U.S. Coast Guard supports, strengthens partnership with Republic of Palau partners in response to illicit maritime activity concerns

Source: United States Coast Guard


09/17/2024 11:25 PM EDT

KOROR, Republic of Palau — At the request of the Republic of Palau and in response to their concerns of potential illicit maritime activity occurring in Palau’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia Sector Guam (FMSG) and U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point dispatched personnel and equipment to enact the agreement between the U.S. and Palau Concerning Operational Cooperation to Suppress Illicit Transnational Maritime Activity (U.S. – Palau Bilateral Agreement), and in doing so enhanced Palau’s maritime domain awareness. In the recent joint operation, which occurred Sept. 6-8, 2024, a U.S. Coast Guard HC-130 Hercules and aircrew embarked Palauan enforcement officials and U.S. Coast Guard specialists to patrol over 6,000 miles, identifying numerous illegal fish aggregation devices (FADs) and sighting vessels in and around Palau’s EEZ. Exercising provisions of the U.S.–Palau bilateral agreement, the operation employed a Palauan air rider, Palau’s Joint Operations Center (JOC), and U.S. Coast Guard liaisons to maximize technologies and maritime domain awareness tools to monitor and patrol Palau’s waters and domestic fishing zones. “Our collaboration with the Palauan air rider and Palau’s Division of Marine Law Enforcement was instrumental in swiftly identifying illicit activities within Palau’s waters. This mission demonstrates the power of partnership and shared commitment to protecting maritime resources and maintaining sovereignty,” said Lt. Cmdr. Derek Wallin, the U.S. Coast Guard Compact of Free Association maritime advisor.

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