Secretary General receives final report from group of experts on NATO’s southern neighbourhood

Source: NATO

On Wednesday (20 March 2024), the independent group of experts appointed to support NATO’s reflection on its southern neighbourhood presented their final report to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The group also engaged with the North Atlantic Council and briefed Permanent Representatives on their key findings. The report proposes concrete recommendations to shape NATO’s approach to its southern neighbourhood – particularly the Middle East, North Africa and Sahel regions.

The presentation of this final report completes the work of the expert group, which had been asked by the NATO Secretary General to take stock of evolving developments in NATO’s southern neighbourhood and identify concrete recommendations to shape the Alliance’s future approach. In their engagement with the Secretary General and the North Atlantic Council, the group discussed current challenges in the region and opportunities for further cooperation with partner nations, international organisations and other relevant actors.
The group, established in early October 2023, was composed of eleven experts and engaged with senior Allied civilian and military staff, NATO partners in the southern neighbourhood, as well as experts from academia and civil society. 
Allied Foreign Ministers will provide feedback on the group’s final report during their April 2024 meeting, after which the Secretary General will present concrete proposals to Allies. The aim is to agree a set of measures to strengthen NATO’s approach to its southern neighbourhood in time for the NATO Summit in Washington in July.