NHRC Extreme Weather Research Features on NPR Podcast

Source: United States Navy (Medical)

SAN DIEGO – Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) was featured in the latest episode of National Public Radio’s (NPR) Marketplace podcast series, “How We Survive,” released on September 11.

The series, which focuses on climate change, featured interviews with command staff on NHRC’s research efforts with warfighter readiness in extreme weather conditions.

Podcast host, Kai Ryssdal, a former Navy pilot, visited NHRC’s Warfighter Performance Lab in April, where he worked with Dr. Doug Jones and his thermal physiology team to understand how the lab conducts physiological and cognitive studies on Marines to optimize their performance and increase their resilience in extreme weather conditions.

“We know that heat stress and cold stress undermine warfighter performance, and therefore their readiness” Jones explained on the podcast episode, “We do research to figure out what can we do about that, how we can prevent it, and if it’s occurring, how can we mitigate it? How can we prepare our warfighters for these types of environments?”

The episode of “How We Survive” featuring NHRC, titled “The Changing Threat,” is the first episode of the series’ sixth season.

NHRC’s mission is to optimize military operational readiness through research on warfighter, veteran and family health. NHRC supports military mission readiness with research and development that delivers solutions to the health and readiness challenges our military population faces on the battlefield, at sea, abroad and at home. NHRC’s team of scientists and researchers consists of active-duty service members, federal civil service employees and contractors, whose expertise includes physiology, microbiology, psychology, epidemiology and biomedical engineering.

Story originally posted on DVIDS: NHRC Extreme Weather Research Features on NPR Podcast