Japan’s Reports on Conditions at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 6 November 2024

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA

The Japanese Government has provided the IAEA with a report that summarizes the events and highlights the progress related to recovery operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The IAEA provided its assessments, which are contained in full at the end of the report.

This assessment has been performed on aspects presented in the June 2024 report ‘Events and highlights on the progress related to recovery operations at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Stationn’. It does not include recent developments that will be taken into consideration in a next report.

Status towards the fuel debris retrieval from Primary Containment Vessel (PCV)

The IAEA acknowledges TEPCO’s continued work for the investigation inside the Unit 1 PCV and the fuel debris sampling inside the Unit 2 PCV, including the utilization of robot and drone technologies.

Preparation for fuel removal from Unit 2 spent fuel pool

The IAEA acknowledges the steady progress that has been made in the preparatory work for the removal of spent fuel from Unit 2 spent fuel pool, including shielding and concrete placement.

Sea area monitoring results

The IAEA acknowledges that the levels measured by Japan in the marine environment are low and relatively stable. For the purpose of public reassurance, the IAEA encourages the continuation of sea area monitoring. Furthermore, the IAEA considers that the ongoing data quality assurance programme which is in place is key for ensuring the accuracy and the quality of the results of the monitoring programme. It also enhances transparency and contributes to building stakeholders’ confidence.

Food products

Based on the information that has been made available, the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre understands that measures to monitor and respond to issues regarding radionuclide contamination of food are appropriate, and that the food supply chain is controlled effectively by the relevant authorities and that the public food supply is safe.