to hospitals around the world in the safe and effective use of radiotherapy.

The IAEA also helps countries to draft nuclear legislation and to create effective nuclear regulatory bodies. These are essential to enable countries to obtain radioactive sources on the international market.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The IAEA has been working for decades with a global network of partners such as WHO to help countries establish comprehensive cancer control programmes. We greatly value these partnerships.

Cancer in developing countries will remain a high priority for me during my third term as IAEA Director General. We will strive to continuously improve the services we offer our Member States so they can provide better care – and hope – for their people.

I am grateful to all our donors and partners for their support for the Agency’s work. And I thank all of you for demonstrating your support through your presence here today.

Thank you.

Remarks by Director General Yukiya Amano at New Year Reception

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

Headline: Remarks by Director General Yukiya Amano at New Year Reception

Dear friends and colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Happy New Year!

This is the first time we have all met since I began my third term as IAEA Director General. So let me begin by thanking all of you – the Member States of the Agency – for the confidence you have placed in me.

It is a huge privilege to lead this remarkable organization, with its unique Atoms for Peace and Development mandate.

We make an important contribution to international peace and security. Our work contributes to the health, well-being and prosperity of millions of people around the world. We face challenges in all areas of our work, but I approach my new term in a very positive spirit.

I am greatly encouraged by the active support which we receive from all of you, and by the strong interest which Member States show in the work of the IAEA.

That support was expressed in a very concrete and gratifying manner when we asked you to help us modernise the Seibersdorf laboratories. Countries have made available the resources we need, despite the financial difficulties which many of you face.

The new Insect Pest Control Laboratory was inaugurated in September. The Flexible Modular Laboratory, housing three additional labs, will be completed by the end of this year. This will mark a major milestone in the ReNuAL project, one of the most important projects ever undertaken by the Agency. Work to fully equip the new facilities, and improve the existing ones, will continue.

Seibersdorf is evolving from a collection of laboratories into a centre of nuclear technology which will be managed as an integrated complex. As a result, the Agency will be able to provide better service to Member States for decades to come.

Thank you once again for your very generous support!

Nuclear applications will also be the subject of one of the most important events of this year – the Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology – which starts in Vienna on November 28th. I thank the Ambassadors of Costa Rica and Japan for leading the consultations. And I encourage all countries to be represented at ministerial level.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have just returned from Uganda, Zambia and Botswana, where government leaders expressed great appreciation for our work to make nuclear science and technology available for development.

In Uganda, I attended the inauguration of a new Cobalt-60 radiotherapy machine at the Uganda Cancer Institute, where the previous one broke down two years ago.

In Zambia, I visited the Cancer Diseases Hospital in Lusaka. I was deeply moved by what I saw there. I met a young girl who had cancer in both her kidneys. She was five years old. The doctors told me that, had she come a year ago, she could not have been treated. Now, thanks to radiotherapy, there is at least hope for her, and for the other children I met at the hospital.  I was heartened by the care, dedication and determination of staff at the hospital as they treat both children and adults, many in the late stages of cancer. It brought home to me again how vitally important the work of the IAEA is in helping countries to fight cancer.

As in virtually all countries that I visit, government leaders made it clear that they want us to do much more – not just in cancer control, but in food and agriculture, water management, and many other areas. Helping countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of relevant nuclear technology is an increasingly important part of our work. We are developing a new inter-regional technical cooperation project to help countries establish a clear link between their national TC projects and the Sustainable Development Goals, where relevant.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Iran nuclear issue will remain a high priority for the Agency in the coming years.

There is much discussion about the future of the JCPOA. For our part, we are concentrating on fully discharging our responsibility, which is verifying and monitoring Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments.

My view on the JCPOA is clear. It represents a significant gain for verification. As of today, I can state that Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments. It is essential that Iran continues to fully implement those commitments. If the JCPOA were to fail, it would be a great loss for nuclear verification, and indeed for multilateralism.

The DPRK continues to pose a threat to international peace and security through its advancing capabilities in nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. North Korea needs to change course and implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the IAEA Board of Governors.

The IAEA is the only international organization that can verify the nuclear programme of the DPRK. The Agency is working to maintain its readiness to resume its activities in North Korea when political developments make this possible.

Demands upon the Agency in the verification field generally are growing steadily because of the additional significant quantities of nuclear material that are coming under safeguards around the world.

IAEA verification activities are very robust when we are able to implement the additional protocol. Our new safeguards IT system, MOSAIC, will be completed in the first half of this year. With many more countries implementing the AP, with new systems such as MOSAIC, and with the dedication of our capable staff, our verification capabilities have made tremendous advances in recent years.

I must tell you, however, that our nuclear verification budget is very tight and we are coming close to the limit of what is do-able with existing resources. I request continuing support from Member States.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The use of nuclear power will continue to increase in the future.

It is the most important source of low-carbon energy that can be deployed on the scale needed to power a modern economy. The Agency will continue to support countries that wish to introduce nuclear power, or to expand existing programmes, safely, securely and sustainably.

This year’s IAEA Scientific Forum in September will be on the subject of Climate Change and Nuclear Technology. This is part of our efforts to raise awareness of the vitally important role of nuclear technology in both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing its consequences.

Nuclear safety and security are the responsibility of Member States, but improving international cooperation in both areas remains a priority for the Agency.

As far as safety is concerned, the Ministerial Declaration, the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety of 2011, and the IAEA Fukushima Report remain our reference points. These reflected the views of all Member States, which were involved at a high level. We should not forget the Fukushima Daiichi accident and need to continue to learn lessons.

On nuclear security, we are guided by the Ministerial Declaration adopted in December 2016, and the Nuclear Security Plan 2018-2021, which the Board adopted by consensus last September. The IAEA will continue its work as the global platform for helping countries to strengthen nuclear security.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The management of the Agency will continue to require close attention.

I am very conscious of the financial constraints which many countries face. We continue to do everything we can to improve efficiency and concentrate on activities with real added value. We also continue to find, and implement, efficiency measures proactively. Our efforts will be reflected in the draft Budget Update for 2019, which will be circulated soon.

Modest real increases in our budget in recent years have been very helpful in enabling us to address priority areas such as technical cooperation and nuclear safety and security. I count on Member States to support modest real increases in the IAEA budget in the coming years. The Agency will focus its activities on technical areas in which we have a unique competence.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Among other management issues, a long overdue reform of human resources processes and practices is making progress. I have selected a new Chief Ethics Officer, underlining my determination to promote the highest standards of integrity in the Agency. As I have said many times, there is zero tolerance in the Agency for unethical behaviour, and wrongdoing, of any kind.

The representation of women in the professional and higher categories on Agency staff is improving, but it is still not enough. My goal is to achieve gender parity among the most senior officials by 2021. I ask for the understanding and support of Member States in achieving this goal, and in helping to ensure that more qualified women apply, in particular for higher-level positions.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the next four years, I will continue to focus on delivering concrete results in all areas of the Agency’s work, based on sound management.

I do not plan drastic or comprehensive changes. These often work on paper, but not in reality. I will continue to provide leadership in making adjustments where necessary, or when problems arise.

I know I can continue to count on your support, and on the dedication of our highly professional staff. Together, we will ensure that the IAEA remains an organization of excellence that makes a real difference to the lives of the people of all our Member States.

Thank you.

IAEA to Mark World Cancer Day with High-level Panel Discussion

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

Headline: IAEA to Mark World Cancer Day with High-level Panel Discussion

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will mark World Cancer Day with a special event at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), including a high-level panel to be opened by Director General Yukiya Amano, Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired of Jordan and Indonesian Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek.

The panel presentation and discussion, entitled ‘A Roadmap to a Cancer-free World’, will take place on Friday, 2 February, at VIC Conference Room C1 (C building, 2nd floor) from 10:00-12:00. It will focus on how nuclear techniques can support the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer and help countries better manage the disease.

The event will be followed by a health fair in the VIC Rotunda from 12:00-14:00, where visitors can have their skin and moles checked, and get information from medical specialists about screening and treatment options for breast, prostate and colon cancer.

A live tumour board demonstration will take place from 14:00-15:30 at VIC Conference Room C1. A group of doctors and health specialists from multiple disciplines will discuss a case and share expertise to determine the best possible cancer treatment plan for a patient. The afternoon session will also provide examples of successful IAEA cancer projects across the world.

The full programme for the day can be found here.

Cancer is a major killer worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases and 8 million cancer-related deaths every year. More than 60 per cent of the world’s total new annual cases occur in low- and middle-income countries, which account for about 70 per cent of the world’s cancer deaths. The IAEA supports the fight against cancer by providing Member States with assistance in applying a comprehensive approach to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer covering four main areas: nutrition; diagnosis and follow-up; radiation oncology and radiotherapy; and quality assurance.

Live video streaming will be available from 10:00. Please note that the video stream will be broadcast on a view-only channel.

Interviews with individual speakers can be organized upon request.


All journalists are requested to inform the IAEA Press Office of their plans to attend. Journalists with permanent credentials to the VIC need no additional credentials. We encourage those journalists who do not yet have permanent accreditation, to request it at UNIS Vienna.

Others should contact Gaukhar Permetova for accreditation. Please email or call [+43-1] 2600-22048 or [+43-1] 2600-21273.