Thompson — Thompson RCMP make arrests in significant drug seizure/Le Détachement de la GRC de Thompson procède à des arrestations dans le cadre d’une importante saisie de drogues

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

On September 17, 2024, at approximately 12:15pm, officers in the Thompson RCMP detachment executed a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act warrant at a residence on Hickory Avenue in Thompson as a result of an extensive investigation.

Upon forced entry into the residence, officers discovered and seized 40 grams of crack/cocaine, drug paraphernalia, a scale, multiple weapons, cell phones, and an undisclosed amount of Canadian currency.

Three individuals inside the home were arrested and taken into custody.

Wendy Saric, 47, and a 33-year-old male, both of Thompson, were charged with Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking.

Robait Modi, 26, of Alberta, is charged with Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, Possession of Property Possession of a Prohibited Weapon or Restricted Weapon.

Modi has been remanded in custody while Saric and the male have been released on an Undertaking.

The investigation continues.