Actions taken to stop Romanian human trafficking network

Source: Eurojust

An ongoing investigation led by the Romanian authorities confirmed that, in order to obtain important material benefits, the OCG members have been committing offences of trafficking in human beings, pimping and money laundering, since at least January 2022.

The victims from disadvantaged backgrounds were recruited in Romania and subsequently transported to France for the purpose of sexual exploitation. The recruitment and control of the victims involved various forms of coercion, including threat, force and deception.

The suspects executed most of their activities from Romania, travelling to France only for short periods. Through profiles on a website, they coordinated their activities and were in touch with their clients.

Different short-term rental apartments in France, mostly located in Lyon, were used for their activities. The proceeds of the sexual exploitation were sent to the leaders of the group in Romania and laundered through different investments.

With the support of Eurojust, connections between Romanian and French investigative authorities were made, bringing prosecution to the next phase.

The cooperation between the authorities led to a joint action day on 3 July, coordinated by Eurojust. In Romania, 14 locations were searched and vehicles and money were also seized. Furthermore, bank cards which belonged to victims were found. Of the eight six suspects, six were identified in Romania and two in France. Two of the suspects have been arrested.

Europol facilitated the exchange of information and provided analytical support to the investigation. On the action day, Europol deployed staff to the coordination centre at Eurojust.

Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation remains the most prevalent form of exploitation in the European Union, with women and girls accounting for 87% of victims. As human trafficking usually takes place across borders, judicial cooperation is key to dismantling the OCGs and bringing them to justice. In 2023, Eurojust assisted in over 300 cross-border human trafficking cases.

The authorities involved in the actions:

  • Romania: Special Operations Directorate, Service for Combating Organized Crime Olt and Gorj; Offices for Combating Organized Crime of Bucharest and Craiova; Mobile Gendarmerie Group “Buzești Brothers” Craiova, Special Intervention Brigade of the Gendarmerie; Prosecution Office of High Court of Cassation and Justice, Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, Mehedinti Territorial Office;
  • France: Investigative judge from JIRS Lyon (Interregional Specialised Jurisdiction); Research Section Lyon, Gendarmerie Nationale

Illegal trade in fake and prohibited pesticides and fertilizers halted in Romania and Italy

Source: Eurojust

The substances were all banned for trade in the European Union, as they could be dangerous to users and consumers as they contained high doses of active substances. The suspects illegally imported the products from China and Singapore, but sold them as bio- or organic fertilizers and pesticides, using fake labels. The suspects also sold goods that were fake but pretended they were legitimate organic products.

Between February and May 2023, three suspect shipments arriving from outside the European Union were detected by the Romanian customs authorities. Subsequent inspections by the phytosanitary authorities confirmed it concerned fake or banned products, using falsified labels.

Further investigations and searches in Romania, showed an organised crime group (OCG) was behind the illegal activities. The OCG was composed of Romanian and Italian nationals who took over existing companies in Romania or registered new trading companies for the sale of the products in Italy. Falsified declaration forms were used for this purpose.

The Italian judicial authority gathered extensive evidence on the destination to the domestic market of the goods illegally introduced into Romania and identified the suspects who had promoted the illicit traffic in agricultural products from Italy.

At the request of the authorities involved, early this year Eurojust assisted with the setting up and financing of a JIT team into the OCG. The Agency organised a dedicated coordination meeting and supported the cross-border judicial response to the illegal activities.

Europol held several operational meetings in order to proceed with national investigations in a synergistic and aligned manner. Furthermore, it facilitated the exchange of information and provided constant analytical support to the investigations. During operational activities, Europol sent an expert to the field to cross-check operational information in real time and provide the experts with any guidance and technical support.

This support led to a series of coordinated actions in Romania and Italy, during which ten locations were searched across Arad, Bucharest, Verona, and Naples, gathering additional evidence of the crimes. During the course of the activities, the Romanian Judicial Authority also arrested one of the suspects.

The following authorities carried out the operations:

  • Romania: Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, Constanta Territorial Office; Special Operation Directorate (DOS); Brigade for Combating Organized Crime – Sea Ports Combating Organized Crime Service; Border Customs Offices Constanta and Constanta Sud
  • Italy: PPO Verona; NAS Carabinieri Padua; Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza Verona

One year on since the launch of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (ICPA)

Source: Eurojust

Russia must be held accountable for its war of aggression  said European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders. With the ICPA we ensure that no evidence is lost, in view to prosecute those responsible for the crime of aggression in accordance with international standards. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the ICPA, I want to applaud its very important work and reiterate the commitment of the European Commission to take all the necessary measures to support Eurojust and the ICPA States, including Ukraine, to accomplish their crucial mission.

Eurojust’s President, Ladislav Hamran, remarked: One year after its inception, the ICPA has firmly established itself as a cornerstone of the accountability landscape. The fight against impunity deserves our unwavering attention and it is crucial that it extends to one of the pillars of the modern international rule-based order: the prohibition of the use of force. Eurojust is committed to supporting the ICPA for as long as necessary.

Commenting on the importance of the ICPA’s ongoing work, Andriy Kostin, Prosecutor General for Ukraine stated: ICPA participants are engaged in a historic task—building a solid evidence base and developing a comprehensive prosecutorial file for the supreme international crime—the crime of aggression. This unprecedented work has never been done before. So, their goal is to collect, preserve and analyze evidence with the highest possible quality, ensuring no doubts about the legitimacy of the future tribunal. We are deeply grateful to Eurojust for enabling the operations of the ICPA and to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Romania for their contributions, as well as the United States and the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC.

The ICPA’s independent prosecutors and investigators from different countries have been working together regularly at Eurojust, benefitting from the Agency’s dedicated team of legal experts and tailor-made technical, logistical and financial support. This has enabled them to exchange information and evidence quickly and efficiently, and coordinate a common investigative and prosecutorial strategy. The centre’s unique nature and multi-national composition has enabled it to utilise the expertise and services of a diverse range of national authorities in its work.

Its task has not been easy however. With no recent international judicial practice on investigating and prosecuting the crime of aggression, the ICPA has built further capacity and expertise. During the past year, ICPA participants have invited expert practitioners, legal scholars and other judicial experts to share their knowledge and experience to inform the centre’s work.

Alongside capacity building, the collection, preservation and analysis of evidence has been a major priority for the ICPA. In spite of challenges in identifying and gathering evidence, much of which is located in the Russian Federation, the number of evidence files being submitted to the Core International Crimes Evidence Database (CICED) managed by Eurojust, is growing. To date, 14 countries have submitted evidence amounting to more than 2 000 files.

To prove the scale and systemic nature of Russia’s crimes in Ukraine, it is crucial that prosecution strategies rely on large sets of evidence. Eurojust therefore continues to encourage national authorities to submit evidence to the CICED database to bolster collective accountability efforts.

CICED and the ICPA are part of the overall support structure Eurojust provides to the joint investigation team (JIT) on alleged core international crimes committed in Ukraine. The JIT, which includes prosecutors from all ICPA countries, is supported by Eurojust and benefits directly from the important work of the ICPA and CICED.

During the last 12 months, the ICPA’s work has been crucial in strengthening the national investigations into the crime of aggression currently taking place in Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

While the war is ongoing and discussions about a possible special tribunal are still in course, the ICPA ensures that crimes are well documented and crucial evidence is not lost. The ICPA is effectively preparing and contributing to future prosecutions of the crime of aggression, irrespective of the jurisdiction before which the proceedings will be brought. For this reason, evidence is being translated, including into Ukrainian and English, to ensure that it can be used in various jurisdictions.

One year on since the ICPA’s launch, Eurojust thanks all ICPA and JIT partners for their hard work and dedication in helping ensure accountability for the atrocities committed in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as the European Commission for its trust in the Agency to host this important centre.

About the ICPA

The ICPA consists of participants from Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. Furthermore, the United States has appointed a Special Prosecutor for the Crime of Aggression to support the ICPA’s activities, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC has designated staff to participate in the ICPA. The Centre is funded by the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI). In November 2023, Eurojust welcomed a financial contribution from the U.S. Department of State, via the European Commission’s FPI Service, in support of the ICPA’s work.

About the crime of aggression

The crime of aggression is a crime committed by the highest political and military leadership. Given that Russia is not a party to the Rome Statute, the ICC currently cannot prosecute the Russian leadership for the crime of aggression in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

To close this gap, various options have been explored to ensure full accountability for the crimes committed in the context of the Russian war against Ukraine, including the crime of aggression.

The ICPA is the first step in this process to preserve evidence and prepare cases for future trials, be it before national courts, a dedicated tribunal or the International Criminal Court for crimes within its jurisdiction.

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced the setting up of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine at the 24th EU-Ukraine Summit on 2 February 2023.

More information


Other Ukraine-related developments:

Drug trafficking network active across Europe dismantled

Source: Eurojust

Drugs used for the group’s illegal activities were supplied by members in Spain. The drugs were then transported across Europe by couriers, who concealed the supplies in trucks that were in the possession of the organisation. Members based in Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Ukraine, then sold the drugs on their local drug markets.

Drug trafficking remains one of the most serious security threats in Europe. Europol’s report on criminal networks shows that 50% of the most threatening criminal networks active in the EU are involved in drug trafficking, and 50% of all homicides in Europe are directly connected to drug trafficking. It is crucial that judicial authorities from different countries collaborate in their investigations, as drug trafficking frequently crosses borders. Eurojust has observed a twofold increase in cross-border drug trafficking cases since 2020, with over 2 462 cases supported in 2023.

The Italian authorities initiated investigations into the drug trafficking network in December 2021. The investigations revealed that the group, consisting of individals from various nationalities, was operating across Europe. To ensure that the group could not evade justice, Italian authorities used Eurojust’s facilities to facilitate investigations in other countries and execute house searches and seizures.

At a coordination centre at Eurojust, in the early morning of 2 July, authorities from Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Ukraine worked together with Europol and Interpol to arrest 13 suspects. During house searches, several electronic devices, drugs and money was found.

The operation was financially supported by the @ON network, which funded by the European Commission and led by the Italian Antimafia Directorate (DIA).

The actions were carried out by the following authorities:

  • Italy: Procure della Repubblica di L’Aquila e Teramo (Public Prosecution Offices of L’Aquila and Teramo); Carabinieri Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale (Special Operational Group) of L’Aquila
  • Belgium: PPO Mons; Federal Police of Mons
  • Germany: Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Düsseldorf (General Public Prosecutor`s Office Düsseldorf); Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen (State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia)
  • Spain: Juzgado central of Instruccion num 6 (Central Investigative Judge num. 6 at Audiencia Nacional); Fiscalia Antidroga at Audiencia Nacional (PP Antidrug at Audiencia Nacional); Group OCT Udyco Central of Policia Nacional (Group OCT Udyco Central of National Police)
  • Ukraine: Prosecutor General’s Office; Counter Narcotics Department of the National

Hungarian EU presidency to combat cybercrime

Source: Eurojust

Cybercrime is a rapidly evolving and growing area of criminal activity. Cybercriminals are exploiting the speed and anonymity of the internet to commit a range of criminal acts, including large-scale cyberattacks and the use of malware, phishing and spam. Many of the cases opened at Eurojust, 534 cases in 2023 alone, investigate cybercrime. The Hungarian presidency will focus on the fight against cybercrime, as it is a serious threat to fundamental rights, critical infrastructure and competitiveness. A key objective in this priority area will be ensuring a safe online environment for children.

To strengthen the security of the EU and its citizens, the presidency will focus on the fight against terrorism and organised crime. The Hungarian presidency will strengthen law enforcement and judicial cooperation in the prevention, detection and investigation of smuggling and trafficking of human beings. To combat drug trafficking, the presidency will promote the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy and Action Plan and the EU Roadmap for combatting drug trafficking and organised crime.

In the field of criminal justice cooperation, the presidency will continue to prioritise victim support and the fight against corruption. In 2023, Eurojust helped deliver justice to more than 375 000 victims of all forms of serious, cross-border crime. Through a dedicated working group, Eurojust ensures that victim rights are protected in cross-border criminal proceedings.

To enhance digitalisation in judicial cooperation, the presidency will explore possibilities for the use of AI in the justice sector, following the adoption of the AI Act. Since December 2018, Eurojust has been actively working on enhancing digitalisation in Eurojust and the wider European judicial community. The Digital Criminal Justice Programme is working on several enhancements for judicial cooperation, such as the modernisation of the case management system used by national authorities for all of Eurojust’s cross-border cases.

To mark the start of the Hungarian presidency, fine art from a contemporary Hungarian artist will be displayed at Eurojust. This is part of the tradition whereby the country that holds the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU has the opportunity to display selected artwork in the lobby and on public floors.

Website used for child pornography, prostitution and drug dealing taken down with support of Eurojust

Source: Eurojust

An online platform known for facilitating various crimes was taken down by the French authorities, in cooperation with Bulgaria, Germany Lithuania, the Netherlands and Hungary. The authorities had been investigating the digital platform since December 2023. During an action day on 24 June the servers located in Germany were seized and disconnected and over EUR 5.6 million of criminal funds were frozen.

The website was used for many years to facilitate a range of criminal activities, in particular for child pornography, sexual exploitation, drug dealing, ambushes and even homicides. Criminals were able to send messages and connect with other criminals active in their criminal activities.

Since 2021, more than 23 000 judicial procedures have been initiated involving the online platform. At least 480 victims of the platform have been heard during these judicial procedures. Investigations into the platform were started by French authorities in December 2023. These investigations showed that the platform was concealing and facilitating transactions for organised crime groups and was enabling criminal activities such as pimping and paedophilia.

A coordinated action to take down the website was carried out with the full support of Eurojust. The authorities seized the servers located in Germany, which resulted in the platform being disconnected and the display of a splash page. The Lithuanian and Hungarian authorities ensured the swift execution of freezing orders, which led to the freezing of over EUR 5.6 million in criminal funds.

At the same time, a European Investigation Order (EIO), issued from France, was successfully executed in Bulgaria. All investigative actions have been carried out in presence of French magistrates and officials from the Law enforcement authorities of France upon authorisation by the competent Bulgarian authorities. As part of the execution of the EIO, bank statements were  revealed, searches and seizures were carried out and witnesses were questioned.

The actions were carried out by the following authorities:

  • France: PPO Paris JUNALCO (National Jurisdiction against organised Crime) Cybercrime Unit; Gendarmerie Nationale – Cybercrime unit; ONAF (Anti Fraud National Office)
  • Bulgaria: Sofia City PPO and General Police Directorate Combating Organised Crime
  • Germany: Public Prosecutor’s Office Limburg; Hessian State Criminal Police Office
  • Hungary: Budapest IX. District Public Prosecutor’s Office
  • Lithuania: Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office
  • The Netherlands: Public Prosecutor’s Office Amsterdam

The fight against human trafficking requires close cooperation across borders with the support of Eurojust

Source: Eurojust

Trafficking in human beings is a serious transnational crime, which requires a comprehensive approach from prevention to prosecution, while protecting victims as foreseen in the EU Strategy on combatting trafficking in human beings 2021-2025. Trafficking is still a high profit low risk crime. At global level, illegal profits are estimated at US$236 billion annually. It is often linked to organised crime. In the EU, 55 of the most threatening criminal networks engage in trafficking in human beings as main activity.

Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation remains a prevalent form of exploitation in the EU, while labour exploitation has increased in recent years; both remain underreported. Moreover, new forms of exploitation are increasing, for example forced criminality.

To ensure that traffickers are brought to justice, close cooperation at all levels is required, including of judicial authorities. Organised Crime Groups that commit human trafficking, usually operate in several countries.

On 26 and 27 June, the Focus Group against the trafficking in human beings met for the third time to exchange best practices and share challenges in judicial cooperation in relation to human trafficking. The meeting was co-chaired by Eurojust and the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator.

The EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Diane Schmitt, and the Chair of Eurojust’s Anti-Trafficking teams, Daniela Buruiană, stated during the meeting:

Prosecutors are encouraged to make full use of the tools and instruments available at EU level with the support of the EU Agencies, including Eurojust and other stakeholders. This is crucial for ensuring a strong judicial response against human trafficking. We welcome that this year, we facilitated a first dialogue between prosecutors and the private sector. Successful investigations and prosecutions require close cooperation between all relevant actors.

The meeting brought together prosecutors and investigative judges from 24 Member States and Albania, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, United States and United Kingdom, as well as the European Commission, Europol and EMPACT THB (European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats) coordinator. The meeting discussed the judicial aspects related to the online dimension of human trafficking, the challenges that occur in cases of sexual and labour exploitation, forced criminality or exploitative surrogacy, and the opportunity of using financial investigations to build up strong evidence in human trafficking cases and recover proceeds of crime. The meeting allowed identifying new ways of cooperation and strengthening the common understanding of different legal concepts.

Participants underlined the importance of cross-border cooperation and the need of regular exchanges. Eurojust facilitates this collaboration between prosecutors with operational and logistical support to cross-border cases. Eurojust has assisted national authorities with more than 300 human trafficking cases in 2023.

Eurojust leads efforts to step up judicial response to Money Laundering and Asset Recovery

Source: Eurojust

The second Eurojust Meeting on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery brought together dedicated prosecutors specialised in asset recovery and tackling money laundering from the European Union and countries with liaison prosecutors at Eurojust. Other participants included the European Commission (DG FISMA, DG HOME, DG JUST, and DG ECFIN), Europol, EPPO, EJN, CARIN network, INTERPOL, the Council of Europe (MONEYVAL), as well as representatives from Asset Recovery Offices and Asset Management Offices.

Eurojust Vice-President Margarita Sniutyte-Daugeliene stated in her opening remarks: In 2023 alone, Eurojust’s assistance in the fight against organised crime led to seizing or freezing of EUR 1.1 billion. Money laundering remains in the top three of crime types Eurojust deals with every year. Fighting money laundering and recovering assets will therefore remain a top priority, and in months to come Eurojust will offer further means for closer cooperation between the judiciary, law enforcement and other actors involved across the European Union.

The meeting was an opportunity for participants to share experiences in relation to matters such as money laundering as a service, the misuse of Hawala (a type of informal money or value transfer service often used by criminals to launder money) and underground banking, and misuse of cryptocurrencies as money laundering schemes, issues related to predicate office. Participants also shared experiences in relation to asset recovery matters such as restitution and compensation of victims, asset sharing and disposal, exceptional costs and non-conviction based confiscation. Eurojust’s support on these cases was highlighted throughout the presentations. Participants highlighted the importance of increasing cooperation in this field.

Participants confirmed their strong support to the set up of a dedicated Judicial Focus Group on Money Laundering and Asset Recovery, organised by Eurojust, and discussed possible mandate and tasks of the Judicial Focus Group. The Judicial Focus Group would be composed of prosecutors or judges who would represent a multidisciplinary hub of experts at national level involved in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering and asset recovery, such as asset recovery offices, asset management offices, law enforcement, financial intelligence units, financial accountants, crypto experts. The Focus Group would give judicial authorities guidance on specific matters such as post-conviction financial investigations, exceptional costs concerning the execution of freezing and confiscation orders, and guidance on restitution to or compensation of victims. Eurojust is uniquely placed to bridge the gap between the national hubs by creating this international platform represented by the judiciary.

Money laundering and asset recovery are a high priority on the EU agenda. Since the last expert meeting in June 2023, a number of legislative proposals have been adopted, including the Directive on Asset Recovery and Confiscation, the Directive on the Violation of Union of restrictive measures and on the Anti-Money laundering package.

Eurojust supports authorities in dismantling EUR 113 million fraudulent investment scheme

Source: Eurojust

A fraudulent pyramid scheme was taken down by authorities from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Lithuania and Liechtenstein, with the support of Eurojust and Europol. The organised crime group (OCG) used an investment model that focused on the leasing and subleasing of cryptocurrency machines, such as exchange machines and hardware for mining. The suspects were able to target thousands of victims, causing losses of up to EUR 113 million. During an action day on 11 June, six arrests were made, 29 searches were conducted and the suspects’ assets were frozen.

The advertised investment concept involved the leasing of cryptocurrency products, such as investments in server storage for internet cloud services and the subleasing of crypto exchange machines. The suspects promised returns of 70% before tax to those joining the scheme. Investigations by German authorities showed that the promised returns were not only unrealistic, but also impossible, as the leased equipment and systems allegedly did not exist.

As the promised investment scheme did not exist as advertised, the suspects created a pyramid scheme, where most of the revenue for earlier investors came from more recent investors. The funds collected were not used for the promised investments, but mainly for the suspects’ living expenses. Throughout the scheme, the suspects concluded thousands of contracts, earning up to EUR 113 million.

As soon as the fraudulent scheme was discovered by German authorities, two coordination meetings were held at Eurojust to exchange information and evidence with authorities from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Lithuania and Liechtenstein. To ensure a continued smooth cooperation, a joint investigation team (JIT) between German and Swiss authorities was set up with the support of Eurojust.

The cooperation between authorities resulted in an action day on 11 June, with the involvement of over 280 officers on the ground. The actions resulted in six arrests, 29 searches, the seizing of evidence, and the freezing of several assets. Due to the coordination between the authorities, and the use of Eurojust’s facilities, simultaneous actions were carried out in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechia, Lithuania and Liechtenstein.

The following authorities were involved in the operation:

  • Germany: Public Prosecutor`s Office Erfurt, Criminal State Investigation Office Thuringia
  • Switzerland: Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Zurich
  • Austria: Central Public Prosecutor`s Office for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption
  • Czechia: Municipal Public Prosecutor´s Office in Prague; Regional Directorate of Police of the Capital City of Prague
  • Lithuania: Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office
  • Liechtenstein: Princely Court of Justice of Liechtenstein

New report on encryption in criminal matters stresses balance between security and privacy

Source: Eurojust

The report gives an overview of the use of encrypted communication tools such as EncroChat and SkyECC by criminal networks and analyses the topic of encryption from a legal, technical, policy and research point of view. The publication also touches on specific judicial processes and court rulings.

Furthermore, the new report includes an elaborate analysis of the recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union of 30 April this year on encrypted communications. This ruling clarifies the conditions for EU Member States to request and transmit intercepted data from encrypted communication channels for use as evidence in criminal proceedings, in order to safeguard fundamental rights and enable continued investigations into criminal activities.

The publication also provides technical information on new developments and tools such as quantum computing, cryptocurrencies, biometric data, telecommunications and artificial intelligence. It also presents an overview of the challenges and opportunities they represent for judicial and law enforcement authorities.

The main ideas in the conclusions and recommendations are:

  • Introducing legal frameworks for lawful access to data and the use of encrypted communications in judicial proceedings is paramount for achieving the right balance between privacy and security.
  • Further research and monitoring of technologies using cryptography, such as telecommunications (5G, 6G networks), biometrics, DNS, the blockchain and quantum computing, are needed to ensure both lawful access to data and privacy.
  • Collaboration with academia and private industry is essential for the creation of new tools to both serve criminal investigations without compromising the overall security of communications.
  • Artificial intelligence solutions can both help and hinder efforts to fight serious and organised crime, requiring a multi-faceted and collaborative approach.
  • While quantum computing can significantly improve investigations, it also poses a significant threat to encryption, requiring a swift transition to post-quantum cryptography.

The report is the result of the pooling of expertise of all partners collaborating in the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security, hosted at Europol, including the EU Agencies CEPOL, EIGE, EUAA, Eurojust, Europol, Frontex, FRA and the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union (including the EU Counterterrorism Coordinator’s Office), as well as the European Commission (Directorate Generals JRC and Home).