NATO’s strategy for digital transformation

Source: NATO

The rapid evolution of digital technologies has profoundly transformed our societies, our economies, and is having a significant impact on modern warfare. NATO’s Digital Transformation Implementation Strategy will help address the need for technological and cultural transformation, leveraging data and artificial intelligence to drive this digital transformation.

At the Madrid Summit in 2022, Allies agreed on the need to strengthen NATO’s technological edge as a means of reinforcing their collective deterrence and defence. The strategy will guide the Alliance to harness technology more effectively, helping it to mitigate against threats, support decision-making, and ultimately drive transformation. It provides a roadmap that outlines how, by 2030, NATO will leverage digital technologies in all its areas of operations to foster its technological edge in executing its core tasks of deterrence and defence. Guiding NATO’s development in four capability areas – people, process, technology and data – through multiple lines of effort, the strategy pinpoints key deliverables in the implementation of digital transformation.

The strategy highlights four key outcomes for the Alliance:

  • Strength across all domains – maritime, land, air, cyberspace and space.
  • Elevated digital standards to ensure NATO remains future-proof.
  • A more advanced data picture using real-time analytics.
  • Enhanced decision-making supported by more effective data sharing.

The summary of NATO’s Digital Transformation Implementation Strategy is available here.