Cindy Hall Named Assistant Director of the Office of Internal Auditing

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

Director Christopher Wray has named Cindy Hall as the assistant director of the Office of Internal Auditing at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Ms. Hall most recently served as the acting deputy assistant director of the Inspection Division at Headquarters.

The FBI created the Office of Internal Auditing in 2020 to enhance the compliance, oversight, and accountability of national security activities at the Bureau.

Ms. Hall joined the FBI as a clerk in 1988, supporting the newly created Office of Automation at FBI Headquarters, and became an IT specialist in the Information Technology Division in 1991. Ms. Hall deployed numerous times over the next several years on the Rapid Start Team to support major case operations. She was also responsible for providing IT support to the FBI director and his staff.

In 2006, Ms. Hall was promoted to chief of the Field IT Services Unit at Headquarters and helped develop, implement, and coordinate polices, training, and administrative action for field office IT specialists. She also created the regional program manager position for IT specialists and established the staffing baseline for IT specialists across the Bureau.

Ms. Hall transferred to the Inspection Division in 2009 to serve as chief of the Inspection Management Unit. As unit chief, Ms. Hall contributed to the comprehensive review of administrative and investigative programs and national initiatives. She also ensured compliance with instructions and recommendations issued through the inspection process.

In 2017, Ms. Hall was promoted to inspector, the first FBI professional staff employee to hold the position. She was responsible for the oversight of administrative- and support-service compliance and for related national reviews. In addition, Ms. Hall was responsible for certain inspections the assistant director of the Inspection Division deemed necessary. 

Ms. Hall transitioned in 2019 to section chief of the Inspection Strategic Analysis Section. In 2022, Ms. Hall served as the acting deputy assistant director of the Inspection Division. The division conducts internal investigations, reviews operational performance and use-of-enforcement authorities in all investigative programs, and conducts special inquiries.

Ms. Hall was named acting assistant director of the Office of Internal Auditing in 2023.