The Met supports national #ITSNOTOK2018 campaign

Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police

Headline: The Met supports national #ITSNOTOK2018 campaign

The Metropolitan Police Service is supporting #ITSNOTOK2018 – a national sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week which starts today, Monday, 5 February.

During the week, a series of videos will be released on social media featuring various officers and staff from across the organisation reading out statements of empowerment; interviews with those who have reported allegations of sexual abuse and violence to police; and an interview with a specialist officer and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) to explain what help and support is available to victims.

The videos will be posted via the Met’s Facebook page and the main Met Twitter account @metpoliceuk – using the campaign’s hashtag #ITSNOTOK.

It is hoped that the stories will help to give those who may be suffering sexual abuse the courage and confidence to come forward and report it to police or other agencies that support victims of sexual abuse and violence.

Officers from across the Met will also be using their social media accounts to raise awareness of sexual abuse and sexual violence and show those that have experienced abuse or violence that the police are here to support all victims of abuse.

Messages and posts on the Met’s various social media accounts will be focused on the following four key themes with additional content and links to further information and support for each day:

– Police can help you if you have been sexually assaulted or abused
– Police are here to help all victims of sexual violence
– It is not ok to sexually exploit or abuse anyone
– Tell someone about those that are causing harm to you, or others

The #ITSNOTOK campaign is in its fourth year and is supported by various police forces and rape, sexual abuse and sexual violence charities from across the UK. More information about the campaign can be found at

Detective Superintendent Sian Thomas, from the Met’s Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command, said: “No one should have to suffer sexual violence and abuse on their own and no one should think it’s ok to sexually exploit or abuse others. We are proud to support this campaign, which encourages a wider discussion around sexual abuse and violence – raising awareness about this type of abuse and how the Met and other agencies can offer advice and support.

“We want victims to feel empowered to come forward and report what has happened to them and we hope that the testimonies from those who have been through the experience will reassure people that they be will listened to and supported without judgement – no matter what the circumstances.”