Yukon — Off-road vehicle safety tips

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

We are lucky to live in this beautiful part of Canada! It is that time of year when folks are getting out in the great outdoors in their off-road vehicles. Did you know that everyone 16 and under must wear a helmet at all times while operating or riding an off-road vehicle anywhere in the territory? They sure do! Also, everyone is required to wear a helmet when travelling on a maintained roadway. When operating an off-road vehicle on, or crossing a maintained roadway, you must have a valid driver’s licence, vehicle registration and vehicle insurance. Police often get complaints about the excessive noise that off-road vehicles make. Please reduce your speed and be considerate of your neighbors if you are operating near homes.

Here are some key tips to operate off-road vehicles safely:

  • Wear a helmet
  • Don’t drive while impaired. This is a criminal offence and a serious safety risk
  • Travel at safe speeds and obey posted speed limits both on roads and on trails
  • Ensure your off-road vehicle is in good working order and carry an emergency kit
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return
  • Carry an outdoor survival kit

For more information including where you can drive your off-road vehicle in the Yukon please visit:

Where can I drive my off-road vehicle? | Government of Yukon