Bay d’Espoir — Bay d’Espoir RCMP tickets driver for excessive speed

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Bay d’Espoir RCMP ticketed a driver for excessive speeding on Friday, September 13th.

On Friday afternoon, at approximately 3:30 p.m., police observed a vehicle travelling 166km/h in a 70km/h zone in the area of Route 365 near Route 360. A traffic stop was conducted. A 28-year-old male driver was ticketed for speeding, having an unregistered vehicle, and was issued a licence suspension. The vehicle was also seized and impounded.

RCMP NL continues to fulfill its mandate to protect public safety, enforce the law, and ensure the delivery of priority policing services in Newfoundland and Labrador. We thank the public for continuing to report incidents of excessive speed, dangerous driving and other crimes within their communities.