FOIA Training Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2016

Source: United States Attorneys General 7

OIP offers a number of FOIA training opportunities throughout the year as a part of our responsibility to encourage agency compliance with the FOIA. For Fiscal Year 2016, the dates and topics for our regularly scheduled training sessions are:

Introduction to the FOIA
April 26, 2016

The FOIA for Attorneys and Access Professionals
November 3-4, 2015
January 26-27, 2016
April 12-13, 2016
July 12-13, 2016

Advanced FOIA Seminar
May 10, 2016

FOIA Litigation Seminar
October 19, 2015

This year, OIP is offering two new courses – a FOIA Processing Workshop and a program entitled Continuing FOIA Education. The FOIA Processing Workshop is a half-day program designed to take attendees through the steps of processing a FOIA request one-on-one in a small class setting. The Continuing FOIA Education course is designed as a program for experienced FOIA professionals with lectures on new or recent developments in FOIA administration as well as an update on recent FOIA court decisions. The dates for these new course offerings are:

FOIA Processing Workshop
February 17, 2016

Continuing FOIA Education
June 1, 2016

All of these seminars will be held in Washington DC, and are open to all federal government employees. Information about registration, general topics covered, and class sizes for each course are available on the Training page of our site. The Training page also includes descriptions of each course, general topics covered, and the intended audience.

In addition to these scheduled training programs, OIP also offers various other training programs and workshops throughout the year such as our Best Practices Workshop series and our refresher training on the preparation of Agency Annual FOIA and Chief FOIA Officer Reports. Details on all of our training opportunities will always be announced here on FOIA Post and through OIP’s Twitter account, @FOIAPost.

To register for any of the training seminars listed above, please email your name to OIP’s Training Staff at In the subject line of your email, please specify the name of the course and the date you wish to attend the training. If registering multiple individuals, please include email addresses for each individual in the registration message. Once you are registered, you will be sent a confirmation email with the location of the training. Any questions regarding these training opportunities may also be directed to OIP’s Training Staff at (202) 514-FOIA (3642).