Source: United States Air Force
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin, his spouse Gina, and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David Flosi visited Tyndall Air Force Base, April 25, to speak with Airmen and witness firsthand the strides made in response to the imperative Case for Change initiative.
While visiting, Allvin and Flosi voiced a deep appreciation for the hard work and resilience of the Airmen, families and local civic leaders of Team Tyndall, who have truly embraced the “Installation of the Future” performance expectations. Additionally, Mrs. Allvin met with Tyndall AFB spouses while visiting the newly constructed child development center and thrift shop to experience Team Tyndall’s commitment to the families who support Air Force readiness.
“I want to say that coming here to this wing, to this base, to this installation and seeing the Airmen getting after it makes me feel motivated,” Allvin said. “You’re in a special place right now in a very, very consequential time, and I want you to own that.”
Tyndall AFB is currently undergoing a sweeping reconstruction effort aimed at aligning its capabilities with the demands of Great Power Competition. The Department of Defense restructured the 325th Fighter Wing to cultivate and sustain combat-ready, deployable forces in accordance with the Air Force Force Generation model.
“General Allvin and I are here to serve you,” Flosi said. “We are at the exploit phase of our careers, which means we’re going to make every day count toward taking care of you and your families.”
Throughout the trip, Allvin outlined the Case for Change foundational pillars crucial for reoptimizing the Air Force while underscoring Tyndall AFB’s strategic significance.
Allvin and Flosi emphasized the indispensable role played by Tyndall AFB, owed to its strategic positioning and unparalleled access to the Gulf Range Complex, spanning an expansive 180,000 square miles over the Gulf of Mexico. Overall, Tyndall AFB provides a crucial training area for maintaining mission readiness, air-to-air training exercises, advanced weapons testing and projection to become the Air Force’s newest operational fighter wing with three F-35A Lightning II squadrons.
The visit also coincided with the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Readiness Challenge X; a capstone event designed to stress-test the readiness of Air Force civil engineers to execute critical operations in a contested environment. During the challenge, Allvin had the opportunity to utilize the Recovery of Airbase Denied by Ordnance, or RADBO, system, an 18-ton vehicle equipped with a three-kilowatt Zeus III laser used to detonate explosives such as bombs, grenades and improvised munitions on airfields in a deployed or austere locations.
“As I was watching this Readiness Challenge, I couldn’t have been more fired up,” Allvin said. “Those teams are competing for the things that we need to do with the mindset of deploying as wings [in potential austere locations]— generating combat power, disaggregating to different bases for survival or re-aggregating for effect. These scheme of maneuvers the Air Force is going to do is what you are doing here with the Readiness Challenge. What we need to do now is make sure we do that across the Air Force and change the way that we present forces in the deployable combat wings and train together as a team.”
The visit gave a comprehensive glimpse into Tyndall AFB’s multifaceted missions and evolving capabilities. It also served as an example of how modernized infrastructure effectively meets present and future mission demands, echoing the DoD’s call for military modernization.
“It’s been great being here at Tyndall. It reminds me of why I get up every day,” Allvin said. “As I look at the Airmen in this wing, it really provides context to what we say [about optimizing for Great Power Competition]. When I try to visualize what we want a fully deployable combat to look like, feel like, even shaped like, you can definitely see the 325th Fighter Wing is well postured for that.”