Northlands Denesuline First Nation, Manitoba — Update 2 – Manitoba RCMP look to the public for help with double homicide/Yatı godhé 2 holı̨ – Manitoba RCMP dene hodoreké sı nadene dene łeghąldé hobası́

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RCMP Manitoba Major Crime Services investigators are now in the community of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan to speak to witnesses there in relation to the murders of Brent Denechezhe and Leona Tssessaze.

“Our time in Northlands Denesuline First Nation and the information that has been coming to us after we put out the pleas for help has resulted in us travelling to Prince Albert,” said lead investigator Constable David Giroux. “We keep following the investigation where it leads. We will not give up on finding answers about the deaths of these two young people who had their whole lives ahead of them.”

The RCMP continues to ask for people to come forward if they have any information. Please call the tip line at 431-489-8112 if you know anything related to this investigation.


RCMP Manitoba hots’ı̨ Ɂası Nedhé dué nodher nadanetá Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ts’ęn dene hodorełker sı ɂı̨łą hutó yeɂı̨h honı̨dhęn ɂa ɂedırı nadene Brent Denechezhe chu Leona Tssessaze banełt’u łeghąldher bası́.

“Ku t’oho ɂeją Northlands Denesuline Haralɂa dene hodorı́lker hots’ı̨ yatı nuheghą nı̨dher ɂa Prince Albert nıdeł dene hozelker ha,” ɂedırı t’ą ttheré betł’esı nanóta Constable David Giroux hadı hú. “Ɂeyı ɂa t’ok’e losı dene t’aradı gharé nadaneta ts’e ghıdeł bek’etł’a nıdeł ha. Hotıe degharé beląghe ts’ęn hok’enaıdé hoɂą ɂedırı dene łeghąldé hobası banełt’u dene godhe hęhęlı̨ nı̨ hel ɂałų tha daghena ghonı̨ nı̨ ɂá.”

RCMP ɂałų dene hodoreké sı ɂedırı ghą ɂası k’odorelyą dé. Ɂeją nanı̨le ts’ęn dųłtsı la 431-489-8112 yatı betł’anı̨ɂá horı̨lɂı̨h de ɂedırı benanóta hobası́.

On March 20, 2024, RCMP Major Crime Services investigators participated in a smudge ceremony at the site of the double homicide that occurred on September 9, 2021. After the smudge, investigators began a search at the site.

“While we recognize that a significant amount of time has passed and that the remains of the home have been removed from the site, we know there is evidence to be recovered that will assist with our investigation into the murder of Brent Denechezhe and Leona Tssessaze,” said lead investigator Constable David Giroux. “The smudge allowed us to connect with the community, remember Leona and Brent, and really get prepared for the task at hand, and we thank the community for including us in the ceremony.”

The search is expected to last for two days, and officers continue to speak to people in the community.

The RCMP is still looking for information in relation to these homicides. Specifically, investigators want to speak to anyone who has knowledge of anyone leaving the community right after the murders and has not returned. In addition, police would like to speak to anyone who saw someone leaving Brent’s house between 4:30-5:30 am on September 9, 2021 – the day Brent and Leona were killed.

“We also have received information that people are sharing a photograph on Snapchat of Leona, which was taken shortly before her death,” said Constable Giroux. “We know this photo exists, but we have not seen it. We would really like to see that photo and speak to anyone who has any information related to it.”

Police continue to ask people to come forward with any information. Officers continue to progress the investigation, but need the community’s help to get answers for Brent and Leona’s families.

If you have any information, please call the dedicated RCMP tip line at 431-489-8112, or speak to an officer in the community.


March 20, 2024 k’e, RCMP hots’ı̨ Ɂası Nedhé nodher nadaneta dene nałtsı dene t’ok’e ɂedırı nodher nı̨sı naré dene hel tł’ogh tsęnę darı̨łk’ąn nı̨ ku ɂeyı t’a dene łeghąldé ɂedırı September 9, 2021 k’e. ku ɂeyı tł’ogh tsęnę t’orı̨dher tł’ąghe hu t’ok’e nodher nı̨sı k’eyaghe nadanéta hıjá nadłı̨ nı̨.

“Ku ɂedırı nodher nı̨ tł’ąghe tha hudher kulı ɂeyer t’a nodher naré ɂası ghųlı̨ ghonı̨ ɂa ɂałų nadanı́ta nadłı̨ ɂeyer kųn k’e ghı̨le nı̨ naré, ku ɂeyer ɂałų ɂası hųlı̨ danı́dhęn ɂa bet’a ɂedırı beląghe nı́deł ghonı̨ ɂası hulɂą t’a ɂedırı Brent Denechezhe chu Leona Tssessaze t’ok’e łeghąldé nare,” t’a betł’esı ɂası nadanóta Constable David Giroux hadı hú. “T’a dene hel tł’ogh tsęnę dılk’ąn bet’a dene ɂeyer naradé sı bel ɂası k’enaıde ha nezų hıja, banełt’u Leona chu Brent benahónı̨ ha, ɂeyı hel yet’a hotıe serája t’a hołe ha, ɂeyı chu marsı danı́dhęn ɂedırı nuhehel nodher há.”

Nake dzı̨ne hots’ęn nadanótá ha honı̨dhęn, ɂeyer honaré huk’e dene hodorelker ha ɂeją.

Ku ɂałų RCMP ɂedırı hobası yatı hodorelɂı̨h sı dene łeghąldé hobası. Ɂedırı ghą hotıe yatı hodorelɂı̨h, t’ą losı ɂedırı t’a nodher ghą yatı k’orelyą de hel ɂeyer dene naradé hots’ı̨ ɂı̨łą huto ɂeyer ch’ası heya hu ɂałų nı̨já hılé. Ku ɂeyı hel, denenałtsı dene ɂı̨łą Brent nı̨ bekuę ch’ası ttheheshá t’anodher honaré k’ąmbı̨ dąné 4:30-5:30 am September 9, 2021 k’é – t’a dzı̨ne k’e Brent chu Leona banełt’u łeghąldher.

“Ku ɂeyı hel yatı nuheghą nı̨łtth’er ɂedırı Leona nı̨ Snapchat k’e bets’ı̨ denı̨tł’ıs boret’ı̨ łęghąldhı́ ts’ęn tth’ú,” Constable Giroux hadı hú. “Ɂedırı denı̨tł’ıs thetą k’odorılyą, kulı ɂałų ghıt’ı̨le sı. Ɂeyı ghıt’ı̨ hodorılɂı̨h chu t’ą ɂeyı ghą ɂası k’orelyą de bel yaıłtı hodorılɂı̨h sı.”

Denenałtsı dene t’ą losı ɂedırı ghą ɂası k’odorelyą de yel dayałtı hodorelɂı̨h sı. Denenałtsı dene ɂałų nadanetá sı, kulı ɂedırı ghą bek’oją de bel kohodı horelɂı̨h sı Brent chu Leona belot’ı̨ne beba.

Ku beghą yatı nets’ı̨ de, ɂeją RCMP ts’ęn dųłtsı la nanı̨lé 431-489-8112, huto t’ok’e naı̨dher denenałtsı dene beł yanełtı tth’ı neba hoɂąsı́.

RCMP Major Crime Services is renewing calls for information into a double homicide in Northland Denesuline First Nation. On September 9, 2021, first responders attended to a house fire in Northland Denesuline First Nation. Upon examination of the scene, investigators discovered the remains of Brent Denechezhe, 31, and Leona Tssessaze, 24. Tragically, two lives were lost, two families shattered, and a community left reeling and searching for answers.

Within days of the fire, RCMP Major Crime Services investigators were engaged and it was determined the deaths were the result of a homicide. An intense investigation ensued, and investigators continue to work on putting all the pieces together.

“We’re bringing attention to this tragic event and renewing calls for information. We believe there are people out there who have valuable information about these murders. We are encouraging the public to call the tip line set up to receive information in relation to the murder of Brent and Leona,” said lead investigator Constable David Giroux. “No detail is insignificant. If you have anything to share, please call our tip line at 431-489-8112. Your contribution could be the key to finding answers for the families and community.”

Investigators are once again present in the community and will continue to look for answers for Brent and Leona’s families.


RCMP Major Dene ɂesólya nadaneta hots’ı̨ dene nuhereké sı bets’unı̨ ha nadene dene łeghąldé ha Northlands Dalu tue naré. September 9 hulta, 2021 k’e, dene nakoghodı́ dene yeh dek’an ghą nı̨déł Northland Denesuline haralɂá. Ku t’a tthe honet’ı̨ hu, dene nadaneta hú ɂedırı Brent Denechezhe, 31 beghaıye, chu Leona Tssessaze, 24 beghaıye buhulɂą nı̨. Bąnełt’u, besdoholı̨ nı̨, nah ts’ęn dene kuę naté ɂedırı bet’a, chu horelyų ɂeyer honare dene ba due nųłtth’er chu t’anodher sı Kanata dųhų.

Ɂeyer tł’̨aghe hu, RCMP Dene ɂesólya nadaneta hadanı̨dhı̨ hú ɂedırı dene łeghąldé honı̨dhęn. Ku hotıe degharé nanóta hu ɂeyı dene degharé yek’enaı̨dé t’anodher sı k’eyaghe nadanetá, ɂası łą dek’elya t’anodher hots’ı̨.

“ku t’ąt’e ɂa dųhų beghą yatı hıłtsı ɂedırı horı̨cha nodher chu dene yeghą ɂası k’olyą de norıké sı dųhų. Nuhnı hadanı́dhęn hu t’anodher sı dene yeghą ɂası k’odorelyą ɂedırı dene łeghąldé beghą. Ku dene yeghą ɂası k’orelyą de ɂeją ts’ęn náyǫ́łtı t’a k’orı̨lyą sı bası ɂedırı Brent chu Leona łeghąldé beghą,” t’ą ɂedırı naneta Dene nałtsı dene David Giroux hadı. “Beghą ɂası k’orı̨lya de bet’oreɂa sı. Ku ɂı̨ła kulı ɂası k’orı̨lyą de, ɂeją ts’ęn dųłtsı nanı̨le 431-489-8112 kudąne. Ɂedırı ghą ɂası k’orı̨lya t’a ɂedırı t’anodher sı sehenųt’a ghonı̨.”

T’ą ɂedırı nadaneta k’ı ɂeją nathedel nadłı̨ chu ɂedırı Brent chu Leona belot’ı̨ne ha sehenųt’a ha t’anodher nı̨ ghą.

Denı̨tł’ıs ɂeją thela sı.