Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)
Pitcock eventually hired Black at his car lot, first with odd jobs and later sales, where he flourished. Pitcock invited him to his church in Bethany, First Church of the Nazarene, where Black would later share a testimonial about his life, his time in prison, and his spiritual awakening there. That’s where Pitcock’s friend and fellow congregant Rick Raines heard Black’s story. The tale’s contours sounded unbelievably familiar to Raines, a now-retired special agent who had worked on Gray’s investigation more than two decades ago.
“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, you’ve got to be kidding,’” said Raines. “The next time I was at church I came up behind him and said, ‘Thaddeus, you’re not going to believe this. I was on the surveillance team that followed you around for months in Guthrie. Can you believe that?’”
“It was such a blessing behind it, though,” said Black. “I just knew that my life today was not like my life yesterday.”
Raines and Black became friends in and out of church. The retired agent later nominated Black—who had earned a pastor’s license—to become an ordained minister in his church. Two other special agents on Raines’ surveillance team attended Black’s ordination ceremony.
Today, Pastor Black leads Tulakes Neighborhood Ministries, which includes the church, a food pantry, and a free clinic. A bus with a basketball hoop attached is often seen at its community events.
Two years ago, when Raines learned that Edward Gray would return to Oklahoma City as special agent in charge, he saw a full-circle moment at hand. He contacted Gray to let him know Black was now a pillar of the community just a few miles from where he’d been arrested long ago.
“I was like, ‘Can you believe this? This is amazing,’” Raines said. “Then Ed was like, ‘We need to get Thaddeus hooked up with our community outreach program so we can do some things together.’”
Last August, FBI Oklahoma City’s Community Outreach Program was invited to set up a booth at the Tulakes Bash, a community event sponsored by Black’s ministry. SAC Gray said Pastor Black provides a valuable connection to the community.