ASB Chief welcomes national roll out of new hotspot policing plans

Source: United Kingdom National Police Chiefs Council

Forces are to receive at least £1 million each to ramp up patrols to tackle violence and disorder in ‘hotspot’ areas. 

Deputy Chief Constable Andy Prophet, National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Anti-Social Behaviour, said:

“Tackling violence on our streets and ASB in our communities are top priorities for policing because they can have such a corrosive impact on people’s lives and wider society. 

“Residents often tell us they want to see more uniformed officers out in their local area and this additional funding will not only help forces to enhance their current activity, but it will enable them to target their resources to hotspot areas, where criminal activity is most concentrated and areas most at risk of harm. 

“I welcome any measure which helps to reduce reports of ASB, violence and disorder and show our communities just how seriously we take these issues.”