Election Officers Named for Northern District of Ohio

Source: Office of United States Attorneys

CLEVELAND – United States Attorney Rebecca C. Lutzko has named two Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs) as District Election Officers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) for the Northern District of Ohio.

AUSAs Megan R. Miller and Ava R. Dustin will lead the USAO’s efforts to implement the Justice Department’s nationwide Election Day Program for the upcoming Nov. 5, 2024, general elections.

These AUSAs will oversee the district’s handling of Election Day complaints in consultation with the Justice Department’s Civil Rights, Criminal, and National Security Divisions in Washington, D.C. The USAO for the Northern District of Ohio serves the 40 northern counties in the state. AUSA Miller covers the Northeastern counties of Ohio, while AUSA Dustin covers the Northwestern counties.

Federal law protects against election-related crimes such as threatening violence against election officials or staff, intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input. It also contains special protections for voters’ rights, to ensure that voters can vote free from interference, including intimidation and other acts designed to prevent or discourage people from voting or voting for the candidate of their choice. The Voting Rights Act also protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice, for example, if a voter needs assistance because of a disability or inability to read or write in English.

“The right to vote is the cornerstone of American democracy. Every citizen must be able to vote without interference or discrimination, and to have that vote counted in a fair and free election. As it has for years, the Department of Justice will work tirelessly to protect the integrity of our nation’s election process,” said U.S. Attorney Lutzko for the Northern District of Ohio. “We encourage anyone who has specific information about voting-rights concerns, including access or intimidation-related issues, or specific information about fraudulent election activity, to please provide that information to the Department of Justice. Our goal is to ensure that those who wish to vote can freely exercise this right if they choose, and that those who seek to corrupt it are brought to justice.”

The Department’s longstanding Election Day Program furthers these goals and also seeks to ensure public confidence in the electoral process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible federal election law violations.

AUSAs Miller and Dustin will be on duty in the Northern District of Ohio while the polls are open Tuesday, Nov. 5. AUSA Miller can be reached at 216-338-4479 and AUSA Dustin at 419-215-5444 to respond to complaints of voting rights concerns or fraudulent election activity. They will ensure that such complaints are directed to the appropriate authorities.

In addition, the FBI will have dedicated special agents, known as Election Crime Coordinators, available in each field office and resident agency throughout the country to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses on Election Day. The Election Crime Coordinator for the Cleveland Field Office is Special Agent Nicole Long, who can be reached at 312-835-2276.  Tips also may be submitted online at tips.fbi.gov.

Complaints about possible violations of the federal voting rights laws may also be made directly to the Civil Rights Division in Washington at civilrights.justice.gov or by phone at 1-800-253-3931.

In the case of a crime of violence or intimidation, please call 911 immediately and before contacting federal authorities. Please note: State and local police have primary jurisdiction over polling places, and almost always have faster reaction capacity in an emergency.