Ministerial Declaration Adopted on Importance of Nuclear Science for Addressing Global Challenges

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

IAEA Member States have adopted a declaration recognizing the important role of nuclear science, technology and applications in addressing current and evolving global challenges.

The declaration was unanimously adopted at the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Science, Technology and Applications and the Technical Cooperation Programme in Vienna this morning.

The role of the IAEA’s Technical Cooperation Programme was stressed as a major mechanism to transfer, expand and further accelerate access to nuclear technology, materials, equipment and expertise to countries for peaceful uses and support capacity building. And the importance of the IAEA’s Nuclear Applications Laboratories in Seibersdorf, Vienna and Monaco was recognised for developing and refining relevant nuclear techniques and in delivering them to countries.

The declaration acknowledged the IAEA’s contribution to the transfer of technology and expertise through its major initiatives ZODIAC, NUTEC Plastics, Rays of Hope, Atoms4Food and Atoms4NetZero, and recognized, among other things, the need to attract more women into the field of nuclear sciences and foster the next generation of nuclear scientists, engineers and professionals. It also appreciated the IAEA’s efforts to promote partnerships throughout the UN family and with traditional and non-traditional donors, such as the private sector.