NATO continues to strengthen 30 years of scientific cooperation with Bulgaria

Source: NATO

On Tuesday (22 October 2024), a team from the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme was in Sofia to further strengthen scientific cooperation with Bulgaria.

Representatives from the SPS Programme and Bulgarian government officials highlighted the value of three decades of cooperation – which began during Bulgaria’s partnership with NATO and has continued in the 20 years since the country joined the Alliance. Through this scientific cooperation, researchers have developed novel materials to absorb sound, modelled pollution risks in the Black Sea, created software to enhance cyber defences, and more. The NATO team highlighted that they will soon launch a new call for proposals, enabling further research and innovation.

The Information day organised by the NATO SPS Programme is one of a number of events to mark Bulgaria’s 20th anniversary as a member of NATO. Scientists at the event were joined by members of the diplomatic community, as well as officials from Bulgaria’s Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Education and Science.