Alleged large-scale coin forger arrested in Kosovo due to Eurojust support

Source: Eurojust

06 August 2024|

With support provided via the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, hosted by Eurojust, an alleged large-scale coin forger has been arrested in Kosovo*. The arrested person is an employee of the North-Macedonian Ministry of the Interior and is suspected of producing around 2 million fake EUR 2 coins, which were about to be circulated into the Kosovar economy.

Europol provided intelligence analysis, operational coordination and technical assistance to ensure the successful apprehension of the suspect.

Investigations will now seek to establish the full scale of the coin forgery. During searches of the suspect’s home, machines for the production of counterfeit currency, coin templates and raw materials have been seized. The suspect had been under surveillance for a longer period.

His successful apprehension was the result of a joint investigation team (JIT) supported by the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, and financed as part of the operational activities of the investigations. The investigations were also financially supported by the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT).

EMPACT tackles the most important threats posed by organised and serious international crime affecting the European Union. EMPACT strengthens intelligence, strategic and operational cooperation between national authorities, EU institutions and bodies, and international partners. EMPACT runs in four-year cycles focusing on common EU crime priorities. Fraud, economic and financial crimes are among the priorities for the 2021-2025 Policy Cycle.

The following authorities were involved in the operations:

  • Kosovo*: Special Prosecution Office (SPRK) and Kosovo Police, Directorate for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption
  • North Macedonia: Basic Public Prosecution Office Skopje – Investigative Centre; Ministry of Interior, Department for Suppression of Organised and Serious Crime

* This designation is made without prejudice to positions on status and is in accordance with UNSCR 1244/ 1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Illegal trade in fake and prohibited pesticides and fertilizers halted in Romania and Italy

Source: Eurojust

The substances were all banned for trade in the European Union, as they could be dangerous to users and consumers as they contained high doses of active substances. The suspects illegally imported the products from China and Singapore, but sold them as bio- or organic fertilizers and pesticides, using fake labels. The suspects also sold goods that were fake but pretended they were legitimate organic products.

Between February and May 2023, three suspect shipments arriving from outside the European Union were detected by the Romanian customs authorities. Subsequent inspections by the phytosanitary authorities confirmed it concerned fake or banned products, using falsified labels.

Further investigations and searches in Romania, showed an organised crime group (OCG) was behind the illegal activities. The OCG was composed of Romanian and Italian nationals who took over existing companies in Romania or registered new trading companies for the sale of the products in Italy. Falsified declaration forms were used for this purpose.

The Italian judicial authority gathered extensive evidence on the destination to the domestic market of the goods illegally introduced into Romania and identified the suspects who had promoted the illicit traffic in agricultural products from Italy.

At the request of the authorities involved, early this year Eurojust assisted with the setting up and financing of a JIT team into the OCG. The Agency organised a dedicated coordination meeting and supported the cross-border judicial response to the illegal activities.

Europol held several operational meetings in order to proceed with national investigations in a synergistic and aligned manner. Furthermore, it facilitated the exchange of information and provided constant analytical support to the investigations. During operational activities, Europol sent an expert to the field to cross-check operational information in real time and provide the experts with any guidance and technical support.

This support led to a series of coordinated actions in Romania and Italy, during which ten locations were searched across Arad, Bucharest, Verona, and Naples, gathering additional evidence of the crimes. During the course of the activities, the Romanian Judicial Authority also arrested one of the suspects.

The following authorities carried out the operations:

  • Romania: Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, Constanta Territorial Office; Special Operation Directorate (DOS); Brigade for Combating Organized Crime – Sea Ports Combating Organized Crime Service; Border Customs Offices Constanta and Constanta Sud
  • Italy: PPO Verona; NAS Carabinieri Padua; Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza Verona