Navy Clinic Uses Mario Kart to Drive Home Anti-DUI Message

Source: United States Navy (Medical)

Naval Health Clinic Lemoore is taking an innovative approach to drunk driving education by combining video games with impairment simulation.

On Dec. 10, the clinic’s Health Promotions and Wellness committee organized an interactive demonstration using Nintendo’s Mario Kart racing game and special goggles that simulate various blood alcohol and illegal substances levels.

Participants competed against each other while wearing the impairment goggles, experiencing firsthand how alcohol affects coordination and reaction time. Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Steven Martsching conducted field sobriety tests with participants wearing the specialized eyewear.

The event was part of the Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) program. Along with the hands-on demonstrations, staff members received education about the financial implications of driving under the influence.

“This innovative approach combines entertainment with education to deliver a serious message about the dangers of impaired driving,” said Lt. Cecile Perez-Collantes, the health promotions department head.

The program represents part of the command’s broader initiative to promote responsible decision-making among all staff members.

Naval Health Clinic Lemoore, co-located with Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Lemoore to ensure the readiness of its active-duty service members and improves the lives of military families through the delivery of high-quality healthcare to over 18,000 eligible beneficiaries at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, California and NAS Fallon, Nevada. The command also provides dental care and medical administrative support to Navy, Marine Corps, and international students at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Defense Language Institute and the Center for Information Dominance in Monterey, California. The command’s mission is to advance the readiness and health of our warfighters and beneficiaries and invest in our people and partnerships.