Source: Eurojust
The criminal group set up several warehouses in Spain and Portugal where boats that are illegal in Spain were manufactured in Portugal. The boats were then sold to other criminal groups, who used them to transport drugs such as heroin and marijuana into Spain. The criminal group also used its own boats and crews to transport drugs to Spain.
The authorities began investigating the criminal organisation at the end of 2022, when they learned of the group’s production and sale of narco-boats. As the group was active in Portugal and Spain, an international operation was required to stop the criminals in their tracks. A joint investigation team (JIT) was set up at Eurojust, to enable Portuguese and Spanish authorities to investigate the organisation together.
The JIT allowed the authorities to exchange information and evidence directly and quickly, to cooperate in real time and to jointly carry out operations. Due to this cooperation, coordinated by Eurojust, all the members of the group were identified and enough evidence was gathered to launch an international operation that dismantled the criminal group.
During the action day in Portugal and Spain, the authorities intercepted two boats with drugs before they could depart. The operation that deployed 200 agents led to the arrest of 28 suspects in Spain. Authorities seized 23 kilos of heroin, two marijuana plantations, four narco-boats and more than EUR 150 000 in cash.
The following authorities were involved in the operations:
- Portugal: PPO Viana do Castelo; Policia Judiciária
- Spain: Juzgado de Instruccion num. 2 of Cambados, Galicia; PP Antudrug Pontevedra; EDOA Group of Guardia Civil