Source: Eurojust
Under the framework of the 6th phase of the EuroMed Justice (EMJ) project, the 19th CrimEx and the 3rd EMJNet meetings were held on 29 and 30 May in a hybrid format at the Eurojust premises in the Hague. Criminal justice representatives from the EU South Partner Countries (SPCs) and the European Union Member States (EU MS) gathered to discuss and to identify common challenges and responses to strengthen international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
On 29 May, SPCs and EU MS Country Representatives participated in the CrimEx meeting and had the opportunity to exchange on the technical challenges related to the Euro-Mediterranean judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Participants were invited to report and exchange on their national priorities on serious and organised crime. They also benefited from the experiences that shared from Spain in relation to Trafficking of Human Beings (THB) and the Netherlands in relation to Confiscations and Assets Recovery.
On 30 May, judicial practitioners from SPCs and EU MS reported and exchanged on the cooperation challenges at the national, regional and international levels in relation to operational judicial cooperation. The EMJ team presented the vision for the role and the functioning of the EMJNet in the 6th phase of the project.
The meetings were chaired by the National Members for France and Spain who steered discussions between participants, shared their experience as National Members and presented the Eurojust operational cooperation with third countries, including the role of Eurojust Contact Points.
During both days bilateral meetings (SPCs/EU MS – SPCs/SPCs) were organised including with Eurojust Representatives.