IP crime: high-level meeting on a joint strategy at Europol

Source: Europol

Headline: IP crime: high-level meeting on a joint strategy at Europol

Figures from studies produced by the OECD and EUIPO show that counterfeit and pirated products represent up to 5% of all EU imports, worth up to 85 billion. Brands that suffer the most from IP infringements are primarily registered in the EU.

The Europol-EUIPO joint report points out the significant involvement of organised crime in IP infringements.

Considering the above, a high level meeting took place at Europol, with representatives from CEPOL, EUIPO, Europol, Eurojust and the European Commission (OLAF, TAXUD, GROW) to discuss how to step up cooperation to fight IP crime.

During the meeting participants highlighted the importance of data exchange and analysis, as well as of enhanced cooperation between EU and national authorities. Concrete actions to make the fight against IP infringements more efficient and effective were discussed.

Participants expressed the wish to meet on a regular basis and to set up a framework to ensure that progress is made on agreed actions.