Indonesia: ICITAP Emphasizes Officer Wellness for National Police

Source: United States Attorneys General 13

On September 22, ICITAP participated in the opening ceremony of the first train-the-trainer course for a new and first peer support program within the Indonesian National Police (INP).  Before this course, ICITAP worked with the INP Human Resources Psychology Unit for the past several months, both in person and in online forums, to create a successful peer counseling program.  Prior to and after the opening, ICITAP’s Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché had extensive conversations with INP leadership about the issues INP is seeing in all of their ranks and how we can collaborate to push more officer wellness information to the 450,000+ sworn officers. The INP recognizes the issues they are having with mental wellness within their ranks.  It is also clear they want to try and address these problems with current practiced solutions being utilized in the United States.