Source: United States Department of Justice
Note: Read the Department of Justice FY2024 Budget Fact Sheets here.
The President today submitted to Congress his Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025, which requests a total of $37.8 billion in discretionary resources, an increase of $467 million over an FY 2024 Annualized Continuing Resolution, and a total of $10.5 billion in mandatory funding for the Justice Department.
“The dedicated men and women of the Justice Department work every day to uphold the rule of law, keep our country safe, and protect civil rights,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Securing these resources is critical to advancing that mission in service of the American people.”
Key investments to keep our country safe include:
Over $20.6 billion to expand the capacity of the Department’s law enforcement and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to combat a wide range of complex and evolving threats. This includes $11.3 billion for the FBI and $2.8 billion for U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to carry out their complex missions, including keeping our country safe from violent crime, cybercrime, hate crimes, terrorism, espionage, and the proliferation and potential use of weapons of mass destruction. The budget also includes:
$2.7 billion for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to continue the fight against dangerous drug trafficking gangs and cartels and to prevent the flow of deadly drugs into our communities.
$1.9 billion for the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) to assist local law enforcement in apprehending violent fugitives from our neighborhoods and to protect our nation’s judges and courts.
$2 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to reduce gun violence and violent crime.
Investments of $1.6 billion in discretionary funding and $3.5 billion in mandatory funding to combat violent crime and reduce gun violence in the United States. This includes the new Violent Crime Reduction and Prevention Fund (VCRPF) and mandatory funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. The VCRPF, over five years, will hire new federal law enforcement agents, prosecutors, and forensic specialist to combat fentanyl, as well as apprehend dangerous fugitives and aims to drive down the high rate of unsolved violent crimes and the lengthy delays that undermine public trust and public safety.
$2.2 billion in mandatory funding, and $370 million in discretionary funding, for a total of almost $2.6 billion for the COPS Hiring Program to provide resources to meet the administration’s goal of 100,000 new police officers in America’s neighborhoods, through the President’s Safer America Plan.
$884 million for a new mandatory Gun Crime Prevention Strategic Fund totaling $4.4 billion over five years in funding to provide states and localities with comprehensive resources to invest in law enforcement and crime prevention.
$247.1 million in funding annually for five years for the new mandatory-funded VCRPF dedicated to providing resources to states, localities, and Tribal communities to help prevent and respond to violent crime. This funding supports 4,700 detectives at the state and local level over five years through COPS funding, as well as the USMS’ Operation North Star, DEA’s Operation Overdrive, additional prosecutors for U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, and expansion of ATF’s and FBI’s staffing efforts to bolster violent crime reduction.
$7.7 billion for programs to protect national security, enhance cybersecurity, and combat cybercrime to counter terrorism and keep pace with rising national security threats, while protecting civil rights and civil liberties.
$4.7 billion to support state and local law enforcement and community violence prevention and intervention programs to make neighborhoods safer.
$483 million for COPS, which includes funding for law enforcement to boost community policing, the STOP School Violence Program to provides resources to prevent school violence, and active shooter training to prepare officials to respond to shooting incidents.
$856.5 million for the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), which includes funding to support state, local, and Tribal public safety and community justice activities to reduce violent crime.
$1.1 billion to protect the most vulnerable by combating child exploitation, combating gender-based discrimination and harassment, and protecting victims of violence and abuse. Funding is provided for several new programs within the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), including $20 million the Access to Sexual Assault Nurse Exams, $10 million for the Special Initiative to Address the Intersection of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons and Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Human Trafficking, and $3 million for the National Service Line for Incarcerated Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
Key investments to support the Department’s mission of protecting civil rights includes include $737.6 million in funding that supports:
$641 million for the OJP to provide resources, leadership, and solutions to advance community safety, build community trust, and provide grants, including a $5 million increase for the Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer NO HATE Act grant program. Funding includes $300 million for the Accelerating Justice System Reform initiative to enhance public safety while reducing disparities in the criminal and juvenile justice systems and $5 million for the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) to enhance the collection and reporting of DCRA data.
$94 million to support the Department’s Body Worn Camera Initiative.
Key investments to support the Department’s mission to uphold the Rule of Law include $119.1 million in funding that supports:
$38.1 million to protect democratic institutions, including:
$28.1 million for the USMS’ Supreme Court of the U.S. Protective Services, which includes personnel and equipment for protective services and details.
$10 million for grants under the Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act to help prevent the disclosure of personal information of Federal judges and their family members.
$12.5 million for Justice Information Sharing Technology. This includes $10 million to support for the new National Law Enforcement Accountability Database that helps law enforcement agencies make more informed hiring decisions, thereby enhancing both accountability and public safety. In addition, $2.5 million is requested to support the Department’s effort to capitalize on the extraordinary capabilities of artificial intelligence in a responsible and secure manner.
The Department’s overall request for FY 2025 reflects the limits imposed by the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2023.