Trafficking in the fast lane: French-Spanish drug trafficking ring dismantled

Source: Europol

The investigation uncovered a highly structured organisation using sophisticated methods to transport and conceal drugs. The traffickers operated from a logistical base in southern Spain, where they stored and prepared drug shipments before smuggling them into France. Their modus operandi relied on convoys with lead and carrier vehicles equipped with hidden compartments to smuggle the drugs and evade detection. To…

Casting a wider net: 3 500 authorities now linked via Europol

Source: Europol

Europol continues to strengthen the fight against crime through international cooperation, reaching a new milestone in its Secure Information Exchange Network Application (SIENA). Over the past year, Europol has expanded its network of SIENA connections from 3 000 to 3 500, adding, on average, two new partners every day.This development reflects Europol’s commitment to fostering collaboration between law enforcement authorities…

Tackling cybercrime: common challenges and legislative solutions identified by Europol and Eurojust

Source: Europol

The report highlights several pressing challenges faced by law enforcement, including the overwhelming volume of digital data, the risk of data loss, and the persistent barriers to accessing critical information due to legal and technical constraints. The increasing use of anonymisation services has further complicated efforts to track criminal activities online.To help mitigate these challenges, the report explores the impact…

Financial institutions and law enforcement enhance their cooperation

Source: Europol

The Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership (EFIPPP) provides a collaborative mechanism between more than 90 private stakeholders, Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and law enforcement agencies to address structured threat information across the community. The EFIPPP secretariat is located within the European Financial and Economic Crime Centre (EFECC) at Europol.The drafting of the Practical Guide was based on existing operational…

Law enforcement takes down two largest cybercrime forums in the world

Source: Europol

The two platforms, Cracked and Nulled, had more than 10 million users in total. Both of these underground economy forums offered a quick entry point into the cybercrime scene. These sites worked as one-stop shops and were used not only for discussions on cybercrime but also as marketplaces for illegal goods and cybercrime-as-a-service, such as stolen data, malware or hacking…

Europol warns consumers to be mindful about fake medicines offered online

Source: Europol

Operation SHIELD’s 2024 edition was led by a steering group composed of French, Greek, Italian and Spanish law enforcement authorities. Europol supported this wide-reaching operation with several operational meetings and the deployment of experts with mobile offices offering analytical and forensic support.Preliminary results of Operation SHIELD V418 individuals arrested, charged, or under prosecution 52 organised crime groups investigated4 underground labs…

30 arrested in crackdown on Chinese human trafficking ring in Spain and Croatia

Source: Europol

On 17 December, law enforcement conducted raids at 14 properties across Barcelona (4), Madrid (9), and Toledo (1) in Spain, and one property in Zagreb in Croatia. These operations resulted in 30 arrests, among which were the leaders of the criminal network. In addition, EUR 180 000 in cash was also seized, alongside weapons, 70 passports, equipment to falsify passports…

23 underground bankers arrested

Source: Europol

The organised criminal network, composed of mostly Ukrainian but also Armenian, Azerbaijani, or Kazakh nationals, has been providing cash courier and underground banking services to other criminal networks. Chinese actors were also part of this criminal network, providing money laundering services. This catalogue of crime-as-a-service offerings was used by various Russian-speaking and Asian criminal actors engaged in drug trafficking, tax…

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands visits Europol

Source: Europol

His Majesty the King of the Netherlands visited Europol today, where he gained insight into the Agency’s efforts to support EU Member States in tackling serious and organised crime, and terrorism.Europol’s Executive Director Catherine De Bolle welcomed His Majesty to the organisation’s headquarters as Europol recently marked 25 years of fostering law enforcement cooperation across Europe and beyond. Becoming fully…