National Missing Children’s Day 2024

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

Children continue to face dangerous threats from online predators, human traffickers, kidnappers, and other criminals who mean harm. 

The FBI’s Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) teams are composed of experienced personnel with a proven track record in crimes against children investigations, especially cases where a child has been abducted by someone other than a family member. Team members provide on-the-ground investigative, technical, and resource assistance to state and local law enforcement. The teams work closely with representatives from the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU), National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime coordinators, and child exploitation task force members.

The FBI’s Child Victim Services program within the Victim Services Division provides support to child victims, the families of child victims, and witnesses of federal crimes. The team is focused on ensuring that any interactions with child victims or witnesses are tailored to the child’s stage of development and minimize any additional trauma to the child. In addition, they connect children and families to other resources to support their health and well-being through difficult times.

National Missing Children’s Day is also a reminder about preparedness should the unthinkable ever happen to your child. You can download the FBI’s Child ID app, which allows you to quickly share key information with authorities if your child is missing. The free app also includes tips on keeping children safe and guidance on what to do during the first crucial hours after a child goes missing. (The FBI does not collect or store the information or photos you enter into the app. The data resides on your mobile device unless you choose to send it to authorities in an emergency.)