London — Ontario RCMP marks year of support for Special Olympians

Source: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RCMP O Division is committed to making Canada the best country in the world. Part of that is keeping Canadians safe and secure, but another part is through being involved in our community.

Serving our communities comes in many forms, for O Division one of these forms is our support for the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) charity that supports Special Olympics.

In 2023, nearly $8000 was raised by O Division employees volunteering their time and efforts to support our Special Olympians.

Some of the charity activities for LETR in 2023 included:

February 2023 – London HQ Hotdog Day

  • Employees of London HQ purchased a hotdog lunch in support of LETR for Special Olympics

March 2023 – Polar Plunge

  • Employees of O Division were “Freezin for a Reason” to raise funds by jumping into the cold water at Fanshawe College

May 2023 – Cops and Cowboys

  • Uniformed members served food with Special Olympic Athletes at the Lone Star Grill to collect funds for the LETR

June 2023 – Special Olympics Lunch & Learn

  • Special Olympian Chris Innes made an appearance at HQ to present his Gold Medal award from the 2023 Special Olympic World Games in Germany

July 2023 – Canada Day Torch Run

  • RCMP employees joined our municipal and provincial law enforcement partners in the Torch Run to raise awareness for the LETR for Special Olympics

September 2023 – Helicopter Golf Ball Drop

  • Employees sold tickets around local golf courses to raise money for the LETR. On the day of the event, golf balls were dropped from a helicopter onto the green, and the ball closest to the pin won the grand prize.

November 2023 – Costco Toonie Toll

  • Employees once again joined our law enforcement partners and Special Olympic Athletes to collect donations at Costco

RCMP O Division was pleased to sponsor 3 Special Olympics Athletes for the 2023 Guardian Games in Orillia. “It has been so fulfilling,” stated RCMP Chief Superintendent Jamie Zettler, “to do this to promote our Special Olympics athletes. To see them take on the challenges that life has given them, and not only succeed but excel, is such a thrill. We could not be prouder of these amazing individuals.”

“We are very grateful to all the O Division employees who spared time to participate in these great community works.” Zettler added. “Serving our communities is an activity that we strongly support in our organization.”

RCMP O Division will continue the support for our communities through charity work. We look forward to next year’s activities and achievements.