FBI Columbia Accepting Fall 2024 Citizens Academy Nominations

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Crime News (b)

LEXINGTON, SC—Nominations are now being accepted for the upcoming FBI Citizens Academy class at the FBI Columbia Field Office this fall. Classes will be held on Thursdays, beginning Sept. 5 – Oct. 24.

The mission of the FBI Citizens Academy is to foster a greater understanding of the role of federal law enforcement in the community through frank discussion and education.

More information about Citizens Academy can be found on the Community Outreach section of our website at: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/columbia/community-outreach. The nomination form can be accessed directly by clicking on the following hyperlink: https://forms.fbi.gov/fbi-citizens-academy-nomination-form-columbia/view. Those applying for the academy for themselves or those nominating others must complete the form and submit it according to the guidelines by July 1.

Individuals chosen through the selection process will be notified by email. There is no cost to attend the academy.

Questions can be directed to the Community Outreach team by email at Columbia_Outreach@fbi.gov.