IAEA Director General: “This Agency is and will continue to be at your service”

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The Director General went on to describe developments in the other core areas of the Agency’s work, namely nuclear safety, security and safeguards. 

He discussed the Agency’s ongoing presence at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, where experts have now completed 23 rotations, and mentioned his recent visit to Kursk, “where the situation is serious”. 

“A nuclear power plant should never be attacked under any circumstances, irrespective of the place where these nuclear power plants are situated,” he reiterated. 

Mr Grossi also said he is looking forward to engaging with the new president and government of Iran, and to the IAEA continuing “in our indispensable efforts to give the credible assurances to the international community that that nuclear programme is peaceful.” And that the IAEA is “moving forward in trying to bring clarity” to ongoing issues of concern with Syria. 

“So there are challenges ahead, but they are not insurmountable. 

“And I reiterate, here and now, my disposition to continue our efforts. In all of these points, the IAEA is showing its active contribution to the world agenda.”