UPDATE: U.S. Coast Guard announces availability for the Draft Environmental Assessment on the Special Purpose Craft- Heavy Weather II Acquisition Program

Source: United States Coast Guard

News Release  

U.S. Coast Guard 13th District PA Detachment Astoria
Contact: Coast Guard PA Detachment Astoria
Office: (503) 861-6380
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01/10/2025 04:51 PM EST

(Editor’s note: The comment period has been extended from Jan. 20 to Feb. 15) SEATTLE – The Coast Guard announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) / Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) for its proposal to acquire up to six, second generation Special Purpose Craft- Heavy Weather II (SPC-HWX II) vessels. Of these vessels, four would be placed in operation and training status, and two would serve as maintenance relief hulls, each with a service design life of 25 years.