Source: United States SOUTHERN COMMAND
UP PARK CAMP, KINGSTON, Jamaica – Marines from several detachments of Intelligence Support Battalion joined forces to help kick off Phase II of exercise Tradewinds 2016 by assuming command and control responsibilities and helping support 17 partner nations learn various C2 functions in a classroom environment.
U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Marines from California, Colorado, Illinois and Louisiana took part in the multinational military training event by providing guidance on how command and control contributes to operations and mission planning.
With all of the events taking place during Tradewinds, the service members realize the importance of bridging the gap between planner and operator and fusing information to provide an accurate and effective battlespace picture.
“There is a threat to every nation, everywhere and it is of great benefit that we can work together towards a common goal; a common threat,” said Sgt. Joshua George, intelligence analyst from Chicago. “Joint operations help strengthen any force and create a forum to share new ideas and help resolve issues that any nation may be dealing with.”
It’s not very often that Marines from Intelligence Support Battalion get an opportunity to work in a joint forces environment, let alone travel to Jamaica to share lessons learned to a worldwide audience.
“The experience that myself and these Marines receive will be priceless as we move along our Marine Corps career,“ said Cpl. Jordan Newport, intelligence analyst from Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Sgt. Aaron Belle of Denver, Colorado explained that his participation in Tradewinds was a last minute decision made by his chain of command but it was an opportunity too good to pass up. “It was a chance for me to observe how other militaries conduct operations in the intelligence community,” he says.
Although Tradewinds is an annual event, for these Marines it is a unique challenge that will not come around very often. This will likewise be an experience that they will be able to share with other Marines in their respective units while at the same time keeping vigilant of how the Marine Corps mission fits into the bigger picture.