FBI Columbia to Host Community—Wide Elder Fraud Forum

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) State Crime Alerts (c)

LEXINGTON, SC—The FBI Columbia Field Office announced today it will hold a free community-wide elder fraud forum in Columbia on November 14.

The elder fraud presentation will inform community members about financial fraud, confidence schemes, lottery, romance, and sweepstakes scams. During the presentation, attendees will learn how to spot common schemes, how to better protect themselves from fraud, and how to report incidents to law enforcement.

Since 2022, the FBI Columbia Field Office has presented to more than 900 people throughout South Carolina. The presentations began after FBI investigators became alarmed at the rampant amount of fraud affecting seniors. FBI leaders hope to further educate a larger audience with hopes of amplifying our message and increasing awareness to a broader population.

To register, email the FBI Columbia Community Outreach team at columbia_outreach@fbi.gov. Please include your name, email, and phone number within the email. The deadline to register is Friday, November 10. Additional details will be provided by email upon completion of registration.

  • WHAT: Elder Fraud Community Forum
  • WHO: FBI Columbia
  • WHEN: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • WHERE: Provided upon completed registration