St. John’s — Heading out for Halloween? Check out these Spook-tacular safety tips from RCMP NL

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Halloween is a busy time for kids of all ages! Plan for a fun and safe evening by using these safety tips from RCMP NL to help ensure a Happy Halloween.

Look the part while being visible and safe:

  • Be visible. Wear a light/bright colored costume. Add reflective tape or arm bands to increase visibility.
  • Ensure your costume is made of flame-retardant material.
  • Make sure your costume fits well to avoid ghostly falls or stumbles.
  • Use flashlights and glow sticks; they are great accessories for any costume and can keep kids visible to motorists.

Be street smart:

  • Parents/guardians should help plan and be aware of the route that their children will travel for trick-or-treating.
  • Children should be able to recognize places where they can get help: police station, fire station or any other well-known public place.
  • Stay on the sidewalks. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left-hand side of the street facing traffic.
  • Never enter a house. Only accept treats at the front door.

Take extra care with driving:

  • Slow down and be extra cautious. Expect that trick-or-treaters may forget to look both ways before rushing across the street or a driveway in their search for treats.
  • Watch for people using crosswalks.
  • Do not drive impaired or while distracted.
  • Ensure that your costume does not interfere with the safe operation of your motor vehicle. Costumes should not restrict movement, impede vision or prevent anyone in the vehicle from properly applying their seat belt.

RCMP NL will be on patrol to watch out for all of the little ghosts and goblins, as well as those driving while impaired or in a manner that puts anyone else at risk. Do your part to ensure this Halloween is enjoyable for all!