Teenage boy in life-threatening condition following fail-to-stop collision in Newham

Source: United Kingdom London Metropolitan Police

An investigation is ongoing following a fail to stop collision in Newham that has left a teenage boy in a life-threatening condition.

Police were called at 14:21hrs on Tuesday, 17 October to a collision involving a car and a pedestrian in Prince Regent Lane E13.

A 15-year-old boy was found and was taken to hospital, where he remains in a life-threatening condition. His next of kin are aware.

The driver of the car did not stop at the scene. The car is believed to be a white Toyota Prius and police are working to trace it.

Road closures are in place.

Enquiries into the circumstances are ongoing; any witnesses or those with information or material that could help police should call 101 ref CAD 4150/17 Oct.

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