IAEA Director General Visit Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Dynamic Nuclear Power Preparations

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The Director General also visited the Low Power Research Reactor at the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). The reactor, which is not yet in operation, will provide technical experience and training opportunities for nuclear scientists and engineers. Mr Grossi underlined the essential role of this facility – the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia — in preparing for the nuclear power programme.

“Saudi Arabia is at the doorsteps of nuclear operation starting with the research reactor and later with bigger facilities,” Mr Grossi said.” The workforce here, the professionals, the women and men that work in the Saudi nuclear sector are perfectly prepared to look toward this new chapter in the life of the Kingdom.”

Saudi Arabia has sought the IAEA’s advice and invited multiple IAEA review and advisory missions on nuclear safety and nuclear power programme development.

“We have a programme of certain milestones that need to be followed and all of this is being applied here,” Mr Grossi said. “When the time comes, you will know that this was done in a very systematic, orderly way. I am very satisfied.”

The country recently announced it will rescind its small quantities protocol for countries with little to no nuclear material and facilities.