90th INTERPOL General Assembly

Source: Interpol (news and events)

18-21 October 2022, New Delhi, India

The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of our member countries.

It meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances and programmes of activities. These decisions are in the form of resolutions.

INTERPOL unveils first ever Metaverse designed for law enforcement at General Assembly.

INTERPOL President Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the opening of the 90th General Assembly.

90th General Assembly.

Police officers at 90th General Assembly.

INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock with members of the Executive Committee (2021/2022).

Opening of the 90th General Assembly.

Secretary General Jürgen Stock reading INTERPOL’s 2022 Global Crime Trend Report.

90th General Assembly.

This year, the General Assembly will meet for its 90th session in New Delhi, India. The agenda is expected to include presentations, workshops and discussions on the following subjects:

The future of policing

With our member countries, we are exploring diverse perspectives on the future of policing in an increasingly digitalized world. What are the challenges, how can we respond to threats posed by technology and how should we shape our vision for 2030?

Policing today’s crimes

Different panels will look at topical policing initiatives. This will include:

INTERPOL’s Global Crime Trends Report

This document provides member countries with an overview of the main crime threats in the world.

Executive Committee Elections

The General Assembly elects new members to the Executive Committee as the incumbents end their mandate. This year, two posts are up for election: the vice-president for Europe, and the delegate for Africa.

INTERPOL’s Centenary

In 2023, INTERPOL will celebrate 100 years since the founding of the International Criminal Police Commission, which then became INTERPOL in 1956. A series of activities are planned to raise awareness of the role of international policing; past, present and future.

Police have been gathering to discuss international policing for 100 years – pictured here are delegates at the 2nd session of the General Assembly held in Berlin, Germany in 1924.


This panel will discuss how multi-stakeholder strategic partnerships can support law enforcement across the world to face the challenges in global security.


INTERPOL is committed to increasing the geographical and gender diversity of its workforce so it can better reflect and serve its global membership.


Different workshops will look at technology, innovation and global financial crime, giving participants the chance to share ideas in smaller groups.

Host country: India

We thank India and the officials from New Delhi for hosting this year’s General Assembly and welcoming our delegates from member countries. We recognize the time and effort it takes to put on an event of this scale.