Grand Falls-Windsor — Grand Falls-Windsor RCMP seeing increased circulation of counterfeit currency

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Grand Falls-Windsor RCMP is seeing increased circulation of counterfeit currency within the community.

Upon examination of the currency, a number of discrepancies can be observed between the bills in circulation and legitimate currency. Text on the fake bills include “Film Production” and “not legal tender”. As well, the name of the country is listed as Canad.

Last week, Harbour Grace RCMP shared tips on what to look for to detect counterfeit currency:

If you feel that you are in possession of counterfeit currency, please contact your local police. As a retailer, you have the right to refuse suspected counterfeit currency. Please be vigilant when receiving currency and inspecting it to ensure it is legitimate. More information on counterfeit currency can be found here: Counterfeit prevention – Bank of Canada
