Source: United States Air Force
We have seen major changes throughout our Air Force over the past few years – with more on the way. As we continue to follow through on adapting, innovating and re-designing our service, we must also continue to deliberately develop each other. We must grow and refine the skills that will allow us to re-optimize our Air Force for great power competition.
I’m excited to share three new books, one report and one podcast that will help develop the Airmen of today into the leaders of tomorrow.
Our people will always remain our most competitive advantage, and I couldn’t be more proud to serve alongside you.
Aim High –
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less
The only way to survive in business today is to be a lean communicator. Busy executives expect you to respect and manage their time more effectively than ever. You need to do the groundwork to make your message tight and to the point. The average professional receives 304 emails per week and checks their smartphones 36 times an hour and 38 hours a week. This inattention has spread to every part of life. The average attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds in 2000 to eight in 2012.
We Don’t Want YOU, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z
The all-volunteer force that has served our country well for more than 50 years is at a critical inflection point. Today, recruiters are struggling to bring enough Zoomers into the armed services. Mismatched fundamental ideals, divergent beliefs about the workplace, and other sociocultural influences have contributed to the United States military scrambling to get a grasp on how to appeal to Gen Z.
The creator of YouTube’s ColdFusion explores the development of technology from Industrial Revolution to Artificial Intelligence to figure out what’s next. As each new stage of technology builds on the last, advancements start to progress at an exponential rate. In order to know where we’re headed, it’s essential to know how we got here.
2023 Report on the Military & Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China
The report describes the PRC’s national strategy in the context of an evolving strategic environment and outlines the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) strategic objectives driving PRC defense policy and military strategy. It also covers key developments of the PLA’s military modernization and reform and provides insights into the PRC’s regional and global ambitions.
War on the Rocks is a military podcast based on discussions with security, defense, and foreign policy experts and insiders. Host Ryan Evans has a drink with Soldiers, spies, officials, and scholars, often recorded at bars in Washington and other capitals. War on the Rocks is available on Spotify.
Additionally, let’s also take a moment to highlight some of these incredible books by veterans of our military: