Sentences of over five years for Dutch criminals robbing ATMs in Germany

Source: Eurojust

Between November 2021 and January 2023 the OCG members used severe violence to blast ATMs and crowbars to pry them open, stealing an estimated EUR 3.4 million. The damages inflicted on the buildings, teller machines, their infrastructure and the bank’s surroundings amounted to well over EUR 4 million.

The gang members often stole fast cars to carry out the heists in Germany, which usually took place at night in the regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, before speeding back to the Netherlands. In each attack the OCG managed to steal up to EUR 250 000 in cash. The gang was highly organised, with a clear division of tasks, ranging from organising logistics to blasting open the ATMs.

At the request of the German authorities, Eurojust supported the investigations since May 2022.  The Agency organised two coordination meetings between the authorities involved and facilitated a joint action day in early 2023. In total, sixteen suspects were arrested in the Netherlands between January and September 2023, who were later surrendered to Germany. The Agency also supported the procedures for the surrender of the suspects.

In total, an estimated hundred hauls on German ATMs took place. For thirty cases the suspects were charged. Following plea bargains with the German Public Prosecution Office, fifteen suspects have now been sentenced, two on probation. One defendant is still on trial.

The following authorities conducted and/or supported the investigations:

  • Germany: Public Prosecution Office Bamberg; State Criminal Police Office of Bavaria and State Criminal Police Office of Baden-Württemberg
  • The Netherlands: Public Prosecution Office Central Netherlands/Utrecht; National Police

Crackdown on criminal network that stole 170 historical books worth EUR 2.5 million across Europe

Source: Eurojust

Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Lithuania, France, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland and Georgia in an international operation against an organised crime group (OCG) that allegedly stole 170 books of high historical and cultural value across several European countries. The stolen books have an estimated value of EUR 2.5 million and were written by well-known Russian novelists such as Pushkin, Gogol and Lermontov.

Eurojust assisted the authorities in coordinating the actions and in setting up and funding a joint investigation team (JIT) into the case.

The perpetrators, of Georgian origin, are believed to have committed robberies in libraries located in France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Switzerland.

The OCG used different modus operandi to steal the books. In some cases, the OCG members used fake identities when ordering books in the libraries, for example presenting themselves as researchers. While one OCG member pretended to consult with the library staff, thereby distracting security, another replaced the original valuable book with a copy.

In other cases, the perpetrators simply broke into the library and stole the books. Before committing the thefts, they visited libraries and checked out books of the same type as the ones stolen.

Eurojust has supported the case since November 2023, assisting the authorities involved in the coordination of their investigations and in the determination of legal strategies. Three coordination meetings were hosted by the Agency to bring together all judicial authorities involved, in order to facilitate their judicial cooperation, and to prepare for the joint action. The Agency also facilitated the setting up of a JIT between France, Lithuania, Poland, Georgia and Switzerland in March 2024. Europol was also a participant in the JIT.

During the action day, a coordination centre was set up at Eurojust connecting simultaneously the different teams in the field in the countries where operations were taking place. The coordination centre enabled rapid cooperation and ensured that evidence and information collected were swiftly exchanged between all national authorities involved.

The coordinated operations led to the arrest of four suspects in Georgia. A total of 27 locations were searched in Georgia and Latvia. One stolen book was recovered and many other books, which have to be examined further, were also seized. Ten witnesses were interviewed and over a hundred police officers and prosecutors were involved in the operation.

With reports of rare and historical books being stolen across Europe, Europol facilitated the information exchange between the affected countries and helped to identify the main suspects. Europol’s analysis during this case helped to create links, identify leads and even uncover a theft that had not yet been discovered. Before supporting the action day, Europol held two operational meetings in its headquarters.

The following authorities took part in this investigation:

  • Estonia: Estonian Prosecutor´s Office; Police and Border Guard Board
  • France: Court of Paris, OCBC (Central Office against Cultural Goods Trafficking)
  • Germany: Public Prosecutor’s Office Munich I, Public Prosecutor’s Office Berlin, Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (BLKA, Division 622), Berlin State Criminal Police Office
  • Latvia: International cooperation Division of the Prosecutor General’s Office; International Cooperation Department of the Central Criminal Police Department of the State Police; Criminal police bureau of the Riga Regional Department of the State Police
  • Lithuania: Vilnius Regional PPO, Vilnius County Police Headquarters
  • Poland: Circuit Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw
  • Switzerland: Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic and Canton of Geneva; Cantonal police of the Republic and Canton of Geneva