Bonavista — Bonavista RCMP investigates break and enter, executes residential search warrant and arrests man

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Bonavista RCMP have charged 54-year-old Rodney Harris as a result of the execution of a search warrant in relation to a break and enter last week.

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, police received a report of a commercial break, enter and theft, which occurred sometime overnight between the evening of February 27 and morning of February 28. A glass door was smashed to gain entry into the building and a quantity of merchandise was stolen. Harris was identified with the use of surveillance video from the business.

On February 29, 2024, police executed a search warrant at Harris’ residence and arrested him on multiple charges.

Rodney Harris was held in custody and attended court last week. He was released on conditions and will appear in court again at a later date to answer to the following charges:

  • Two counts of break and enter
  • Mischief under $5000 – damage to property

The investigation is continuing.