Springdale — Springdale RCMP arrests man for recent thefts

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Fifty-two-year-old Todd Hewlett of Springdale was arrested by Springdale RCMP on December 11, 2024, in relation to a number of recent thefts.

Hewlett was arrested at a traffic stop that was conducted in Springdale on Wednesday, operating a vehicle that had been involved in a number of recent shoplifting incidents. The vehicle was uninsured and unregistered and was seized and impounded.

Hewlett is charged with the following criminal offences:

  • Theft under 5000 from shoplifting – three counts
  • Breach of undertaking

In addition, he is charged under the Highway Traffic Act with the following violations:

  • Operating a vehicle without insurance
  • Operating an unregistered vehicle

Hewlett attended court on December 12, and was released on conditions. He is set to appear in court in January, 2025.

RCMP NL continues to fulfill its mandate to protect public safety, enforce the law, and ensure the delivery of priority policing services in Newfoundland and Labrador.