Alleged large-scale coin forger arrested in Kosovo due to Eurojust support

Source: Eurojust

06 August 2024|

With support provided via the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, hosted by Eurojust, an alleged large-scale coin forger has been arrested in Kosovo*. The arrested person is an employee of the North-Macedonian Ministry of the Interior and is suspected of producing around 2 million fake EUR 2 coins, which were about to be circulated into the Kosovar economy.

Europol provided intelligence analysis, operational coordination and technical assistance to ensure the successful apprehension of the suspect.

Investigations will now seek to establish the full scale of the coin forgery. During searches of the suspect’s home, machines for the production of counterfeit currency, coin templates and raw materials have been seized. The suspect had been under surveillance for a longer period.

His successful apprehension was the result of a joint investigation team (JIT) supported by the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, and financed as part of the operational activities of the investigations. The investigations were also financially supported by the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT).

EMPACT tackles the most important threats posed by organised and serious international crime affecting the European Union. EMPACT strengthens intelligence, strategic and operational cooperation between national authorities, EU institutions and bodies, and international partners. EMPACT runs in four-year cycles focusing on common EU crime priorities. Fraud, economic and financial crimes are among the priorities for the 2021-2025 Policy Cycle.

The following authorities were involved in the operations:

  • Kosovo*: Special Prosecution Office (SPRK) and Kosovo Police, Directorate for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption
  • North Macedonia: Basic Public Prosecution Office Skopje – Investigative Centre; Ministry of Interior, Department for Suppression of Organised and Serious Crime

* This designation is made without prejudice to positions on status and is in accordance with UNSCR 1244/ 1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Chief Prosecutors of the Western Balkans strengthen cooperation to fight cross-border crime

Source: Eurojust

The Consultative Forum of General and Special Chief Prosecutors of the Western Balkan region called for enhanced regional cooperation and encouraged exchanges between the Western Balkan Partners, reaffirming their common goals in the fight against organised crime, and outlining the role Eurojust can play in supporting them.

During his opening remarks, Eurojust President, Mr Ladislav Hamran, highlighted: ‘Our partners in the Western Balkans are critically important for Eurojust. The ever increasing caseload, which in 2023 stood at 708 investigations in which prosecutors and judges from across the Western Balkans were involved, confirms the potential of our cooperation. Together with the help of the EU’s Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, I look forward to our partners’ further integration in the EU security chain.’

The Forum was organised in the context of the WBCJ project, implemented by Eurojust. The WBCJ aims to strengthen cross-border cooperation in criminal matters within the Western Balkans and with the European Union. The project provides support to cross-border investigations through financial assistance, knowledge sharing, technical assistance and capacity building activities at Eurojust and in the region.

Since the project’s start in September 2022, seven cross-border cases have been supported in the Western Balkans, including four joint investigation teams. The cases mainly concerned drug trafficking, money laundering and money counterfeiting. Moreover, the project also supported 13 cases between Western Balkan partners and EU Member States.

Supreme State Prosecutor of Montenegro Milorad Marković, co-organiser of the Regional Consultative Forum, commented on the joint challenge of eradicating organised crime in the region: ‘We will achieve this goal faster and easier by improving mutual cooperation and cooperation with international partners, such as Eurojust. This cooperation must be direct, fast and simple, free from often lengthy bureaucratic procedures. I am convinced that all of us gathered here share this commitment.’

The WBCJ project also encourages knowledge sharing between judicial authorities. Several events have been organised in the region on encrypted messages, migrant smuggling and the prosecution of foreign terrorist fighters. These events ensure that prosecutors are equipped with the right knowledge for their investigations. 

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina highlights importance of cross-border judicial cooperation at Eurojust

Source: Eurojust

Almir Šahović, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Mr Denis Bećirović, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mr Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust

During his visit to the Agency, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Mr Denis Bećirović, said: ’Today, I was delighted to visit Eurojust and to meet with President Ladislav Hamran, to whom I extended my gratitude for the warm welcome. It was an opportunity to once again underline Bosnia and Herzegovina’s strong commitment to further strengthening our cooperation with Eurojust.

The Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Eurojust President highlighted the importance of cross-border collaboration to ensure the prosecution of complex crimes. Over the past years, judicial cooperation between authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eurojust has steadily increased. Through ongoing projects and upcoming outreach events in the country, it is expected that the cooperation will continue to intensify.

The Chairman of the Presidency’s visit acknowledged the importance of the ongoing conclusion of an international agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina to strengthen cooperation. The agreement will enable the country to post a Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust and access the Agency’s operational tools.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has been involved in the WBCJ since the project’s start in September 2022. WBCJ provides Western Balkan partners with technical support to strengthen operational cooperation among them and with the European Union. So far, WBCJ has supported authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with four cross-border cases related to drug trafficking and corruption.

Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran stated: ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a critical partner in the Western Balkans region and today’s meeting reaffirms our commitment to ever closer cooperation. We agreed that the forthcoming international agreement on cooperation which will allow for a BiH Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust will serve the best interests of both our sides and will strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina’s further integration in the EU’s security chain.

As a facilitator of cross-border judicial cooperation, Eurojust is pivotal in promoting effective working relationships between national authorities of Member States and non-EU countries. Relying on its unique expertise, partnerships and modern digital tools, Eurojust ensures that national borders are no obstacle to prosecuting crime and serving justice.