Europol coordinates global action against criminal abuse of Cobalt Strike

Source: Europol

Abuse by cybercriminals Cobalt Strike is a popular commercial tool provided by the cybersecurity software company Fortra. It is designed to help legitimate IT security experts perform attack simulations that identify weaknesses in security operations and incident responses.In the wrong hands, however, unlicensed copies of Cobalt Strike can provide a malicious actor with a wide range of attack capabilities.Fortra has…

Give a lead to save a child

Source: Europol

Increase of child sexual abuse material onlineThe production and distribution of child sexual abuse material has become increasingly reliant on the Internet, contributing to the proliferation of this crime. Over the past three years, Europol’s database of images and videos has grown by more than 20%. Today, a phone camera has replaced the complex filming setups of past decades, enabling…

Drug trafficking network active across Europe dismantled

Source: Eurojust

Drugs used for the group’s illegal activities were supplied by members in Spain. The drugs were then transported across Europe by couriers, who concealed the supplies in trucks that were in the possession of the organisation. Members based in Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Ukraine, then sold the drugs on their local drug markets.

Drug trafficking remains one of the most serious security threats in Europe. Europol’s report on criminal networks shows that 50% of the most threatening criminal networks active in the EU are involved in drug trafficking, and 50% of all homicides in Europe are directly connected to drug trafficking. It is crucial that judicial authorities from different countries collaborate in their investigations, as drug trafficking frequently crosses borders. Eurojust has observed a twofold increase in cross-border drug trafficking cases since 2020, with over 2 462 cases supported in 2023.

The Italian authorities initiated investigations into the drug trafficking network in December 2021. The investigations revealed that the group, consisting of individals from various nationalities, was operating across Europe. To ensure that the group could not evade justice, Italian authorities used Eurojust’s facilities to facilitate investigations in other countries and execute house searches and seizures.

At a coordination centre at Eurojust, in the early morning of 2 July, authorities from Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Ukraine worked together with Europol and Interpol to arrest 13 suspects. During house searches, several electronic devices, drugs and money was found.

The operation was financially supported by the @ON network, which funded by the European Commission and led by the Italian Antimafia Directorate (DIA).

The actions were carried out by the following authorities:

  • Italy: Procure della Repubblica di L’Aquila e Teramo (Public Prosecution Offices of L’Aquila and Teramo); Carabinieri Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale (Special Operational Group) of L’Aquila
  • Belgium: PPO Mons; Federal Police of Mons
  • Germany: Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Düsseldorf (General Public Prosecutor`s Office Düsseldorf); Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen (State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Spain: Juzgado central of Instruccion num 6 (Central Investigative Judge num. 6 at Audiencia Nacional); Fiscalia Antidroga at Audiencia Nacional (PP Antidrug at Audiencia Nacional); Group OCT Udyco Central of Policia Nacional (Group OCT Udyco Central of National Police)
  • Ukraine: Prosecutor General’s Office; Counter Narcotics Department of the National

Police detain 13 in raids across Europe targeting Italian organised crime

Source: Europol

In the early hours of 2 July, law enforcement authorities in Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Ukraine raided 13 properties. As a result, seven suspects were arrested in Italy, three in Spain, one in Belgium, one in Germany and one in Ukraine. The probe was coordinated by Europol and Eurojust, and follows an investigation into large-scale drug trafficking and money…

Call blocked: hard and fast action against 54 Spanish phone fraudsters

Source: Europol

Initial vishing led to pressure tactics at victims’ doorstepsUsing a proven modus operandi and dividing the work between specialised members, the criminal network systematically targeted elderly Spanish citizens. Posing as a bank employee, a criminal would contact the victim and convince them there was a problem with his or her bank account. Referred to as ‘vishing’, a combination of ‘voice’…

Operational sprint generates 197 new leads on buyers of ‘live distant child abuse’

Source: Europol

Between 24 and 28 June 2024, Europol hosted an operational sprint targeting buyers of live distant child abuse material. The sprint brought together representatives from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States. During the sprint, 32 investigators processed and developed leads generated from investigations of United States Homeland Security Investigations (US…

Celebrating our 25th anniversary with Europol in Brief

Source: Europol

Of the many key milestones along the road, 2010 marks a particularly important date as Europol officially became a full EU Agency within the EU’s competence. Following the terrorist attack in Paris in November 2015, Europol’s Director Rob Wainwright (United Kingdom) set up the counterterrorism Task Force Fraternité. This Task Force led to the launch of the European Counter Terrorism…

Eurojust leads efforts to step up judicial response to Money Laundering and Asset Recovery

Source: Eurojust

The second Eurojust Meeting on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery brought together dedicated prosecutors specialised in asset recovery and tackling money laundering from the European Union and countries with liaison prosecutors at Eurojust. Other participants included the European Commission (DG FISMA, DG HOME, DG JUST, and DG ECFIN), Europol, EPPO, EJN, CARIN network, INTERPOL, the Council of Europe (MONEYVAL), as well as representatives from Asset Recovery Offices and Asset Management Offices.

Eurojust Vice-President Margarita Sniutyte-Daugeliene stated in her opening remarks: In 2023 alone, Eurojust’s assistance in the fight against organised crime led to seizing or freezing of EUR 1.1 billion. Money laundering remains in the top three of crime types Eurojust deals with every year. Fighting money laundering and recovering assets will therefore remain a top priority, and in months to come Eurojust will offer further means for closer cooperation between the judiciary, law enforcement and other actors involved across the European Union.

The meeting was an opportunity for participants to share experiences in relation to matters such as money laundering as a service, the misuse of Hawala (a type of informal money or value transfer service often used by criminals to launder money) and underground banking, and misuse of cryptocurrencies as money laundering schemes, issues related to predicate office. Participants also shared experiences in relation to asset recovery matters such as restitution and compensation of victims, asset sharing and disposal, exceptional costs and non-conviction based confiscation. Eurojust’s support on these cases was highlighted throughout the presentations. Participants highlighted the importance of increasing cooperation in this field.

Participants confirmed their strong support to the set up of a dedicated Judicial Focus Group on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery, organised by Eurojust, and discussed possible mandate and tasks of the Judicial Focus Group. The Judicial Focus Group would be composed of prosecutors or judges who would represent a multidisciplinary hub of experts at national level involved in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering and asset recovery, such as asset recovery offices, asset management offices, law enforcement, financial intelligence units, financial accountants, crypto experts. The Focus Group would give judicial authorities guidance on specific matters such as post-conviction financial investigations, exceptional costs concerning the execution of freezing and confiscation orders, and guidance on restitution to or compensation of victims. Eurojust is uniquely placed to bridge the gap between the national hubs by creating this international platform represented by the judiciary.

Money laundering and asset recovery are a high priority on the EU agenda. Since the last expert meeting in June 2023, a number of legislative proposals have been adopted, including the Directive on Asset Recovery and Confiscation, the Directive on the Violation of Union of restrictive measures and on the Anti-Money laundering package.

42 arrested in Spain for trafficking cannabis and heroin

Source: Europol

The large-scale law enforcement operation led to the arrest of 42 suspects – including the kingpin of the gang, who was in Spain under a false identity. In addition, 28 searches were conducted at several locations in Granada, Málaga and Sevilla, in both residences and drug production facilities. Six indoor marijuana plantations were also dismantled.Overall, the action resulted in:42 arrests28…

Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1 374 victims identified

Source: Europol

Building on the operation’s successful previous iterations, the proven multidisciplinary approach involved Europol, Frontex and INTERPOL along with police forces and border guards from several continents. This year, one aim was to identify and disrupt the most-threatening criminal networks active in the EU, such as mafia-type, ethnicity- and family-based organisations and other structured networks engaged in trafficking of human beings….