Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police
Headline: Officer found not guilty of misconduct
An officer has been found not guilty of gross misconduct when the panel found no case to answer following a three day misconduct hearing.
PC Thomas Hooper, based at Kingston, answered allegations that his conduct amounted to a breach of the Met’s standards of professional behaviour in respect of honesty and integrity and discreditable conduct.
It was alleged that PC Hooper:
• Applied for a cancellation of a Fixed Penalty Notice issued for his driving a police vehicle while on duty on 3 May 2016, by putting forward a false and misleading account for his driving. It is further alleged that PC Hooper later provided a false account for why he drove the police vehicle in response mode to Kingston police station relating to when the FPN was issued.
• Took a tin of biscuits that belonged to another officer on 7 May 2016. It is further alleged that PC Hooper provided a false account of this incident on 10 October 2016.
The panel found no case to answer for both allegations – PC Hooper will return to full duties.